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21 May 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

A sannyasin is going back to the West and would like to run a group on the lines of the tao group that happens here. She isn’t sure though whether she is ready or able to lead groups. Osho says that her energy is ready – it just needs to flow a little bit more. He is saying that several things are needed to help people]

One thing is: you should not be too much burdened with your own problems. That is happening – you are not burdened too much with your own problems. They are there, they have not disappeared, but you have become alert about them and a distance has arisen; you can look at them.

The second thing: to help people you need to be in a very deep flow of energy, otherwise people’s problems, their anxieties, their tensions, will start entering in your being. If you are not flowing towards them, they will start flowing towards you, and that tires a leader very much.that kills the


So it is not just accidental that in the West psychotherapists go mad more than any other professional people, because they treat mad people and they themselves are not ready. So rather than flowing towards the patient, the patient starts flowing towards them.

You should not be in a lower energy than the people you are helping. You should be on a higher point from where things can flow towards them but nothing can flow from them towards you.

So you are just a little higher, not enough yet – you have to go higher a little more – otherwise rather than helping, you will get into trouble. It will be very tiring and very puzzling, and you will get stuck many times, you will not know what to do. So for this I will give you one meditation – start doing it.

The third thing that is needed in the therapist, which is a must, is impersonal love – not towards anybody in particular, just a loving quality. It is not the therapy that helps; it is love that helps. That you have, and it can grow more. In fact, women can become better therapists than men.

In a future world therapy will become absolutely feminine. Right now just the opposite is the case: the therapists are ninety-nine percent men and the patients are ninety-nine percent women! Now it is just topsy-turvy: ninety-nine percent of therapists should be women and ninety-nine percent of patients should be men... because man needs more love – he lacks many things which a woman can give.

So this is the method which you can start; start it from tonight, mm? You have a box with you?...

Good. So keep the box under the pillow and lie down on the bed. You can have one pillow underneath your feet to make it more comfortable; you can have a small pillow just underneath your back so you are perfectly at ease. Mm? – feeling at ease is very essential, the body should be in perfect rest. Then close your eyes and start relaxing, just have the feeling that you are relaxing – nothing special, just the feel that you are relaxing.

Just go on repeating ‘I am relaxing, relaxing, relaxing...’ and make the word ‘relaxing’, longer and longer and longer: r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g, r-e-l-a-x-i-n-g’.

Make it as long as possible, and very silently repeat inside, ‘relaxing’. You can do it in [your own language], mm? that will go deeper.…

And always remember, whenever you are suggesting anything yourself, suggest it in your mother tongue. Never suggest anything with any other tongue that is not your mother tongue because it never goes deep. All other languages we learn later on, so they are superficial. Always suggest in the same language in which you dream – then it will go deep. And we almost always dream in our mother tongues. That is our deepest core, our first language; our first language remains our deepest language.

So for just two minutes feel that you are relaxing, suggest to yourself that you are relaxing the body. Then start feeling one thing.…

From inside move to your feet – from the inside. Close your eyes and start moving inside your body from the belly to the feet. Go to the feet and feel where the feet are, then start feeling that the feet are growing, becoming bigger, longer – two inches longer.

When you feel now they are two inches longer, stop for one minute, then bring them back again to their normal size, then again two inches, then again back to their normal size – do that three times.

After three times, leave the feet two inches long, and now move towards the head and feel that the head is growing two inches longer. Do it three times, and then leave the head also... so now you are four inches longer.

This is only for the beginning – after two, three weeks, start growing longer: four inches, six inches, twelve inches. Two feet is the perfect height – two feet from one end, two feet from another end, that means four feet. When you have come to four feet and you can almost visualise that it has happened, then the meditation will start working.

With that extra height of four feet you can do miracles. Then you can imagine anything and that will happen. Once this has happened – this is a basic requirement – once you have learned this, then

everything can happen. Then in a single jump you can say ‘I am bigger than the house’ – and you will be bigger than the house! Only up to four feet does the mind resist. Beyond four feet the mind relaxes, the mind says ‘Now you are mad. Go to whatsoever height you want!’ Four feet or forty feet, then it makes no difference. Up to four feet it goes on resisting, ‘This is nonsense – what are you doing?’

Mm? The mind goes slowly, slowly – it is very stubborn up to four feet. Once the four feet boundary has been touched, the mind says ‘It’s okay – now you are incurable, you can do whatsoever you want. You can feel bigger than the house, you can feel bigger than the earth, you can feel that you are filling the whole sky!’ Always fall asleep filling the whole sky. And in the morning you will feel more love for the whole existence than you have ever dreamt. You will feel more love than you ever felt for your beloved – even for an ordinary tree you will be full of love. You will be almost in a romantic love with an ordinary pebble.

But this method will take at least ten minutes, mm? And then for ten minutes you remain as big as the whole sky, and then fall asleep in that state.

Continue this and start the tao group.

