Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1
The Book of the Secrets: A New Commentary, The original series of 80 discourses were simply called “Vigyan Bhairav Tantra”. For publication as books they were divided up into 5 volumes, called the “The Book of the Secrets Volume 1 - 5” (16 discourses each).The books were later published as “Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volumes 1 and 2”,(40 discourses each). The two volumes also came with a deck of 112 cards to represent the various meditations.
Talks given from 01/10/72 pm to 01/03/73 pm English Discourse series
1 The World of Tantra2 The Path of Yoga and the Path of Tantra3 Breath -- a bridge to the universe4 The deceptions of the mind5 Five techniques of attentiveness6 Devices to transcend dreaming7 Techniques to put you at ease8 Total acceptance and non-division9 Techniques for centering10 Fulfillment through becoming centered11 Techniques to penetrate the inner centers12 Beyond mind to the source13 Entering the inner centering14 Changing the direction of energy15 Toward the untouched inner reality16 Beyond the sin of unconsciousness17 Several stop techniques18 Remaining with the facts19 A Technique for the intellectual and a technique for the feeling type20 Ordinary love and the love of a buddha21 Three looking techniques22 The third eye and psychic eye power23 Several more looking methods24 Doubt or faith, life or death; the bases of different paths25 From words to pure sounds to being26 Tantra: an acceptance of the peaks and the valleys27 Soundlessness, soundfulness and total awareness28 Meditation: an unburdening of repressions29 Sound methods for the dropping of mind30 Surrendering to a master31 From sound to inner silence32 The path of surrender33 The spirituality of the tantric sex act34 "Cosmic orgasm" through Tantra35 Turning inward toward the real36 From maya (illusion) to reality37 Techniques to witness the flux-like film of life38 Toward the authentic being39 From the wave to the cosmic ocean40 Sudden Enlightenment and its obstacles