Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega, Vol 8
Discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, During the early 1980’s it was planned to publish the “Yoga: The Alpha and the Omega” volumes as “Yoga: The Science of the Soul”. Only the first three volumes were actually published, the title stayed as “Alpha and Omega” for the other seven volumes.
Talks given from 11/04/76 am to 20/04/76 am English Discourse series
1 Secrets of death and karma2 And a perfect liar at that3 Witnessing the inner astronomy4 Your balloon is missing5 The meeting os sun and moon6 You can't corner a madman7 Beyond the error of experiencing8 A second laugh -- for the first!9 Loosening the cause of bondage10 Nowhere to go