Whenever you feel stuck just close your eyes and feel that you are filling the whole room and that all these people are inside you. Immediately you will be able to help them, because then you become a mother and they are all in your womb. Then suddenly, intuitively, you know what their problem is, where their problem is.

That is the right way to become a therapist – to become a mother, to feel people inside you. Then there is no problem at all. You can simply see where their problem is and then you can find a solution. This will be intuitive, and tao is an intuitive group – it is not intellectual. Perfectly good!

[A sannyasin says her father is an alcoholic. She wrote to him after she did the Encounter group some months ago, telling him all the kinds of things she had never managed to say before. She says that perhaps he’ll be even more closed than before]

No! Just remember a few things: if you are not closed you help the other person also to be open. We respond to each other unconsciously: an open person helps you to be open – his openness becomes infectious; a closed person helps you to be closed. That’s why you will feel a different quality with different people.

Sometimes suddenly you feel closed with somebody, suddenly, for no reason at all – doors are simply closed, windows shut. Sometimes with somebody, for no reason at all you feel an opening, that you are flowing.

If you are open, he will be open.And alcoholics are almost always good people – I have a certain

tender heart for them – they are good people; I have a soft corner for them. They are not bad people; they are victims. They were too good and they could not tolerate this bad reality so they drowned themselves in alcohol. They were visionaries: they wanted a better reality, a better world, and seeing that it was impossible they started destroying themselves, withdrawing themselves, but they are basically good people.

If you simply start touching their basic reality you will be surprised. If you can help him open you will not find a better man than your father!

I don’t know your father, but I have looked into you and I know you, and something within you tells me that he must be a good man. You come from him, almost half of your energy is from him. A tree is judged by its fruits, and the only way for me to think about your father is to look into you.

Don’t be worried at all. Just go openly, just be authentic. At the beginning, for two, three days, he will try to remain closed, but don’t be defeated by him. Be patient, trust, and go on being open – don’t close!

If you close then it is difficult. If you can remain open for one week, he will become open. That is a certainty; it never fails! He will try hard because he is afraid of showing his softness – that’s why he has become an alcoholic. He wants to avoid, he wants to remain in himself.

Alcohol is like a China wall: you close yourself in. When you close yourself in nothing bothers you, mm? that’s a protection. So he has withdrawn himself, because if he opens himself, it hurts. Life has not been a blessing to him, he has suffered, and now he has become afraid of being vulnerable.

Help him come out – you can help him now. Something of meditation has entered in you; you can help him now. This is your work to be done. This is something that you as a child owe to him. If you cannot do this much then what else can you do?

So don’t listen to his closedness – you continue being open. Dance around him, hold his hand, hug him. Sitting by his side, meditate, sing a song, play some instrument. Let him feel your energy in as many ways as possible. Even if he is asleep, just sit there. And one thing that will be of great help to you is to rub him upwards on the third eye centre. Just tell him to lie down on the bed and say to him that you would like to do a little massage that you have learned. Just put your palm on his third eye the hollow of the palm should be on the third eye – and then rub upwards, very slowly, very softly, very lovingly, mm?

This should be the feeling inside you – that you are trying to open a window in him. The third eye is the the window, and this rubbing will help.

So first, for two, three minutes, rub upwards.

If you see that he is feeling relaxed... and you will be able to see: his face will relax, his facial muscles will relax, his body will relax... if you feel he is feeling relaxed, then that is good – continue for three, four minutes more, but never more than seven minutes, and don’t be too hard, mm?

If you feel after three minutes that it has not affected his energy, then start rubbing in a clockwise direction – this way (Osho demonstrates on his own forehead) just go round and round.

Mm? there are two types of people. A few people’s third eye opens by rubbing upwards and a few people’s third eye opens by rubbing downwards. More people open with the upward movement, mm? so first try that for three minutes. If you feel that nothing is happening, that he is not enjoying it, then start rubbing round in a clockwise direction.

And just be loving! Take a few tapes, tell him to listen to the talks, take a few books and just put them by his side. And I am going to work, mm? Keep this with you (passing her a box), and whenever you need me – and you will need me many times – just put it on your heart and remember me.

Whenever you start becoming closed just put it on your heart – it will open you. If you can remain open for seven days your father is going to open... and I will work! Good!

[A sannyasin begins to sway around in circles in front of Osho, so Osho gives him an ‘energy darshan’. He has difficulty to explain his question: It’s like it’s pieces of black and white.]

Mm... mm mm. Good! They will fall together soon, they will become one gestalt. They are very symbolic, the black and white is a very symbolic phenomenon. The whole life is divided into black and white – life and death, summer and winter, love and hate. But soon they will melt, and melt into each other. Then you will not see black and you will not see white – you will see grey. And when everything becomes grey inside you, it brings great tranquility... but they will fall!

This energy movement is perfectly good to help them to be fused together, so whenever you feel like sitting alone you can go into it – it will always be helpful.

