The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun
Talks given from 1/1/78 to 31/1/78 Darshan Diary
Talks given from 1/1/78 to 31/1/78 Darshan Diary
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 19 19 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Prem means love, keshava is a name of krishna – it means god – god of love. But literally keshava means ‘the long-haired one’. Krishna is the first hippie! Long hair has always been a symbol of rebellion... a symbol that one wants to go back to nature. Long hair has always stood for nature, for naked nature, against the so-called culture, nurture, civilisation, society, education....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 2 2 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Prem means love, devayana means the path of the gods – love, the path of the gods. It is through love that god comes; love opens the door. Love makes you vulnerable, love makes you courageous enough to die as you are so that god can be in you. It is only through love that the ultimate can penetrate you....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 20 20 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Veet means beyond, sangati means consistency – beyond consistency. Life is a paradox, the mind requires consistency, hence the mind can never meet life. The mind is death. Life’s very existence depends on contradictions, it exists through the contradiction. The contradiction creates the challenge: day and night, man and woman, love and hate. Love cannot exist without hate; there is no possibility....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 21 22 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, bija means seed – divine seed. God exists as a seed in every being: in the being of man and the being of a rock too. Whatsoever is, is a seed of god. God is the innermost core of every being and every thing too. And the whole life process is how to help it unfold, how to help the seed to become a sprout and a tree, how to help the seed to come to its realisation....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 22 23 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Ananda means bliss, ida means now. Bliss is never then; it is always now. Bliss is never there; it is always here. Bliss knows only one space: the space that is created around the here, and knows only one time: that is created around now. If you think in terms of then and there you will remain miserable; that is the way of misery....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 23 24 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva means divine, Pralaya means dissolution, uncreation, disappearance, moving back to the source and disappearing into it. Creation is coming out of the source; uncreation is going back into it. Creation is the seed becoming the tree, uncreation is the tree becoming the seed. The world is creation, nirvana is uncreation. The whole process of religion is how to disappear, how to dissolve, how not to be....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 24 25 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium [A sannyasin says: Help me to surrender.] How to surrender? You need not do it; it will happen, it is happening. The question arises because it is happening. You would like to have it happen fast but that cannot be done; it comes in its own time. One has to wait and be patient....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 25 26 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Pashupatti – lord of the animals. It is a name of shiva. The idea behind it is that the animal part in life has not to be rejected but to be absorbed. The animal part has not to be repressed, otherwise one loses vitality. If the animal part is condemned in any way, you become split, you become two, and then there is constant conflict within you, a constant inner war, and that war is a wastage of energies....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 26 27 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Deva maitri – a friend of god. There is nothing more valuable than friendship; that is the purest kind of love. Love knows no other greater height. All other kinds of love have some motive in them, some desire: one gives but only to get. Friendship is the only pure love: it simply gives for the sheer joy of giving....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 27 28 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Anand means blissful, nataraj means a god of dance – blissful god of dance; that will be the meaning of the whole name. And let dancing be your meditation here: dance as much as you can and get lost in dancing. The whole point is to get lost, and this is the right age to dance and to get lost....