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24 February 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Prem means love and mariam is the hebrew name of Jesus’ mother, Mary. It means rebellion – love rebellion. And in the old languages – particularly hebrew, sanskrit, arabic – each name is very symbolic. It is not just coincidence that jesus is born out of a woman whose name is ‘rebellion’. Jesus can be born only out of rebellion, he cannot be born out of tradition.

And rebellion is always virgin because it has no past. It is so pure, so fresh, so new; it is not polluted by the past. Tradition is always a whore – it has been used by so many people. Rebellion is virgin, tradition is a whore. And the child jesus can be born only out of rebellion... so mariam is a beautiful name.

The english form ‘mary’ is not so beautiful – it has lost contact with its original. There is another woman, Miriam, in the old testament, who is Moses’ sister – that too is very symbolic. Moses is the lawgiver and the sister’s name is ‘rebellion’.

Wherever there is too much law, rebellion will be born; rebellion is a sister to law. If you force too much order then disorder will come out. Moses is the lawgiver and through law, revolution always comes in.

The word ‘rebellion’ has to be understood because that is the state of mind that a religious man has to evolve into. Revolution is political, social, economical. Rebellion is individual, spiritual, of the inner; revolution is of the outer.

When you change outer institutions it is revolution: the government is changed, the law is changed, the ruling class is thrown out and somebody else comes to rule... the ruled becomes the ruler and the ruler becomes the ruled. But these are all outer things. As far as the inner being of man is concerned, it remains untouched – it remains the same.

There is not a bit of difference between a capitalist and a communist. Their outer institutions are different but their inner mind is the same.

Rebellion means an inner revolution, a radical change in your inner consciousness, a one hundred- and-eighty-degree change... a total turn. You start looking at life in a different way – so altogether different, so diametrically opposite, that everything that was, is no more – something new has come in.

First rebellion creates a chaos, because everything that was established is thrown out of establishment – and then out of that chaos arises a spontaneity, an inner discipline.

Rebellion is a religious word, and a person who really wants to be born into higher consciousness – that means a person who wants to give birth to a christ-child – has to pass through great rebellion.

Anand means bliss, and neeren literally means the water element, but metaphorically it means the element that gives you a flowing quality. The quality of the water is flow, and the quality of bliss is the same. When you are flowing you are blissful; when you become stagnant you become miserable. Stagnancy is misery, so whenever you feel there is some misery, remember – somewhere you are stuck.

Misery is just indicative – a warning to start moving again. The ocean is there but the ocean is unmoving; it is simply there. Then there are tanks, pools: they are also there; they don’t move. So in fact only the river has the real quality of water. It is movement, it is process.

Heraclitus has said, ‘You cannot step in the same river twice.’ Life should also be a river-like movement. You should never be the same for two moments, then great bliss will happen. When you are the same you become old and rotten – death enters in.

Life is movement. The greater the movement, the more aliveness. That is all implied in the word ‘neeren’.

Prem means love, anumoda means delight, happiness, joy, mm? So just become joyful – nothing else is needed; no other prayer, no other religion is needed. If man can be happy, god is available. When you are happy you are open. When you are happy you are no more tethered to the ego – you are flying high in the sky. And only on those heights does the meeting happen, the meeting with the divine.

In misery man crawls on the earth – he remains an adam. The word ‘adam’ is beautiful: it means the earth, the mud, the dust, because god made adam out of dust.

Once you start becoming delighted, you soar high. The dust is left behind – then you are purified. Adam was made by two things: the body was made of the dust and then god breathed into him; that breath is the spirit. That’s why we say ‘inspiration’, ‘expiration’ – it comes from the word ‘spirit’.

So when you are happy, suddenly you are no more attached to the body, you are only attached to the spirit. When you are unhappy you forget the spirit, you become the body. In joy there is a sort of bodilessness – one does not feel that one is a body.

So let this be the path: love and delight.

Prem means love, anupassa means language – language of love. And that is the language that god understands... the only language that god understands. God understands no other language – no english, no german, no hindi, no chinese... not even french! Only one language: the language of love.

So evolve more and more the language of love and you will come closer and closer to god. If you can love

F deeply. nothing else is needed – if you cannot love, nothing else can help. So keep love as the key word and start being loving from this very moment.

One can learn it so easily that it seems simply ridiculous why people are not loving. It costs nothing to be loving and it gives you such tremendous bliss. You don’t have to pay anything for it and the whole existence and all its blessings become available.

So make it a climate that surrounds you. Even while walking on the road amidst strangers, feel deep love for everybody: for the poor, for the rich, for0nown, for the unknown – don’t make any distinctions – for the trees, for the rocks. Just try more and more to be in the state of love.

