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25 February 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Anand means bliss and sagaresh means god of the ocean – the full name will mean god of the ocean of bliss.

You have to become one! Consciousness is almost an ocean – there is no limitation to it. The body is limited, the mind is limited, but the consciousness that resides behind the body and behind the mind is almost oceanic. It is infinity, unboundedness, but we never look at it – we go on looking through the body; then there is limitation. We look through the mind; then there is limitation.

Once we recognise that we are not the body, not the mind, all limitation disappears. And when you come to a state of unlimitation, then only is there bliss – never before it. How can a man be blissful while he is limited?

Bliss is possible only when all limitations disappear, and these are the two limitations – the body and the mind.

So think of yourself less and less as the body – you are in the body but you are not the body. Respect the body, love the body, care for the body, but don’t get identified with it. It is just the house you are living in, and you have lived in many such houses – this is not the first house! You have changed many houses. You have been travelling from one species to another.

And so is the case with the mind! Look at the mind, watch the mind, use the mind, but never become identified. Think of it as an instrument – it is a computer, tremendously beautiful, very useful – but don’t think that you are the mind, otherwise you will be in misery.

Just think of a man who lived in this house and starts thinking that he is the house – he will be in misery. One day the house catches fire, he will think that he is dying. The man who lives in the

house but remembers that he is not the houseEven if the house is burned he will not feel that

he is dying; another house can be found. Maybe there will be a little trouble, but no misery – a little inconvenience but no misery. And so is the case with the mind.

You have had many mindsminds have been changing continuously. Even in one life you will have

many minds. One day one mind, another day another mind, and they go on changing but you remain unchanging.

You are the eternal element behind all this change – remember it.remember it more and more.

And that will bring the first glimpses of bliss. Then by and by those glimpses become permanent.

That’s the meaning bf your name. That is a diagram for a new life-style to be developed – use it as a diagram.

[The new sannyasin said that in one of his books, Dostoyevsky had justified the desire of a young student to kill an old woman, by saying that the old woman was useless to the society while the student was young and full of hope – his studies could help society.]

Dostoyevsky was insane !

[The sannyasin answers: He was an epileptic, like me.]

Mm.he was insane and these were all his nightmares. Of course, he had great capacity to write,

but whatsoever he has written are all nightmares. He was a genius but he was not in a healthy state of mind.

For example: everything can be rationalised and justified. You can kill an old woman and you can say, ‘What is the use of an old woman?’ But you can kill a young man also, because sooner or later the young man will become old. And if old people don’t have any use, then how can the young person have any use? – because each young man is bound to become old.

So why waste so much time when one day he becomes old? Kill him right now! Why allow a child to live? Kill him then and there, because one day he will die. He will be living seventy years – wasting, occupying a space. Why allow him to live? Kill him!

Dostoyevsky himself was very much in a rage, anger, and deeply pathological. These are pathological things, because a really healthy person will say, ‘Life has no use – whether one is young or old.’

What use does a young man have? You say ‘hopeful’. What use does hope itself have?

You say he will be able to do many things, but for what? If you don’t do, nothing is being lost. In fact what use does the whole humanity have? On the moon there is nobody – what is wrong? What is the moon missing?

The very idea of use is nonsense. Life is purposeless – it is enjoyment.

The old woman is enjoying herself as much as the young man is enjoying himself. Nobody is entitled to kill anybody. Nobody is entitled to kill anybody! You are entitled to live on your own, but who are you to decide who is useful and who is useless?

In the east we have thought that old people are more useful. That seems more logical because they have lived more, they have understood more, they have experienced more, they have loved more. Naturally they are more valuable... they are more seasoned!

A young man is just a fool! By the time he becomes old he may start understanding a little – so why not kill the young and save the old? I’m not saying, ‘Kill the young’ – I’m simply saying that nobody is entitled to kill anybody. Destruction should not be justified. But out of pathological minds such ideas arise – murder, suicide – and then one tries to rationalise them.

