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24 May 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[Osho speaks about the name Deva Abhinandan. It means welcome to god, and that’s all sannyas is – a welcome to god. We can’t go to go, we can’t search for him, because we don’t know where he is. All we can do is to be ready to receive him, to invite him. Prayer is an invitation, a letter to the unknown to say that one is available.]
[Osho speaks about the name Deva Ojas: divine vital energy. First people were taught that they are not the body but the spirit, now the emphasis is that we are the body. In fact, Osho says, there is nothing like the body. It is just the convergence of many energies, something that is not static but is flowing, river-like. If you think of yourself as energy you keep flowing and don’t get stuck in the past.
Ojas is not just energy but vital energy – energy that revitalises itself, which is an eternal phenomenon, that has no beginning and no end.]
[The new sannyasin says he was in a monastery for eight years. He felt the catholic church was too confining, and was asked to leave the monastery.]
Now I have made you a catholic... a real catholic! To be a catholic has nothing to do with catholicism.
Catholicism is too narrow; one cannot be a catholic in it. In fact to be a christian is too narrow; one cannot be a christian in it. If one really wants to be a christian one has to drop christianity.
Christ is not a christian – cannot be. And nobody who is a little alert about life can be a Christian or a Hindu or a Buddhist, no! They are narrow, too narrow; they destroy.
We need the whole sky – it is ours! There is no need to have any china wall around us; no dogma and no scripture and no theology should hinder one; only then can one be.
But it is good that you got out of it. It was a self-imposed imprisonment. But there are people who cannot face the vastness of life so they choose some narrow hole, they disappear into it; they cannot gather courage enough to face the whole of life as it is. These are the escapists, cowards.
A real man has to face the whole of life and a real man has to remain unpredictable, a real man has to live moment to moment. A real man trusts god so much that there is no need to trust anything else – no need to trust the bible, no need to trust the pope, no need to trust anything else. God is enough. There is no need to have any mediators.
The priest is in the service of the devil, he is not in the service of god. Anything that makes the mind narrow kills religion.
[A visitor says he want to know Osho. He lives with sannyasins in the West.]
Then become a sannyasin if you really want to know me – otherwise it will be difficult. [The visitor says he has doubts... he wants to know himself.]
He doubts? Then it will be difficult to know me... because doubt leads nowhere. Doubt leads into more doubt, one doubt creates another doubt. Trust leads into more trust. If you start with doubt, it will be difficult.
... If you want to know me then I am saying to take sannyas. If you don’t want to know me then there is no problem – you can simply be as you are.…
Then don’t say that you want to know me, just say that you want to know yourself – that will be far better.
Then it is a totally different question. But the remedy is the same: become a sannyasin! I have only one medicine – whatsoever the disease is – so don’t feel relieved!
[A sannyasin is leaving to be with her father who is sick, and to see her children.]
Just go and be with your father, mm? Just share your energy with him, share me with him! Be with your children.…
Four to six weeks will do and then you come back...
I am giving you a smaller period so you have to be really loving to them. The longer the period, the more intensity is lost. Be really intense in your love while you are there. And always remember: length is not important; depth is important.
Many times it happens that because we have enough time, or we think we have enough time, we don’t love. If you suddenly come to know that tomorrow you are going to die, then you will know
what love is. Then you will love me with a totally different intensity. So just go there – your father needs you; be with him. And if you can help him to be a little meditative that will be very good.
Be loving to your children, and come back. Your work is here. There is no need to go into practice. And next time you come, become part of the ashram.
With this idea go, and then whatsoever happens is good, mm? But this idea should be there.
[The tantra group is present. One participant says she feels dead and not in touch with her sexual energy at all.
Osho checks her energy.]
It has nothing to do with your sexual energy; it has something to do with your throat, but they are connected.
The first place from where a child starts is oral, from the mouth. Life first starts with the mouth, and somehow in your childhood that has been repressed – either the mother never gave you enough breast or something else but your oral centre has not started functioning well.
The oral centre is joined with the anal centre, but the problem is not there at the sex centre. The problem is somewhere in the mouth. So start doing a few things – they will help and the energy will start flowing, mm?
One thing is, purchase a pacifier and start sucking it. In the night, particularly when you are going to sleep, just lie down, curl up like a small child, mm? Feel as if you are very very small, take the nipple in your mouth and start sucking it... and enjoy it!
Do this for five, seven minutes in the night and then go to sleep, fall asleep. Even if it remains in your mouth, leave it there and fall asleep. That will release something that is tight there. Once it is released, your sex centre will respond. It is on the other end, but they function together. That’s why kissing is such a sexual thing, so erotic.
You will be surprised to know that kissing is more erotic in a society where breast-feeding is less. In america or any country where breast-feeding is less, kissing is very very erotic. In primitive societies where a child goes on and on at the breast for years unless he himself drops it, kissing disappears.