In the beginning one has to remember again and again because one tends to forget, but by and by it becomes natural, and when it becomes natural you are really initiated into sannyas.

So this is the first initiation – the formal. The day love becomes simple, natural, will be the real initiation, the second.

[A visitor said, in answer to bhagwan’s query, that her work was using art as therapy]

Very good... that’s beautiful. Art is therapy and can become a great therapeutic method. In fact it has always been a suspicion that all great artists have some pathology. They are a little abnormal, and because of that abnormality they are driven to paint, to sing, to dance. When they paint they are relieved, when they dance they are relieved, when they sing they are relieved.

Down the centuries artists have always felt that to create is nothing within their control; something big-ger than them possesses them. Unless they do it they cannot rest in peace – they have to do it; it drives them mad! Once they have done it, they can relax; at least for a few days they can relax.

So from the other side it can be used as therapy. All people who have some type of tension in their mind can relieve that tension through creativity.

And if pathology can be turned into creativity, that is a great blessing. Then the person is not condemned – nobody thinks about him as a patient or ill or mentally ill. Even to classify somebody as mentally ill is dangerous because the very idea may get deeper into the unconscious – he may become auto-hypnotised by the very idea that he is mentally ill.

In fact to call somebody mentally ill is insulting, derogatory, and the person feels humiliated. How are you going to help a person whom you humiliate? Just to go to the psychiatrist one feels a little embarrassed.

We have to find better ways, healthy waysSo if a person is in some way in some difficulty, I don’t

call him mentally ill; I only say that he is in some difficulty.

And he himself may not be the source of difficulty. The source may be the family. the source may be the societythe source may be the whole human history. So he is not responsible but he is in

some difficulty.

If we can find a way, a creative way, to help him come out of it, nothing can be better. Art has to be used more and more as therapy – that’s good work.

[A sannyasin asks: I’d like to ask you why I resist my sexuality in being a woman so much. I just can’t let go.

Osho checks her energy.]

Nothing to be worried about, mm? Just two, three things you have to work out. One is: breathe as deeply as possible, as many times as possible in the day – whenever you remember. Start by exhaling – first exhale deeply, mm? so the whole air is thrown out; then inhale deeply.

[Osho said that he felt she had lost contact with her sex centre in childhood.

Because parents are afraid of sex, children’s breathing becomes inhibited and shallow so the sex- centre is no longer massaged internally as it is with deep breathing.

In lovemaking one has to breathe deeply and chaotically – only then will orgasm happen.

Osho suggested that whenever she could during the day she should breathe deeply – first exhaling, then inhaling.]

Sometimes it can happen that by deep breathing one can almost achieve to orgasm – that’s how the yogis transcended sex.

In fact they never transcended sex – they created a new sort of orgasm, the yogic orgasm. Then the biological orgasm was not needed. The yogic orgasm was far superior and a non-wastage of energy – it never wasted any energy. lust by breathing it can be attained very easily. So the first thing is breathing, mm?

The second thing is: before you take your baths – at least take two baths, one in the morning, one in the evening – for five minutes deep breathing, then for five minutes rub the whole body with a dry towel. Make it hot and then sit under a cold shower or lie down in a cold bathtub. First make the body hot and then cool it.

Start these two things and report after three weeks. It will go – nothing to worry about?

[The enlightenment intensive group is present. One member said he had a realisation of who he was. He asked about something Osho said in discourse – that a realisation will stay, but some effort was needed.]

Nothing to be worried about. It is going to last – don’t be worried about it. And take it very easily... take it very normally. It’s difficult when something opens up; one becomes too much thrilled by it. The thrill will not last, so you have to see the distinction. The thrill cannot last – the thrill is because of the new. But the experience will last. So don’t get too much attached to the thrill of it, otherwise you will think that it has gone.

In fact when the thrill has gone, then you will really be able to know what has happened, because the thrill creates such a feverish state – one is so excited, one cannot see clearly.

Something has opened and whatsoever has opened will remain open, but the thrill will go! The thrill has to go – the thrill is because of the new.

You fall in love with a woman – the thrill is there; the thrill will go, love can last. Love has nothing to do with the thrill. In fact if love goes with the thrill, then there was no love – it was only thrill.

When the thrill has gone, all excitement has disappeared, then for the first time you find a very cool love, very silent – more like affection than like passion. That lasts and that is the real thing.

That which lasts is real; that which comes and goes is not of much use.

But when for the first time something opens, the thrill is natural. Don’t be worried about it; just enjoy it! It is going to become part of you – even california cannot take it away.

But don’t be thinking in those terms – that is not needed at all – otherwise just by your thinking you may get too worked up. You may become so afraid and that very fear may be a destructive phenomenon.

