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13 May 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Deva means divine, urja means energy – divine energy... and start thinking about yourself more in terms of energy than in terms of body. Matter is just an appearance: it appears solid because we cannot see deeply into it, otherwise it is also liquid. Matter itself is not material; it is tremendous energy revolving with tremendous speed.
And that is the first step towards god – to drop the idea of solidity, to drop the idea of being a body. That is the first step, and there are only two steps: first, one has to drop the idea of being material, bodily, physical, and one has to start thinking in terms of energy, process, river-like process, becoming. And the second step is to think of this energy as conscious energy – not unconscious, luminous with consciousness.
So on the one hand the idea of matter has to be dropped, on the other hand the energy has to be made conscious. It is conscious energy – you are conscious! In fact the whole existence is conscious in different ways, in different dimensions, on different planes. Even the tree is conscious on a different plane; so too are animals conscious on different planes.
Man is more intensely conscious than any other being on the earth, hence the responsibility of man. Man can fall because he is conscious – too conscious; he can rise also because he is conscious. Now consciousness is a double-edged sword: it can lead you into deep misery, it can lead you into infinite joy. So start by dropping the idea of being a material being; start thinking in terms of energy. And the moment you start thinking in terms of energy you start changing, because basically it is thought that transforms. You become that which you think you are: as a man thinketh, so he becomes.
And then the second step is that energy is not just energy, dead energy, but is fully alert, alive, with soul in it – it is soul energy. That is the full meaning of your name – divine energy – and these two things have to be remembered. They are going to help you in many ways.…
[A sannyasin said he wanted to work more, with his music and by himself. He goes to the West to arrange the technical side.]
You can go! The idea is good, mm? The idea is good. One should be able to be creative alone too, and when you are creative alone, then it is good to be with people and share it.
If you cannot do something beautiful while you are alone, your sharing is just bogus. You don’t have anything to share; it is just an empty gesture. Before sharing you have to have it, and that having happens only when you are alone.
If you want to say something significant, go into silence. The first thing to create something which will be significant is to go into silence. Be alone, be alone with your aloneness, enjoy the company of your own being and become as silent as possible. If you are not silent, you are still not alone. If you are talking in your fantasy with your friends, you are not alone. If you are still thinking of others and the society and the club and this and that, you are not alone.
Total aloneness is when there is not even a thought, and out of that silence, something significant can be possible; then you can communicate. Silence in itself is not the goal – silence is the source; communication is the goal. And it is exactly the same about everything.
If you want to share music with people, first go into yourself and create music for yourself, for your own joy, with no idea of anybody else – then the music will be pure. Otherwise when you are with people it cannot be pure: you have to think of others, you have to adjust, you have to be careful about the work that they are doing.
When you are working with people a few adjustments have to be made, that’s natural – and those adjustments can be very very crippling. So first start alone. When you have got the knack of it, when you have it, then you can make all sorts of adjustments and it will not die. You will be able to know that it is still alive. You can make a little adjustment here and there and you can be with people and still share without compromising.
The idea is perfectly good... you can go, mm?
[A sannyasin says that he is leaving – for an ashram in South India. He adds that he thinks it might be good for him to be there for a while]
That I don’t know. That is your trip – if you want to go anywhere, you can go, mm? It can be good, it can be harmful – both possibilities are open.because I don’t know where you are going, to whom
you are going. It must be something traditional...
So it cannot be helpful and it cannot be good. Tradition is the poison. My whole effort is to bring you out of the nonsense of the past, and you go on falling into the trap again and again. But if you want to fall in the trap, you are completely free: you can go. But I don’t see the point of why you are going.
Mm? why does the idea come?
The idea can be for many reasons. One reason can be that whatsoever I am saying to you, you are finding difficult to swallow. Mm? that may be one of the reasons: you want something that
you can swallow easily. But anything that you can swallow easily is not going to transform you. Transformation is a death process – you have to die. It is hard, it is difficult, it is arduous. And I’m not giving you any consolation whatsoever.
You may be seeking some consolation somewhere, somebody to pat you and say that you are perfectly good, that there is no need to do anything. Or maybe you are just greedy so you want to have as many experiences as possible. You will become confused because you are not yet integrated; you are very liquid.
It is better for a few days, a few months, to become more consolidated and then you can go anywhere – there is no problem. You are very soft yet – anybody can destroy you; whatsoever has happened can be undone very easily. You are very fragile; you need protection.
I am never against anything – if you want, that is your desire – but I cannot say it will be good. I can say only that it may be good, it may not be good. You can go and see, mm? But my suggestion is that it is better to go to the Himalayas, be in a silent place, meditate there; that will be more enriching. Rather than going to some foolish traditional things, go to the himalayas. If you want to go to the south, you can go to the south – the south has beautiful places – but don’t become a victim of something already dead.
When you become attached to something dead, you start becoming dead. Be in contact with something alive... something that has a future, not something that has a past. You can find a thousand and one ashrams in India; they have been a calamity to this country. They have destroyed people’s freedom, people’s intelligence. They have poisoned people’s lives, they have destroyed all joy. If you want to become somebody sad and serious, you can go – any ashram will do. Mm? – there is no need to go that far: you can find a place anywhere.
Being here with me is a totally different experience. It has nothing to do with traditional religion, it has nothing to do with any church, it has nothing to do with Hinduism, Christianity, Mohammedanism. It has something to do with you and your possibility, it has something to do with human consciousness. And the work is almost scientific.…
I’m not trying to create a belief in you – I’m trying to take all the beliefs away so your eyes become clear and you can see what is the case. But your freedom is intact – you can go anywhere you like.
My suggestion is: go to the himalayas. If you want to go to the south, go to udti, some mountains or some beach. Dance there on the beach and you will learn much more, sing in the mountains and you will learn much moreBut it is up to you, mm? And if you still want to go you can go, and when
they have destroyed you, come back.
[Another sannyasin says she is off to the mountains. She feels afraid of going so thinks that’s why she has to go – to go into the fear]
You can go. For a few weeks it will be good – don’t be confused, mm? And the mountains are always good. Having been with me, when you go to the mountains you will enjoy it tremendously. And then the mountains will send you back soon. That is a pact between me and the mountains! It is a conspiracy. That’s why I send people to the mountains! – they send them back!
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