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8 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103085 ShortTitle: CLAPP08


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the experience of bliss is not something arduous it is not something upstream on the contrary it is a question of relaxing, resting it is not something to be achieved and cultivated so those who want to be with the crowd it is already there, it has only to be tasted hence the only thing

that is preventing people from being blissful is a courageous heart

people are being very cowardly they are being taught to be cowardly their whole pattern of life is underlined with a current of fear this is our politics, religion, culture, society it depends on fear and exploitation of fear hence the moment somebody decides to be blissful nobody can prevent him

no force, no power can prevent him 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- just a little courage

courage to risk, courage to be alone courage to go against the crowd, the mob courage not to follow and imitate the fools they are all miserable

and they would like you also to be just like them and they will create every kind of hindrance if you start being different the crowd never likes anybody who is

different from it

he looks like a foreigner, he is suspicious, suspected he cannot be trusted -- he is not one of us that is the logic of the crowd so those who want to be with the crowd can never be blissful

then their destiny is closed they will live in misery and die in misery it is our decision, it is our life it is nobody else's business and one should not lose one's life just for the sheer sake of conformity convention, respectability once you are ready to drop all that nonsense the dawn has come

suddenly the light bursts forth and life becomes a beautiful dance there is only one religion and that is the religion of bliss the moment you are blissful you are religious if you are not blissful you are irreligious that is my definition

simple but of immense implications you need not be a christian or a hindu or a mohammedan to be religious the whole earth is full of these people and there is no religious quality anywhere all these religions have been quarrelling fighting, killing each other in the name of god

in the name of love in the name of peace

this is such a ridiculous situation that it seems unbelievable that for thousands of years we have lived with this situation and we have not yet been able to change it it is so illogical, irrational, so absurd 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- my message is very simple

just be blissful

and don't bother about dogmas, creeds whether there is a god or not whether there is an after-life or not these are all irrelevant questions what matters is: right now are you blissful or not?

if you are blissful then everything that is true is going to happen to you

there is no need to search for it it will come of its own accord if you are miserable

you can go on gathering knowledge esoteric, occult and all kinds of bullshit but it is of no use

you remain miserable all the same you talk about chakras and kundalini and the rising energy and the planes and all the kinds of rubbish people go on talking about these are just diversions

somehow they are trying to distract themselves from their misery

i am against all occultism all so-called hidden esoteric secrets i teach the open secret be blissful that is the only true religion and the person who is blissful cannot harm anybody the blissful person is a benediction to the whole existence

bliss is our very nature, it is our eternal law in fact we cannot lose it

at the most we can only forget about it so the only question is to remember nothing has to be achieved but only remembered

... a forgotten language

each child is born in deep bliss and then we start teaching him the language of misery

and we burden him with so many things that slowly slowly his natural, spontaneous being is covered with thousands of layers he forgets all about it

he forgets about himself 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

the function of the master is to remind you that you may have forgotten it, but it is still there just a little digging is needed just as there are vicious circles there

are blissful circles too in a vicious circle one wrong leads to another wrong in a blissful circle one bliss leads to another bliss it is only a question of choosing the right circle for your life people are living in vicious circles for example, if somebody finds it difficult to fall asleep

he tries hard to go into sleep he tosses, turns, repeats mantras counts sheep, from one to hundred and then backwards

but whatsoever he is doing will create more sleeplessness because sleep is not something that you can bring about by effort

now he is getting into a vicious circle the more he endeavours to bring about sleep the more he will feel himself awake the more he feels himself awake the more he will try new methods transcendental meditation, etcetera to fall asleep

and this can go on ad nauseum in the morning he will be far more tired than if he had simply accepted the fact that sleep is not there

so it is not there and rested there was every possibility he may have fallen asleep because he would not have created the vicious circle

the same is true about bliss, about everything just a small beginning

and then it triggers bigger phenomena my own observation is that if you can be blissful about a single thing in your life that's enough

and it will lead you into new dimensions, new peaks 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

so whatsoever you love, whatsoever you like do it, enjoy it, enjoy it totally don't think about whether it is something great or not

it doesn't matter

what really matters is your enjoyment if you can enjoy anything totally you are creating a circle of bliss it will lead to new points, new departures higher peaks

and soon you will be surprised that a small beginning

has brought you to the ultimate hence start with the immediate, whatsoever it is just sipping a cup of tea is enough if you can enjoy it totally it will lead you to the ultimate samadhi there are not small things and big things in life only intelligent people and unintelligent people the intelligent person

transforms everything into bliss and the unintelligent

transforms everything into misery blissfulness has never been thought of as a virtue although it is the fundamental virtue they have been talking about character truthfulness, sincerity

humbleness, compassion service, non-violence

and a thousand and one things as virtues but a very strange fact is they all drop one thing consistently blissfulness

no religion counts it as a virtue because these so-called religions cannot allow people to be blissful they want you to be miserable and all their virtues

create more misery in you than before it is very obvious

you can find ordinary people more joyous than your so-called religious people you will find sinners more innocent than your saints for the simple reason that the saint has been cultivating virtues he has cultivated a thick facade around himself like an iron wall, he lives behind it he is imprisoned in his own ideas 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

he is a prisoner of his own stupidity i don't teach any other virtue because to me the fundamental virtue is bliss everything else is just an aspect of it if one is blissful

i cannot conceive that he can be untruthful that is impossible

it is not in the very nature of things if one is blissful he cannot harm he cannot hurt if one is blissful he is bound to be compassionate inevitably

so to me all the virtues

are by-products of blissfulness and blissfulness is the only virtue which is not a by-product of anything else there are two kinds of discipline one that is imposed from the outside i am against it, it creates slaves and we have enough of slaves in the world we need a few free spirits to bring a little new breeze into existence

to bring a few new insights new splendours, new dimensions i teach the second kind of discipline which arises out of your own understanding the first discipline has a set structure the second discipline is liquid it changes moment-to-moment because life changes

how can you have ready-made answers to situations which are constantly changing?

