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7 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103075 ShortTitle: CLAPP07
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No 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
a life without love is life without life itself it is just lived at the minimum somehow lived, in fact a drag it is boredom, meaninglessness it is simply waiting for nothing to happen waiting for godot
and godot never comes -- what comes is death the man without love is born dead lives dead, dies dead
it is a long process of death but love brings a transformation love is like spring
suddenly hidden sources start flowing for the first time one feels the thrill of existence the adventure, the immense call of the unknown and a tremendous desire to plunge into the ocean of existence that's exactly what love is a longing to meet with the whole and in that very longing
life starts reaching higher peaks it starts becoming a living fragrance there is no other purpose
life itself is its own end my sannyasins have to remember it continuously because for centuries
the people's minds have been diverted life has been made a means to some other end and life is not a means
it is an end unto itself
and the moment life is an end unto itself it is nothing but pure love love is the taste of the real person the authentic person
his vibe, his flavour, his fragrance love brings many gifts, unaccountable gifts an unending procession of gifts these are a few of the gifts of love one becomes just
-- only love can be just love cannot be unjust by its very nature it cannot harm, it can only help it cannot be prejudicial; it is absolutely impartial it never uses the other as a means 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- that is reducing the other into a thing into a commodity
love respects
love has no possibility
of ever reducing people into things they are respected as divine beings as personifications of godliness and you cannot be unjust
when you think of the other as divine and the moment your life is full of love and justice
there is glory, there is great rejoicing in your being there is a simple law of life if you harm others
you cannot be happy, you cannot be blissful if you harm others
the harm will come back to you multiplied if you help, the same is also true whatsoever you give comes back a thousandfold so once a person starts sharing his love, his joy he is showered by existence from all nooks and corners flowers start raining on him he becomes enthroned
he becomes glorious there is no other glory
compared to the glory of love even the greatest emperor is a pauper in comparison to a lover
he may have all the riches of the world he may have conquered the whole world but he has missed his own heart deep down he is just darkness there is no light within him his life may be surrounded by many many pleasures but deep down there is a wound a cancerous wound
his love energy has not become a flower and when love energy remains unflowered it turns into a wound
it turns into pus, it stinks hence the politicians stink, they are bound to they are the people without love the great conquerors
from alexander to napoleon, to adolf hitler they all stink 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- for the simple reason
that they have missed flowering their spring has not happened love is my simple message
no other gospel is needed
love is enough, more than enough it is the whole alchemy of transformation mind knows no contentment
because mind is without love and contentment is a by-product of love mind is logic -- logic is basically discontentment it is argument with existence, it is not agreement even if logicians agree, they only agree to disagree their fundamental approach is of disagreement mind is in a constant fight and of course, fighting
with the whole is doomed from the very beginning -- you cannot win
how can a small wave of the ocean hope to win against the ocean?
the very desire is simply insane and mind breeds all kinds of insanities but they all start from the seed of discontentment a sannyasin has to shift his energy from the mind to the heart from logic to love
the moment you are loving
you are starting to agree with existence that's what love is all about an agreement not reluctantly done, joyously done not unwilling done, but dancingly done with great relish and gusto as if one is coming home
the existence is our home
the very idea of struggle and fight is stupid there is no point in it i teach harmony
be in tune with existence
with trees, with the wind, with the rain, with the sun be in tune
and wherever you find yourself disagreeing remember you are at fault existence is always right
so whenever you are miserable you are wrong 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- drop your wrong
don't try to correct existence, that cannot be done that which cannot be done should not be tried because that is a futile effort don't be american
the american philosophy is try it and try it and try it again i say, try it, try it, but don't try it again otherwise you will look silly twice is enough, thrice is too much and if you go on trying then you are just being stupid give it a try, perhaps a second try but then enough is enough
then stop trying and start enjoying struggle is not the way of love, harmony, accord.
