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11 May 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[A sannyasin, who is leaving says he’s feeling that, has always been separate from his body and that now he is getting more in touch. He goes up and down a lot – first feeling possessive and jealous and angry and then quite calm.]
Everything will change – just continue to meditate.
The first basic thing is coming back to the body. If we are not in contact with our bodies we are not in contact with the earth. We are uprooted, we don’t have any roots, and without being rooted in the body nothing can be done, nothing at all. Once you get rooted in the body everything becomes possible.
These problems – jealousy, possessiveness – are all part of unrootedness. Because we are not rooted we are always afraid; because of that fear we become possessive, because of that fear we cannot trust anybody, so jealousy comes. In fact we cannot trust ourselves – that is the problem – and how can you trust yourself when you don’t have any roots in the earth? The trust comes when you have deep roots in the earth. Then, come whatsoever, you know that you will be able to stand it and you will be able to face it. Then you don’t cling to others – there is no need; you are enough alone.
So the first basic thing: don’t bring in other problems right now. The basic thing is that you start getting more and more rooted in the body. Feel the body more, enjoy action, go running in the morning and enjoy the body and the feel of running energy. Go swimming: enjoy the body and the river and the touch of water. Jog and dance and jump in the air and in the sun and let the body again start trembling with joy.
This has to be done first... and take as many deep breaths as possible. Once you get into the body, once you again become alive in the body, nine problems out of ten will disappear, and the remaining one we can tackle; that’s not a problem.
This is one of the tricks how the society has made people alienated with themselves. It has cut your body, so you are just like a ghost in a machine. You are in the body and not yet in the body – just hovering around. You take the hand of your friend in your hand but it is just a dead hand in a dead hand – no feel, no poetry, no joy. You eat but you go on stuffing; the taste is lost. You see but you don’t see the psychedelic existence as it is; you see dull colours, grey, dusty. You listen to music but just sound goes on falling; the music is missed.
So for a few months enjoy anything that is concerned with the body: running, jogging, playing, jumping, dancing, singing, shouting in the mountains. Bring back your childhood! And you will start feeling that you are being born again. You will have the feel, exactly the same feel as the caterpillar has when it becomes a butterflyIt is going to happen!
[A sannyasin says she feels a need to relate because it is heavy being by herself. She feels that the aura of neediness that she must give out makes it more difficult for relationships – particularly with men – to happen, so it feels like a vicious circle.]
Don’t consider it as a vicious circle and don’t consider it as something wrong. Right now this is what is needed. It is not a question of only mental need – your body needs male energy, so if you stop it right now it will not help growth; you need it. It will be almost as if a child needs mother’s milk and the mother stops feeding the child.
Right now you need as much male energy as possible, so give and take, share it and don’t hold back, don’t be a miser. Give as much as you can give and take as much as you can take. And don’t make a problem out of it. Right now you need it, it will be nourishing to you.
Soon the day will come when you will not need it; then you can be independent. Right now it will not be possible, right now it will be fatal. Mm? your growth will be stunted.
There are a few points where people can grow only in a togetherness. To grow alone is possible only after a certain growth. Up to a certain point people grow in togetherness, in relationship.
We are born in relationship, we die alone. Have you ever looked at this fact? Alone we are not born, alone we cannot be born: we need the mother, the father, the family, the society. Alone, a child has no possibility. First, he cannot be born. Even if by some miracle he is born, he cannot survive; alone he cannot survive. But a man dies alone: then neither father nor mother nor society is needed – nobody is needed.
So in spiritual growth also there are two points: one point is like birth when you need togetherness, and another point is like death when you can be alone, you can go alone. But the next point comes only after the first. So just be together and enjoy it! Even the idea – that this is a vicious circle – will not allow you to enjoy it, and if you don’t enjoy it, the process will be prolonged. It will take a longer time because it will be half-hearted. If you enjoy it, the process will be shortened; then it can be fulfilled very soon.
[Another sannyasin says that she tends to avoid the very people with whom she would like a relationship. She wonders if leaving Poona is not an attempt to avoid Osho. She feels confused and depressed about the whole thing]
It is a very common phenomenon: whenever you want to go into a relationship a part of your mind always wants to avoid it. And there are reasons.…
First: because you are lonely you want to go into relationship – so you have a desire and a need to go into relationship. But each relationship brings problems, difficulties, challenges, miseries, conflicts, so another part of the mind says ‘Why get into this trouble?’ And both are right!
Alone you feel lonely, alone you feel sad, alone you feel ‘What is the meaning of life?’ – because the poetry arises only when you are together with somebody. A life takes on meaning only when you are in love, otherwise it seems meaningless – why go on living, for what? for whom?
So one part of the mind thinks, ‘Love somebody, be loved by somebody, share your energy, celebrate.’ Another part of the mind says ‘Beware, because each relationship turns out to be a problem.’ Alone there are no problems – only you are the problem, there is no other problem – but with the second person, the other person, come many problems and then both together you multiply problems.
So one part of the mind goes on saying ‘Beware, don’t get into this trouble. Alone, at least You are peaceful: not happy – right – but at least peaceful. In relationship, who knows if happiness will happen or not? – but one thing is certain: peace will be destroyed!’
That’s why the conflict. It is in every human being! Each likes to love and each likes to avoid.
Now, one has to understand it. One thing is that right now if you avoid relationship you will not grow, you will remain stuck, because those challenges that relationship brings are a must. They are growth opportunities – don’t take them just as problems; they are tasks to be done. One has to do that homework, otherwise one never grows. Just think of a man who has never been in any trouble – he will never become mature – who has never been in anxiety, anguish, turmoil; he will never mature, he will remain childish, he will not have any backbone. And any small thing will destroy him. He will not have any stamina to stand up against anything.
So these troubles, conflicts, anger, hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, domination, and a thousand and one things come with the relationship. They are all great opportunities to be used to go beyond them. It is good! Yes, one day will arrive when you will not need anyone, anybody, but then there is no problem. Then you are so happy alone that there is no problem, there is no question of being related. But right now it will be very very harmful for you to avoid relationships. Plunge into them, and while young go through all sorts of problematic situations so by the time you start becoming physically mature you also attain psychological maturity. Otherwise what happens? – people become physically mature and psychologically they remain childish. You can find them everywhere: their face looks as if they are fifty – if you just scratch the surface you will find a twelve- year-old child; inside they are just stupid children.
So this is for you to decidebut growth comes through difficulties. I am always for difficulties –
never avoid them! Whenever you find a difficulty, make it a challenge. Forget everything and jump
into the difficulty. And to love a difficult person is one of the most beautiful experiences. Never find a person who has no difficulties! He will not be of any help; nothing will come out of him. Find a really difficult person, mm? And there is no need to go anywhere – be here, meditate and do a few more groups.
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