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9 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103095 ShortTitle: CLAPP09


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Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

the most significant thing to remember is that contentment and satisfaction are not synonymous

satisfaction is a false coin it pretends to be contentment but it is not it is really just the opposite of contentment one feels discontented

but to remain in discontentment hurts to cover that wound one creates a pseudo climate around oneself of satisfaction and that's what the so-called religious people have been doing for centuries this is not the way to find truth the only way to find truth is to go through your discontent without hiding it, without escaping from it the very understanding of your discontentment brings contentment

and then there is a totally new being, a new birth the noble one is born

satisfaction is a deception contentment is a resurrection but before the resurrection can happen one has to go through crucifixion if one avoids crucifixion

then one will be avoiding finally the ultimate rejoicing of being resurrected i teach contentment not satisfaction and the way to contentment is to encounter all your discontents without any fear, without any hiding to know your discontentment in its total nudity is the beginning of a new life man can create in two ways either out of a state of discontentment frustration, failure

or through a state of absolute contentment the quality of the creativity is going to be totally different picasso may be a great painter but his painting shows his discontentment with life not contentment

it shows his innermost insanity as if he has vomited his insanity on the canvas of course he is a great artist 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

but whatsoever he is creating is a little bit insane he is simply catharting

it helps him, he becomes unburdened but it doesn't help others they will become burdened

the whole of modern art is rooted in discontentment hence it has lost the ancient glory, the classic glory of creativity

there is a vast difference between the people who made the taj mahal or the temples of khajuraho or the pyramids of egypt

and the people who are creating modern art the gap seems to be unbridgeable because the sources are different it is said in zen

that before you can create you have to come to a point of absolute silence then whatsoever you do will bring something of the divine into the world you will become a vehicle

then it will not be just a mind product it will be something transcendental and that's my effort here

i am all for creativity

but not this kind of creativity that is going around the world, neurotic, psychotic i would like my sannyasins to become so peaceful so silent

so utterly at home with existence that there is no complaint in their being but only gratitude

out of that gratitude flows real creativity and that is the greatest joy in life to contribute something to existence to make it a little more beautiful than you had found it

to spread a few more smiles in the world to make the world more blessed, blissful in a state of better celebration, festivity if this can be done then the man is religious to me religion has nothing to do with churches and temples and rituals it has something to do

with the energy called creativity but before it can happen 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

one has to prepare one's being and contentment is the preparation be contented -- whatsoever is, is good whatsoever is, is perfect, don't ask for more relax into it, rejoice in it and you will be surprised

the more vou relax, the more you rest in it the more you become insightful of the mysterious of the miraculous that surrounds you a moment comes when you simply disappear in your own immense contentment and when you are not, god is when you are not, creativity is to me god is not a creator but only

the energy called creativity the cowardly is always complaining to complain, intelligence is not needed to complain, courage is not needed to complain is a very mediocre activity anybody can do it

hence everybody is doing it but to be contented, to feel grateful, to feel blessed great intelligence is required courage is required, insight is required and the moment you start looking into the depths of life

a great surprise arises

you cannot believe it, it is incredible what has been given is simply beyond our comprehension

and we have not earned it either it is a sheer gift from the whole to see life, love, freedom, joy as gifts from the divine

makes one feel contented

and the atmosphere of inner contentment is the atmosphere of a real temple temples don't exist on the outside one has to become a temple and the only way to become a temple is to create in your interiority an immense gratitude for all that has happened to you for all that is happening to you and it is incalculable, immeasurable but certainly one has to be courageous for it 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- courageous

because the whole crowd is complaining it is always asking for more it needs guts to say, i don't ask for more that in fact whatsoever is given to me is more than i could have asked for in the first place and from that very moment

a transformation starts happening your life becomes

more and more attuned to existence it becomes more and more a dance and that has to be the flavour of my sannyasins a deep inner contentment

and on the outside

the manifestation of that contentment in celebration, in celebrating the day-to- day life

the moment-to-moment life the ordinary life

once you are ready

to celebrate the ordinary life it is no more ordinary at all there are people who think that unless you attain to the ultimate bliss you cannot be contented

they have taken a wrong standpoint from the very beginning they will remain discontented forever contentment

has to be the first step of the journey contentment

simply means a non-egoistic attitude the ego is always asking for more it always needs more and more decorations it is never satisfied

it is not in its nature to be satisfied the ego is a beggar

and the ego can go on begging in this world it can start begging in the other world too a sannyasin has to start as an emperor not as a beggar

that has to be his first step 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and that's what i mean by contentment the moment you say

i am immensely happy with whatsoever is with the stars and the clouds and the trees and the people and with myself i have no grudge, no guilt no desire to be somebody else no desire to be somewhere else i rejoice whatsoever is the case.


you are transformed into an emperor and then bliss is not far away in fact it will come following you you need not search for it anutosh means contentment

dhyan means meditation

they are equivalent, synonymous there exists a subtle synchronicity between them if you are contented

there is no need to meditate at all contentment will become your meditation naturally, spontaneously

or vice versa -- if you are meditative, silent then contentment will become a by- product one can begin from either end it is in fact one phenomenon two ends of the same line

the easiest is to begin with contentment because there is so much to be contented with the whole universe provides millions of opportunities to be contented with those who cannot do it

they have to start by meditating meditation is an effort

you have to sit silently, watchfully, relaxedly to calm down your mind, your whole inner noise but if one starts with contentment it is far more simple

looking at the sky full of stars suddenly you feel so contented -- what more can there be?