the moment you are in accord with the whole life becomes a tremendous contentment so deep, so unfathomable, so immeasurable so indefinable, so inexpressible and we are all searching for it but searching in a wrong way, in the american way it can be found right now
but you have to put your struggle aside relax and suddenly it is there
i know only one prayer
the prayer that comes as a shadow of a loving heart a by-product of love, a consequence of love it has not to be done, it happens it is not addressed to anybody it is an unaddressed thankfulness to the whole to all that is
and remember, it is unexpressed words won't help
words are very small and love is vast as vast as the sky itself
you cannot force the sky into a word so all prayers which consist of words are man's inventions
but there is a prayer which does not consist of words which has never been said which will never be said
but which has happened many times and will go on happening many times 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
it happens when you are in total love when there is nobody holding back when you have gone completely into the whole with no conditions, with no strings attached with no demands
when you have relaxed yourself surrendered yourself to the ultimate unity of things to the celestial music
and you have just become a simple note in it no longer carrying any separatehood just a simple harmonious part of it then there is prayer
that prayer can only be defined as unexpressed gratefulness unsaid thankfulness
compassion without love is hypocrisy one can practise it, cultivate it that's what christian missionaries go on doing all over the world
it is compassion without love of course there are motives hidden behind it because love is missing
so some motive is bound to be there the motive is to reach heaven to attain to heavenly pleasures it is a business, it is a bargain here we sacrifice
there we will get more than we are sacrificing with all the interest due
and here is only a small life and there you will attain to pleasures for infinity, for eternity it is really a lottery
giving just a small coin
and then getting millions of dollars out of it it is gambling but these gamblers
have been praised down the ages as saints
they are simply business people to me compassion without love is pseudo and has been the cause
of many mischievous deeds on the earth love has to be the beginning of real compassion when it comes out of love then there is no motive 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- then it is unmotivated
and anything unmotivated has a sheer beauty when you do something
just because you love to do it for no other reason at all nothing has to be gained out of it you may in fact lose something but you cannot gain anything still you want to do it
because it is such a joy to do it then compassion is a healing force then whomsoever it touches it heals then whomsoever it comes close to it transforms so i don't say cultivate compassion i say be loving
and compassion will come of its own accord when you find it following you of its own accord then welcome it, but never cultivate it never try to be of service to people these do-gooders are the most dangerous people in the world
these are the criminals
in the name of beautiful words they are dominating humanity of course when you serve somebody you oblige him you become higher, he becomes lower you have really humiliated him but love never humiliates
in fact it exalts
so it is not a question of serving it is a question of living your love it has nothing to do with the other it has something to do with your innermost being you are so full of love that you want to share it just like a rain cloud
so full of rainwater it wants to shower it is not much concerned where, on whom it will shower on the rich it will shower on the poor it will shower on the rocks it will shower on the soil it will simply shower
unconcerned on whom it is bestowing on whom it is showering its richness in fact it is not obliging anybody on the contrary it is being obliged by everybody whosoever is receiving its showers is obliging him 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- a real man of love
is continuously obliged by everybody whosoever greets his love, receives his love it is a totally different dimension it starts by being loving
not by being compassionate all the religions in the world have been doing just the opposite they teach you to be compassionate then you will be loving
i say to you be loving
compassion comes on its own love should not be an idea it should be just pure living one should not think of love as a far away ideal that has to be achieved somewhere in the future, tomorrow
it should be something immediate like breathing
you don't postpone it for tomorrow you don't say, i will breathe when i have time or when i retire
or when i am finished with other important things breathing can wait
but that's what people are doing with love and love is exactly the breathing of the soul just as breathing is for the body love is for the soul
don't postpone it
not even for a single moment if there is a choice
whether to postpone breathing or love then postpone breathing because you will not lose much but don't postpone love
that is the very essential core of life each moment
find ways of how to breathe love and there are infinite possibilities one just has
to look for them and they are there, they have always been there we have been avoiding
a sannyasin starts changing his valuation he changes his gestalt it is like you are reading a book 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you jump from one word to another word and you always miss the gap between the words which is always there
you can change the gestalt you can start jumping from one gap to another gap leaving the words
and then you will be surprised it is the same book
but the message is totally different then you can read the gita, bible, koran but you will be reading the same book the book of nothingness
then whether you read hebrew or latin or greek does not matter
because you are reading only the intervals which are neither hebrew nor sanskrit nor greek nor latin
which are simply gaps
the same is true about our life we have to change our gestalt we look for misery, we find it start looking for joy and you will find it we look for thorns and they are there start looking for flowers
and they have always been there just waiting for you to look at them love should be our continuous choice find out ways and means in every situation so that you can love
even a person who is very repulsive to you may have something that you can love in him once it happened
a man died
he was the worst man of the town, the most hated and the ritual of the town was that before a person can be burned somebody should speak in praise of him but there was nothing to say in praise of that man everybody was looking at each other what to say
because whatsoever you say will be wrong and nobody wanted to say anything in praise of that ugly man; he has been such a torture they were all feeling relieved that at last they were finished with him but the burial could not start finally, one man stood up
and he said, this beautiful man is dead he was beautiful 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
as far as his four other brothers are concerned remember those four who are still alive in comparison to those four he was the noblest person you can think about and the whole crowd clapped and appreciated this was a truth
they had completely forgotten about the four who are still alive you can always find something even the worst man
you just have to look for it and you can also find the worst in the best man you just have to look for it it is only a question of outlook a sannyasin has to choose all those aspects of life and people
which create a response in you of love so slowly your life becomes a continuum of love from one moment to the other it starts growing deeper and deeper into love when you've reached the unfathomable you have come home
unfathomable love is the ultimate secret of life but the journey begins now love is the most beautiful phenomenon in existence flowers are beautiful
rainbows are beautiful stars are beautiful
but they are nothing compared to love because they are all material manifestations love is the manifestation of consciousness it is the flower of consciousness it is all the colours of the rainbow but its constituent factors are not material but non-material
it is all the light of the stars, but stars die sooner or later they will go out of life continuously they are fading out love has an eternal source of light it never dies, it is immortal hence its beauty is divine to love is the only religion there is all other religions are a hindrance to love naturally, because they are competitors in the 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- marketplace
they are all against love
they know certainly that if love wins then mohammedanism, christianity, hinduism all are gone
so they will not allow love they will cripple and paralyse love in every possible way
that's what they have been doing for thousands of years
they have poisoned the very source of love my effort here is to purify your sources of love to bring you back the gift that you had brought with you from your very childhood
it has to be refined, purified, it has to be reclaimed once you have started living just a little bit of love and that's enough that small flame of love is enough then the whole forest of your life will be aflame love can be lived but cannot be known love can be experienced but cannot be measured love can be tasted but cannot be expressed it is indefinable
it is the most mysterious experience in existence and the most glorious and the most exalted
and the most ecstatic
but the strange calamity is that people go on looking for everything except love yes, they talk about love but it is mere talk they don't live it
they want love but they don't give it and when everybody wants and nobody gives how can it happen?