Simply do the groups, enjoy, and each group will deepen it. Pay more and more attention to the sufi dancing. That will be very helpful, that will soothe the excitement.

[A sannyasin returning from the west says: It was inspiring to see... how the overall consciousness is evolving – call it ‘new age’, call it ‘aquarian age’. There’s some hope that we’re not going to self-destruct in the near future... It’s great to be back the energy’s tremendous.]

Very good. Man is coming to a very unique point from where a quantum leap will be possible. The human consciousness has not changed for many centuries – it has remained the same. Some individuals, few and far between, have evolved: a buddha, a christ, a krishna, a zarathustra, but they are exceptions; they are not the rule.

Very rarely has a human being taken the quantum leap – jumped beyond humanity, surpassed humanity – but they have paved the way. By and by, slowly... the work has been hard, the work has been slow. For at least ten thousand years, many pathfinders have been trying to create a possibility for a breakthrough – not for individuals but as a human consciousness as such, so that the whole humanity can have a quantum leap.

The moment is coming closer, because for the first time, particularly in the west, the society has come to such a state where it is feasible, it is practical. Other-wise in the east people have lived in such starvation – how to think about consciousness?

People have been so poor that the very idea of consciousness seems to be very far away – a fiction, luxurious, aristocratic. Maybe a few rich people can talk about it, can sit and argue about it, but the greater mass cannot even understand the word; it has no connection with them.

For that quantum leap a certain affluence was needed, and it has happened in america. That affluence has happened and society has created a stage where poverty is no more the rule and people can afford to think of higher things.

People can become starry-eyed, can become lotus-eaters, can close their eyes and gaze upon their navels. The possibility has come and the frustration also.…

The society has evolved materially. The more material affluence has come, the more spiritual poverty has become clear in contrast. So, on one hand richness – on another hand an inner poverty. It hurts! When you are poor outside and inside too, it doesn’t hurt – because the contrast is missing; you cannot compare. Poverty just seems to be the fate.

But when one becomes rich outside, then the idea arises, ‘Why can I not become rich in the inside too? Why not? If society can come to such a rich, beautiful status, why can consciousness not come to the same?’ Hence the great exploration.

The new generation is throbbing, and the momentum Will grow more and more. By the end of this century a great door is going to open. It is not absolutely certain that man may not miss it – man may miss it. It is just an opportunity, a possibility, but it has never been greater than it is today.

The coming twenty years are going to be of constantly accelerating momentum. They will drive many people crazy because no one will be able to live comfortably because a great longing will arise in every soul. It will be almost like fire – it will burn people.

Many will go astray. Just trying to find out some way, many will find wrong ways, will follow wrong people – that’s natural. When people start exploring they explore in all directions. They will explore in all directions. They will explore in meditation, they will explore in drugs too – because one never knows from where the door is going to open.

Many will go crazy, because when people live in a normal way and no great desire hangs over them, nothing can drive them crazy – but when a great desire arises, it is maddening.

Very few will be able to long for it that deeply and yet remain sane – it will be a turmoil, such a chaos. But the days are going to be very thrilling. It is going to happen more and more every day – more and more people will be coming to recognise that something remains unfulfilled and has to be fulfilled

They will seek all sorts of methods and possibilities and all sorts of gurus and pseudo-gurus will be there. But that is natural – it cannot be prevented. And even those pseudo gurus help, because sooner or later you get fed-up with them and you start looking for the real. So even the pseudo has some function, some purpose to But america is going to be the focal point of that quantum leap. Right... your observation is right – prepare yourself for it!

[An ashram therapist asks for guidelines on how to run his group.]

No, you just do it – I will be there!...

I will function from your inside. Just start and do it, mm? – then it will be far deeper. If I give you some guidelines you will have to follow those guidelines; your own spontaneity will be curtailed and you will have some pattern to follow.

And in fact, creativity never follows any pattern – it comes out of chaos.

Unless a person is ready to be chaotic, he cannot be creative. That’s why many people cannot be creative – because they cannot gather courage to allow chaos in their being. They go on controlling themselves, their very control makes them uncreative.

Creativity needs guts, even enough to go to the extent of madness – only then is one creative; That’s why all the great artists, poets, painters, almost all, have suffered madness. They crossed the boundary some day – they could not control... they forgot. They went into the unknown and it was difficult to come back.

So if you have a guideline to work from, things will happen but they will have very limited significance. Simply do it and let it happen moment to moment.

I will be there. Whenever you feel any difficulty, just close your eyes, take the locket in your hand, remember me, and immediately you will have an insight to work on.

And much is going to happen in that group – you simply do it!



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