Because of Dostoyevsky and such people Russia became a murderous country. Almost ten million people were killed by Stalin – the same justification: that they were useless. Rich people – what is their use? The bourgeois, landlords – what is their use? Kill them! But for whom are you killing, and what use have the others got? lust because they are poor they are more useful? In fact life has no use – poor or rich, it doesn’t matter.

The very idea of usefulness is stupid. Life is a flower, a luxury; it has no utility. One simply loves to be alive, that’s all! Young and old, rich and poor, man and woman, healthy and ill – all love to be alive! So life has an intrinsic value, it is not a commodity. A car has use, a house has use, a man has no use at all.

Money has use but love has no use at all. The higher a thing is, the more beyond use.

I cannot support such things – they are just stupid mechanisations, nightmares, deliberations, of a mad mind. Certainly dostoyevsky is one of the greatest authors. As far as the capacity to create art is concerned he is rare, but he is pathological too. He is a madman writing beautiful books. One should understand that; one should always remember that.

For example, Van Gogh went mad and still painted. His paintings are tremendously beautiful, but one should not forget the fact that while he was painting he was mad. So something of the pathological is in the paintings also.

If you watch his paintings too long you will feel dizzy. If you read Dostoyevsky too much you will start having some pathology of Dostoyevsky in you, because things reverberate. He is a powerful man... but neurotic.

A healthy person is one who will protect life – that is part of health. That’s why all healthy people will be life alternative. Adolf hitler is mad because he is life-denying, destructive. Albert Schweitzer is healthy because he says there should be a reverence for life.

Buddha is healthy, Jesus is healthy – these are the people who have a real wholeness, a real heart in them and an understanding.

So never justify any destruction. Justify creation and be creative. But it happens – if something is going wrong inside, one’s reason becomes distorted. And he was in much pain, suffering much.

Do a few groups and then we will see, mm? Good!

Deva means divine, sameer means breeze – divine breeze. And life is like that – it is a continuous movement, a constant change. Nothing is permanent except change. And one should not cling – you cannot cling to a breeze.

One should not cling. Out of clinging comes all misery, because the very nature of life is to change – and we cling. Life cannot remain the same, it has to change. Just because we want to cling it cannot remain the same – it is not possible; it is not its nature. It changes, then we suffer because we wanted it to remain the same. We ask the impossible, hence the suffering.

So think of life as a breeze... everything like a breeze – love, fame, respect, youth, energy; everything is a breeze. Never cling to it. While it is there, enjoy it. While the wind is blowing, dance; when it is gone, don’t repent and don’t think about it. Don’t look back – it will come again.

Once a person starts not clinging, there is no misery in life.

Buddha used to say to his disciples, ‘I teach only two things. I teach suffering, and the way out of it.’ This is his whole teaching: how suffering arises – it arises out of clinging – and the way out of it is not to cling.

Let things happen and don’t cling. When they come, welcome. When they go, say good-bye. If one can retain this awareness, there is no problem in life. Then life is a beauty, a tremendous experience, with no pain – not at all. Otherwise life is hell – but you create the hell because you cling.

This word ‘cling’ has to be remembered deeply. Never cling to anything. Keep your fist open – don’t close it.…

Deva means divine, godly, divineness, udita means rising – rising divineness. It is just as the sun rises.…

It is just on the horizon – that’s why you are feeling so much burning inside. A light is going to be born to you. It will be a little painful – whenever something new is born it is painful – but be happy, feel blessed! Your energy is rising, mm? and soon something is going to happen. It is just by the corner, not very far away. If you don’t panic, if you don’t get scared, it will happen.

Remember only one thing: it is not inevitable. If you cooperate, only then will it happen. If you don’t cooperate you will miss it, although it is very close by. It is within reach. If you spread your hand you will find it, but if you don’t you may go far away, you may miss it.

And this is always so: on the inner path nothing is inevitable – everything is only possible... sometimes less, sometimes more. Right now the possibility is very close – that’s why you are throbbing... throbbing with the unknown, pulsating with the unknown, and very scared deep down about what is going to happen. So drop that fear.

That is the meaning of sannyas: now you need not fear – now I am with you! I will function as a protection if something goes wrong, I will function as a help if you are moving in the right direction. So drop every fear – you are not alone!



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