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5 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103055 ShortTitle: CLAPP05


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every child is born innocent and brings with him a great message of the whole every child is a messenger of good tidings every child is a christ

but before he can deliver the message we destroy it

before he can utter a single word we start stuffing his mind with our cunningness before his heart opens and releases its fragrance we divert his energies from the heart to the head --

and the head is never innocent t is always calculating, cunning; it is a cheat the heart is always innocent hence only the heart can be in connection with the divine not the head

the head is good in the marketplace but not in the temple

but people who are full of the head are dominating the temples also man has completely forgotten his heart his heartfulness, his innocence, his purity and the message that he had come to deliver my effort here

is to give you again the same innocence that you had before society sabotaged it before the society entered you and disrupted your whole inner being and nature sannyas is not an effort to achieve some goal on the contrary


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- it is a re-entry into the source the white lily

has a certain beauty, a certain grace which is unique

because the white lily is very poor in every way it is not as rich as the rose not as rich as the lotus

these are like kings and queens the white lily is very ordinary but In its ordinariness it has something its very ordinariness, its simplicity its humbleness, its nobodiness is its source of grace

it is unpretentious, it has no ego the rose may have an ego -- it can afford it the white lily is just a nothingness and whenever one is in a nothingness grace arises

grace is the by-product of being nobody of being just ordinary i exalt ordinariness

because it is the source of all that is really beautiful, graceful, divine once you become nobody you become innocent the very effort to be somebody makes people cunning and political the moment you drop the ambition to be somebody then all foolishness, then all idiocy then all egoistic desires are dropped simultaneously and suddenly there is an explosion of grace and that grace has to be the flavour of my sannyasins

aristocracy can be defined in two ways one is the mundane aristocracy which is confined to a noble birth it is not of much value

it has no spiritual significance but aristocracy can also be defined as a spiritual birth, a second birth the first birth is physiological --

aristocratic or not, it is the same the second birth happens only to those who are really innocent and who prepare for innocence who are ready to receive the gift from the beyond 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- who are receptive

that's what i mean by innocence a preparation

the first aristocracy is cunning it is part of a long exploitation one is born in a royal family --

that simply means one is born in a family of murderers, dacoits, criminals the longer the history of the family the bigger is their crime

for thousands of years they have exploited people oppressed people, tortured people their aristocracy is full of blood, it is ugly it is nothing to brag about it is something to be ashamed about but when you are born anew through silence, innocence awareness, meditativeness

when you give birth to yourself --

which has nothing to do with the past or your parents or history when it is your individual creativity, receptivity when you are individually involved with existence when you respond to existence without any ambition, desire, demand when you are open, available, like a mirror when in your innocence

existence starts reflecting itself as it is without any distortion you are born anew

that is real aristocracy

a sannyasin has to be an aristocrat but with my meaning

the word innocent is very significant to me it is a state of not-knowing the knowledgeable person is not innocent he cannot be: he already knows and that very knowing gives him the ego knowledge is the most subtle nourishment for the ego

far more than money, power, prestige because power can be taken away one day you are a napoleon another day you are a prisoner 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the power is not something very stable you cannot rely upon it

one day you are rich

the next day you are just a beggar respectability can be lost very easily because it depends on other's opinions their opinions may change

and they do change every day the man who was the prime minister of russia before the revolution, kerensky --

everybody has forgotten about him nobody even remembers his name he was the most significant man in russia before lenin

then suddenly it were as if he disappeared after fifty years it became known that he was a grocer in new york and he died as a grocer

when he died then the world became aware that kerensky had been alive for fifty years otherwise nobody had even taken any note of where he had gone, of what had happened to him but knowledge is far more subtle it cannot be stolen, nobody can destroy it nobody ,can take it away from you it is far more significant for the ego than anything else

hence the greatest problem in becoming innocent is the dropping of knowledge money can be dropped, power can be dropped prestige can be dropped

respectability can be renounced but knowledge -- one clings to it i have seen people who have renounced the world they have gone to the mountains and still they are hindus, mohammedans, christians i asked them, you have renounced the world but you have not renounced the knowledge that the world had given to you what kind of renunciation is this?

you are still a christian? -- then how can you say

you have renounced the world?