it cannot be improved upon the starry night is so breathtaking the sunset for a moment stops your heartbeat a bird on the wing and suddenly your mind is not there

these are natural glimpses of meditation my suggestion is watch life and its beauties get more and more merged into existence 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and meditation will come naturally if it is not possible then only make an effort, a deliberate effort to be silent but that has always to be the second thing when the easier course is available don't follow the arduous; it is unnecessary follow the watercourse way there is no need to go upstream, go with the river and this very moment you can feel contentment if i say meditate

you will have to decide when to start tomorrow, tomorrow morning fix the alarm and tomorrow morning...

but if you understand

what i am saying about contentment then it is there, right now this very moment

is so full, so overwhelmingly full that one can easily get lost in it anutoshi means one who is absolutely contented so i am not leaving anything for you i am simply declaring

you can relax into it, nothing has to be done the very idea of doing

is an invention of the mind otherwise all is happening but mind is so cunning

that even when things are happening it goes on translating them as if he is doing them

for example people say i am breathing you see the stupidity?

nobody is breathing; breathing is happening if people were breathing

then it would be impossible for them to die they may continue breathing death may go on knocking on the door and they may go on doing the dynamic meditation then what to do?

they may even start breathing faster we are not breathing

in fact just the opposite is the case we are being breathed, existence is breathing us and that is true about everything when you are hungry you are not hungry it has nothing to do with you, it is simply there and when you eat and you digest it has nothing to do with you it is not that you are digesting it just try for twenty- four hours to digest food 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and you will have indigestion remember constantly where the food has gone now and where it is moving

and go on touching your belly and find places now it must be here

and now the bread is being churned into blood you will go crazy within twenty- four hours everything is happening

that is one of the fundamentals of my approach to life

we are not doers

we are just part of an immense happening so all that is needed on our part is to relax, rejoice, be in tune that's what i mean by absolute contentment then each moment brings so much ecstasy and the moment one feels contentment all problems disappear

as if they had never existed in the first place uncontainable so immense

that one can simply dance in sheer gratitude my sannyasins are not dancing to attain to god they are not dancing to attain to heavenly pleasures they are dancing just out of sheer contentment there is nothing else to do it is not a means to some end in fact it is the recognition that all is already the case

and we are here just to celebrate it we are asleep

our sleep consists of discontentments the only way to wake up is to drop discontentments and it is very easy to drop them because they are futile

even if you carry them

you will never be able to fulfil them

]nobody has ever been able to fulfil his discontentments it is an exercise in sheer futility so the intelligent person

simply drops the whole trip he does not waste his present for any future 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- he does not sacrifice this moment for another moment

who knows about the next moment?

in fact the tomorrow never comes so why waste the time that is available to you for something which is not going to come?

but the discontented man lives int he future and the contented man lives in the present and to live in the present is to be awakened there is no other secret to it to live now

to live here is to be awakened the unconscious person lives in dreams he goes on creating new dreams when old dreams fail

he immediately substitutes new dreams for them his life is made not of realities but only of desires the same stuff as dreams are made of he lives in a cocoon of false notions hallucinations, desires, expectations and this is simply a way of committing suicide a sannyasin has to come out of the cocoon he has to drop all nonsense of the mind and be in contact with reality, with that which is and the reality is really fulfilling just a single moment of the contact with reality is far more valuable

than the whole eternity of dreaming it is so nourishing

the method to come in contact with reality is consciousness

because it is unconsciousness that prevents us so the whole work of a sannyasin is to move from unconscious states to conscious states

slowly slowly changing every fibre of one's being from unconsciousness to consciousness and even if you can change a single moment then you have got the key

you can change your whole life only the first moment is a little bit difficult because of our old habits


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

for that first moment to happen a certain energy field is needed where many people are trying to become conscious their very fervour

creates a subtle whirlpool of energy around you it starts moving you

that's the whole purpose of a buddhafield that's the purpose of this commune so many people trying to be loving trying to be meditative, trying to be alert create a certain vibe which can possess anybody and once you have tasted a single moment then there is no problem

then you can move on your own the experience of contentment is not a dull experience

it is one of the most brilliant experiences of life just shining like the sun

hence your so-called saints who look dull, stupid, dead are giving enough proof

that they have not tasted contentment they are simply suffocating themselves they have created

a certain kind of satisfaction around themselves but satisfaction is always dull because it is a fabricated thing a manufactured thing

it has no life, it has no song to it but when contentment explodes thousands of songs grow in you so that has to be the criterion of whether you are on the right road or not whether you are moving in the right direction or not if your song starts becoming deeper if your joy becomes more and more intense if your life starts taking a tremendous passionate love quality to it then that is enough proof, ample proof that you are coming closer to home there is a music which is heard only when you have reached

the innermost core of your being utterly contented 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- it is not ordinary music

it is not heard by the ears it is heard by the soul itself but it is overwhelming

there is nothing bigger than that the moment one has experienced it one has experienced the vastest expanse of space even the whole sky seems to be very small compared to it

the millions of stars are nothing compared to the inner light and the expanding universe which goes on expanding

every moment with infinite speed is nothing compared to the inner expansion it can only be called music there is no other word

which can adequately describe it the zen people call it the Sound

of one hand Clapping

it has to be heard

without hearing it life is futile, meaningless one can only vegetate but one cannot really live life begins only with

the Sound of one hand Clapping

then for the first time you know what it is all about

before it you were just like a robot or a sleepwalker after it your eyes are open your being is open and that opening is the opening of the eternal temple of god it takes you to the innermost shrine of existence and it reveals to you all that is mysterious it makes you capable of releasing your own hidden splendour

and we are all carrying a world, a beyond within and unless it is released one can never feel at ease something will go on missing sannyas is only a scientific endeavour 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

to release the hidden splendour of your being to bring that which you have contained all along to fulfilment

to flowering

it is an invitation for the spring The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #10



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