There are tribes who have never kissed in their whole history. When they came to know that western people kiss so much, they simply laughed at the whole nonsense of it. They could not believe it – why? for what? The whole thing looks so horrible to them, so ugly and dirty – putting your lips on somebody else’s lips.…
Because their children are so much breast-fed – you will find a seven-year, eight-year, even a nine- year-old child sucking from the mother – those societies don’t have any hang-ups with the mouth. Another thing: those societies are not interested in the breast at all. Otherwise, all societies have certain hang-ups in the mouth and all societies are interested in the breast. Men continuously think of breasts; painters paint, thinkers think, novelists write, and film makers, photographers, sculptors – everybody is interested in the breast.
There was a german painter here – he is my sannyasin: he only paints breasts and nothing else, and he is one of the most important painters in Germany... but he paints nothing else!
But this is how things are! So start this, mm?
The second thing: in the morning, the moment you feel that you are awake, lying down on the bed start making faces.
Can you make faces? Try, right now. Really go into it, forget everybody, mm ? Let it happen... anything that comes to your mind, do it.
It is very elementary, but it will come by and by... and join the mime group, mm? mime will be very helpful. Your whole problem is in the mouth.
When you are back home start singing, shouting, making any sound. Let the mouth be used as much as you can.
Within ten days you will see that here the mouth is relaxed and there the sex centre goes on relaxing and energy is flowing.
[Another group member says she discovered that she is not as neurotic and sexually mixed up as she thought she was. She discovered that she had lots of sexual energy]
Yes, everybody has – just ideasideas. Sexuality is your very life. One day one goes beyond it but
that going beyond is not anti-sexual: the whole energy is transformed into a higher form. Then it is good, otherwise it is just repression.
We go on repressing, and we repress so much that we even become unaware of it. Then the mind starts thinking that something is wrong.
Very good! The group has been meaningful to you.
Now don’t start repressing it again – enjoy it! Life should be a festival and one should be as festive as possible. Then one comes closer to god. Happier people are closer to god, and naturally, happier people are those who enjoy their life in every way.
It looks very difficult to understand, but sexual people are closer to god, sensuous people are closer to god, because they are more alive and they enjoy life so much that they feel a certain gratitude. They feel that life is a gift. Repressed people cannot feel life as a gift, hence they cannot feel any gratitude towards god.
That’s why the prayers of people who go on repressing themselves are false: their heart is not in it, cannot be. Your heart can only be in it when you have enjoyed your life to the full. Then you suddenly feel what a gift life is. So much has been given and you have not even asked for it! Then one simply bows down to the unknown in great gratitude and thanksgiving.
So don’t start repressing it again. Be sexual, be sensual, be alive, and one day through this being alive you will come to a higher quality of life when sexuality, sensuality, all disappear, merge, into
ecstasy, into love, into compassion. But that is not repression – that is a transformation... and you don’t miss sexuality because now you have a higher thing.
[The sannyasin says: Since I’ve been in the hypnotherapy the more I’ve relaxed and just enjoyed, the more I’ve been aware of a constriction across my chest and on my face.]
That will go – that comes in the beginning to everybody. Mm, because the whole body does not relax simultaneously, that’s why. The chest is one of the most tense places, so the other parts relax and the chest does not relax. It takes a longer time to relax.
The whole body relaxes and suddenly in contrast you feel that the chest is very much constricted. It is not. In deep hypnotherapy it will disappear – nothing to be worried about. The whole body does not relax as a total unit. Some parts are very much repressed, some parts are not so repressed. Those parts which are not so repressed can be easily relaxed.
For example, the hand can easily relax but not the chest, because the chest contains all the emotions and they have been repressed. The hand contains very few emotions: it contains a little repressed anger; that is the only problem. If you are repressing anger then the hand will not relax, because in anger you want to hit, and if you don’t hit the hand becomes repressed, the energy is constricted there. If you are easily angry and you can get into anger, the hand will relax.
Legs relax very easily – no problem at all. Different parts relax in a different way, because we don’t exist as a total being, we are fragmented. The head takes the longest time: even when your chest has relaxed, the head will go on buzzing.But nothing to be worried about, mm? It will happen.
[[A sannyasin says she likes each group while she is doing it, but whenever it is over she falls back into her habit of being closed. Osho tells her not to be identified with this old habit. It is only a habit, a pattern, not her.
Whenever she feels closed she should exhale deeply eight times and feel that she is throwing out her closedness. Things like running, jogging, dancing and singing will help too]
Each group is working well.…
Now you have to be more alert, now you have to be more responsible about yourself, you have to be more caring about yourself. When an insight comes and you see something, something opens, then keep alert not to lose that insight. It can be lost very easily. It is difficult to get it, easy to lose it, because the whole past is against it. You are creating a new future. The future is fragile, the future is very very small, delicate, and the past is very heavy like a rock – it can destroy the future.
But it is up to you. Don’t allow it!
[A sannyasin asked about trying to make love grow inside her. Osho tells her that love is like a plant: you can’t make it grow. You can water it, care for it, provide the right climate, the right setting for it, but if you pull and bully the leaves into growing longer or faster, you’ll kill the plant.
Share your love, enjoy that sharing with no thought of return and you will already have received your reward.]
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