at this moment one thing may be true the next moment it may not be true at all in one situation it may be right in another situation the same thing may be wrong hence i say, be alert, be aware be blissful and act out of your blissfulness awareness, alertness, meditativeness rather than acting out of fixed principles act out of spontaneity, naturally respond to the situation

and then whatsoever you do is right and of course it is right not because it is written in some scripture 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

it is right because it fits to the situation it is right because it is the adequate response and every adequate response gives tremendous contentment whenever you can act in a totally alive way you will feel immense fulfilment following it and that is bliss

pleasure is momentary

happiness is a little more than momentary but not much

the difference is only of degrees it lasts a little longer than pleasure but sooner or later it ends bliss is eternal; it begins but it never ends to know bliss is to know

the ultimate fabric of existence and that is our longest desire that is our search -- knowingly, unknowingly everybody is searching for it unless we have found the eternal we will be homeless

only the eternal can suffice less than that won't do

so pleasures one can have but soon one becomes fed up, tired, bored they become repetitive

happiness one can have

but how long can one go on playing with toys?

beautiful, but toys are toys one needs something more substantial more nourishing -- and that's what bliss is and the miracle is that it is already within you you have not to go anywhere to find it in fact just the opposite has to be done you have to pull yourself from everywhere so for few moments at least you can be within yourself that's what i call meditation withdrawing yourself from the whole world for a few moments, just to rest and relax in the very pool of your consciousness once you have started tasting the joy of that rest you are coming closer to home, to the eternal life can either be a tale told by an idiot 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- or it can be a tale told by a buddha it all depends on you

if you remain asleep, unconscious your life will be just accidental like driftwood at the mercy of the winds and the waves meaningless

drifting towards death, becoming every day more and more gloomy and dark but if you become a little alert and awakened the quality of life immediately changes then it is no more accidental it starts having a subtle meaning to it that meaning is bliss and then life starts turning into a beautiful story a parable of immense

dimensions then a single man's life contains all the scriptures of the world then one can read the whole story of existence within one's own heartbeat but for that, one condition has to be fulfilled one has to become a little more awake a little more conscious

blissfulness grows

in the same proportion as consciousness it is always symmetrical to consciousness if one is miserable that shows he is unconscious if one is blissful that shows he is conscious if one is absolutely blissful that shows one has arrived the only thing that can be called divine is blissfulness

the only thing that proves the existence of godliness is blissfulness no other argument can prove it there have been many arguments for the existence of the divine but they can all be refuted, they have been refuted man has not been able to find a single argument which is irrefutable but there have been a few people in the world the very salt of the earth whose existence cannot be refuted whose presence cannot be refuted, whose presence leaves such an impact of blissfulness that even if you want to deny it you cannot deny it


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- in spite of yourself you have to accept and that something more

is what we are trying to impart here that something more, that quality, xyz i call it blissfulness -- it can only be imparted hence the beauty of the love affair between a master and a disciple it is simply a love affair it is the coming together of two hearts in deep trust, in communion so close, so open and vulnerable that the flame from one heart

can jump into the other heart and suddenly the unlit lamp is lit and the miracle has happened it happens suddenly

it is not a gradual process at all pleasure needs two persons happiness also needs duality bliss does not need two persons or duality one is enough alone

it happens in one's deepest aloneness hence it is called the Sound

of one hand Clapping

in pleasure you will need a partner if you enjoy food you will need food if you enjoy music then music is needed you have to depend on something and any dependence hurts

and any dependence becomes a bondage and one cannot forgive the person to whom one becomes dependent that's why lovers quarrel

the basic cause of quarrel is that they feel they are encaged by each other that they cannot be happy without each other that hurts, that hurts very much that i have become dependent, addicted it is like drug addiction

one feels the slavery

and how can one be blissful in slavery we have to search and seek within ourselves a space where bliss happens but independently it needs nothing else for it to happen 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

it happens as our own innermost source that's why bliss brings with it freedom, truth, and a sense of immense grandeur, splendour one never gets fed up with bliss and the blissful person becomes capable of living with other people also blissfully because now he is no longer dependent on anything he can enjoy pleasures, he can enjoy happinesses because he knows that he has reached to a state which is always available to him where he can always go

leaving the whole world behind he has entered

into that inner circle of his being where nobody can interfere where no bondage exists

where there is only pure music and poetry and dance and celebration anahato is one of the most beautiful names it is very significant

only those who have known that state are the buddhas so try to hear

the Sound of one hand Clapping

it is there; one just has to become a little silent and it is heard

once heard, it is forever yours The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #9



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