love has to be given
and then it comes of its own accord existence is not miserly if we give and share it returns back but one should not give
in order to get something back because that is not giving one should simply give for the sheer joy of giving and then it comes
and it comes as a great surprise because you were not expecting you were not hoping
you were not waiting
and suddenly the guest has come and he has knocked on the door 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
in india we have a very beautiful word for the guest it does not exist in any other language in india our word for the guest is atiti atiti means
one who comes without informing you if he informs you he is not a guest if he gives you a date: that i am coming on this date, by this train then he is not a guest
because you are already prepared then you are going to receive him at the station and...
then you are ready, then it is not a surprise the guest is a guest
only when suddenly out of nowhere the door opens and the guest enters and for a moment you cannot believe your own eyes that moment of surprise
comes in the life of a sannyasin every day every moment because he is not expecting anything he is simply giving
and each moment brings thousands of miracles and these miracles go on
becoming bigger and bigger life becomes a sheer celebration love is the secret of it all love is the greatest treasure the most precious benediction and it is our birthright, everybody is entitled to it it is not something that needs rare talents it is not something like painting or music or poetry love is a natural, spontaneous phenomenon to all beings
so nobody is more endowed or less endowed as far as love is concerned existence is absolutely communistic all are equal
but the strange thing is that very few people
are even aware of their treasures and the reason is that we are looking outside and love resides inside
we are wandering everywhere in search of it and it is just sitting at the very centre of our being 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- hence all that is needed is a simple process of returning home
a one-hundred-eighty degree turn towards oneself that's what i call meditation meditation is looking in
the moment you look in
the world of love opens up and immediately you are blessed immediately all
poverty disappears all longing, all discontent disappears immediately, instantly all that you wanted always to happen, has happened one simply starts dancing in sheer thankfulness
one cannot say anything about love or whatsoever can be said
will be only approximately true, not really true it will be at the most only a far away echo a reflection of the moon in the lake but not the truth of love itself the truth of love is basically experienced in silence utter silence
one has to be so silent
that not even a ripple of thought moves inside so silent that one has lost even hearing the sound of one's own heart beats so silent that all noise of the world within and without
has completely ceased
just a pure nothingness prevails in that nothingness one hears the unheard one experiences the unimaginable that silence is not a dead silence it is very alive
more alive than anything you have ever known it is full of subtle music but the music does not consist of sound it is soundless music
the Sound of one hand Clapping
once that Sound of one hand 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
Clapping is heard
one has heard all the buddhas all the awakened ones all the masters
one has heard all that is worth hearing one has tasted the nectar of life so the preparation for love is preparation for a deep silence a virgin silence
and it is simply possible
it is not an arduous phenomenon it is not like rising towards a high mountainous peak it is far more easy
it is totally different, just the opposite a glacier descending from the peaks of the mountains slowly
without any sound without any fuss and fury
silently sliding towards the valley it is just like that lao tzu says, it is like
the river going towards the ocean he calls it the watercourse way it is easier for the river to go to the ocean
because the water is always searching and seeking the lowest point it is always seeking the deepest valley it is not a search to be the first but to be the last
and when one wants to be the last there is no problem at all when one wants to be the first then there is trouble jesus says, blessed are those who can stand last in the line up to that point i agree with him absolutely agree with him
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
blessed are those who are ready to be the last but then he adds something which drives christians nuts all over the world then he says
blessed are those who are to be the last for theirs shall be the kingdom of god now the motive enters in
now it becomes a business proposal to be the last means
if you want to be the first in the kingdom of god then be the last
it is not the way of being the last if i have to say it i will say blessed are the last because they are the last The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #8
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