Whenever you feel a little tension or anything, just close your eyes and go into this movement. This will settle your energy and it will be a great help for your integration.

It is good that you have become aware of the polarity of black and white. It is good that you have become aware that they are separate. Yes, they are still separate; soon they will come closer. Anything that brings your body and mind close will bring them close... anything!

For example, this movement of the energy is good – it brings body and mind together. Dancing is good, running is very good. If you start running it will be helpful. Running will be a great help. Dancing is very good, mm ? Things are going well.

[The sannyasin said he wanted to express all this energy; he tried to work but got fed up and left.]

No, right now it will not be possible – later on it will be possible. Right now you will have to do something very active like dancing, running, swimming.

Right now it will not be of much use – you will not be able to do much. Mm? – you can start painting but within two days you will be finished with it. You are not in that state right now.

Right now, anything very childish will be very helpful. It is just a beginning of energy – it is child’s energy.

So running is good, jumping, jogging is good, shouting is good, swimming is good, dancing is very good.You start doing these things.

[A sannyasin said she always gets sick and feverish when she does the meditations. Osho checks her energy.]

Nothing to be worried about, mm? In fact you don’t have anything to throw out, that’s why it is happening. You need not do those cathartic meditations any more; the need for them is finished. When you don’t have anything to throw out, then nausea comes – if you have something to throw out, you feel good. When there is nothing to throw out and an effort is being made to throw out, it creates nausea.

So nothing to be worried about – start doing silent meditation. Now you are ready for it: you can just sit silently, that will do. Close your eyes, sit silently. If thoughts come, just watch them; no need to fight with them. They come, they go on their own accord – you just be a watcher, indifferent.

You don’t need any cathartic, active meditation anymore. That’s why sometimes it can bring nausea, sometimes it can bring fever. It is almost as if the illness is not there and you go on taking a medicine, then the medicine can be harmful.

And meditation is medicinal. If the need is there it is very helpful; if the need is not there, then sometimes it can be very harmful. It is a powerful thing, mm? it is not homeopathy; it is allopathy. It brings all your poisons out, but if there are no poisons it will start bringing something which should not be brought out, so just drop active meditations.

Sit silently, look at the sky, look at the birds, trees, the river. Lie down and look at the sky and feel one with the sky. Make more and more of these silent approaches towards reality.

And things are perfectly good, mm? Very good!

[A sannyasin says she has just heard that her father has cancer, and that he has not yet been told that he may not have long to live.

Osho says that the father should be told of his imminent death. The idea that one is going to die can change one so dramatically that in fact one’s life is prolonged, because death is also part of our mind.]

Psychologists have come to feel – and medical people feel the same too – that man lives up to seventy years not because there is some boundary to his life, but because for thousands of years it has been said that man’s life consists of seventy years – this is an auto-hypnosis: three score and ten, the biblical idea.

From the days of the bible it has been repeated that man lives three score and ten; seventy years is the law. So by the time one is fifty, one starts thinking that death is coming close. By the time one is sixty one feels ‘Now I am just on the verge’; by the time one is seventy, one is ready.

This is a repetition of an idea. Continuously repeated for thousands of years it has become a great force – it is an auto-hypnosis – and man dies.

The modern research shows that there is no need for man to die at seventy, in fact there is no limit to his life. He can live one hundred and fifty years or two hundred years or even more once this auto-hypnosis is broken.

So it is better to tell him the truth: that may break his pattern of life, may change his style of life. I have heard about one man who was going to die; the doctors gave him a limit of six months. He was a very rich man but a very miserly one – he had never lived. He was always thinking to make love to this . woman, to purchase that car, but he would never do it, he would continue in his old ford. And he was really a miser – about each single pai he would think a thousand and one times. But now six months hence he was going to die, so he thought ‘What am I to do ?’

He ordered all the beautiful clothes he could order – all custom-made, he purchased all the beautiful cars that were available – not one, but all – and he started falling in love with any woman he could find. He’d always wanted to have a world trip so he went on a world trip. He took everything that he wanted to and he started enjoying himself.

He forgot about life because after six months he was going to die... and he had enough money. After six months when he came back from his world tour, his cancer had disappeared, and the doctors were puzzled.

They said ‘No trace of cancer! What happened? What did you do?’

He said ‘I have not done anything – it is you! During these six months I have lived for the first time!’ That living for the first time destroyed his stress – he relaxed. He went to the himalayas, he went to switzerland, he visited all beautiful places. Now there was no point in denying himself. He indulged like anything – death was coming. Maybe it would come in six months; if he indulged too much it might come in three months, so what? Let it come, but let him have his day!

He uncoiled – his energies started flowing, his blocks disappeared.…

Go after one month, and first write to your sister to give you all the details. Then go and persuade the doctors to release the news to him, mm ? This is not fair at all.

A man needs to be informed. This is such a big thing in his life, it should not be kept secret. His death is his death – he has to know about it. But after one month... and there is no hurry, mm?



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