The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol 1
Talks on the Atma Pooja Upanishad
Talks given from 15/02/72 pm to 06/06/72 pm English Discourse series
1 The Tradition of the Upanishads and the Secrets of Meditation2 Dissolution into the Cosmic3 Desirelessness: An Opening to the Unknown4 Desire: The Link with Life5 A still Mind: The Door to the Divine6 Encountering the Unconscious7 The upward Flow of the Mind8 The Complementariness of Opposites9 What can Man Offer?10 The Secret of Totality11 Light, Life and Love12 You are responsible13 Transcendence Through Being14 Facing the Reality15 Witnessing: The Base of all Techniques16 Will or Surrender17 Towards a Total Flowering of Consciousness18 The Light of Awareness