you say you have renounced your parents, your wife, your children but you have not renounced all the nonsense that they have given to you you are still carrying it with you 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

they were not even aware of the fact that something of the world goes on inside them knowledge is the penetration of the world within you and to drop it is the real renunciation so i don't say renounce the world i only say renounce knowledgeability the moment you renounce knowlegeability you are again a child

and to be a child again is to be a sage a real sage, who knows nothing because he knows nothing he is full of wonder because he knows nothing his eyes are full of awe because he knows nothing everything surprises him now each moment is mysterious and miraculous that's my way

the way of innocence, the way of not-knowing the way of living in a mystery moment to moment and one has to remember

that knowledge accumulates every day it is like dust gathering on the mirror even in the night when nothing is happening the mirror is gathering dust even in the night when nothing is being learned your mind is gathering dust through dreams, nightmares, fantasies so one has to be constantly cleaning each moment one has to die to the past so all that has been accumulated up to that moment, is dropped --

again you are fresh, young, alive, childlike, innocent and then the whole world is yours then all the joys of it are yours then life is an eternal ecstasy then life is poetry, music then life is beauty, benediction all that is significant happens in innocence the Sound

of one hand Clapping

the eternal music is heard when there is nobody as a knower when there is nobody, not even as an observer when one simply participates 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- when the observer becomes the observed when you see the rainbow you are not there separate from it you become it

when you see a beautiful sunset you are it it is the mind that divides when you see the sky full of stars it is within you, you are within it there is no distinction, no demarcation no fencing around you

it is a dissolution, a melting, a merging a deep orgasmic unity

and that is the very foundation of my message the so-called saints i don't count as sages the so-called saints live a structured life according to certain prescriptions of others they are basically slaves

they are performing certain rituals but doing it efficiently

hence the people who believe in those rituals will call them saints so a christian saint

may not be thought of as a saint by the hindus because their rituals differ their definitions differ

for example, no hindu has ever thought that saints should go and serve the poor -


that has not been part of their definition a saint has to be served he is not to be a servant

a saint being a servant is sacrilege to the hindu but to the christian the saint is one who serves the poor, the down-trodden there are three hundred religions in the world and three hundred definitions of saints all those definitions are manufactured according to certain tradition certain scripture, certain ideology and the man who lives

according to such traditions ideologies and scriptures

is not really a man

what to say about his being a saint? -- he is not even a man

he is just a robot; he has no guts the sage is rebellious

he is always outrageous to the traditional mind no tradition will respect him 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

it cannot, because he will not fit with anybody's expectations and he does not care either a real sage lives in such joy who bothers whether people respect you or insult you?

whether they crown you or crucify you?

it doesn't matter, not in the least a sage is one

who lives according to his own innocent heart not according to anybody else's dictates it is an individual rebellion and only through individual rebellion do you attain to the ultimate soul the ultimate flowering of your being be innocent

that means be without any traditional garbage and be a rebel

that means risk everything to be an individual and if one can gather that much courage then only does something meaningful happen in life otherwise it is just a long, long, slow suicide not life at all

it is possible only for the child to attain union with the whole because the child has not yet grown a hard core around himself he is flexible

he has not yet got encapsulated in an ego but the way society exists, no child can manage it because the child is helpless he depends on the parents

and the parents are either christian hindus, mohammedans

communists, fascists and what not and they are bound to stuff their nonsense into the mind of the child the child Is the most exploited person In the world but there is a possibility it is the only possibility that later on

when you become a little more independent when you can stand on your own feet you can discard all that has been forced upon you you can again become a child and that is the beginning of sannyas 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- becoming a child again

is the greatest experience in life and then the second thing is very simple if you can discard the boundaries suddenly the dewdrop slips into the ocean and becomes the ocean

or vice versa is also true the ocean slips into the dewdrop and becomes the dewdrop

that meeting is called yoga and one who attains that union is a yogi so don't go for the cheap

third-rate definitions of a yogi somebody standing on his head thinks he is a yogi he is just stupid

somebody distorting and contorting his body and doing gymnastics thinks he is doing yoga

he is just deceiving himself by all these gymnastics

one cannot attain to the ultimate union the only way to attain to that union is through innocence

innocence is the door to god and there is no other door, remember mind can never be contented that is not its nature

its very working is through discontent mind means asking for more and more

and more ad infinitum the mind is a beggar

the mind is a bowl of a beggar and not an ordinary bowl either it has no bottom in it

so you go on dropping things into it and they go on disappearing and the bowl remains as empty as ever but the heart is an emperor because the heart already contains the kingdom of god within it it never asks for more -- it cannot ask because there is not anything more possible than it has already got

to know one's heart is to become contented utterly contented 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

but to know the heart one has to become innocent one was born innocent

hence one can again become innocent it is just a rediscovery of one's real nature it is not something that has to be achieved it is not far away

it is just inside us, covered with junk that junk can be removed

and it is so simple to remove it once you recognise it as junk the very recognition that it is all rubbish is enough and you start shovelling it away and the moment you discover your innocent core you have discovered the ultimate treasure of life call it god, nirvana. enlightenment but those are all words

in fact it is so vast

that it cannot be contained in any word at all the sannyasin has to make just a small trip from the head to the heart from the artificial to the natural from the arbitrary to the spontaneous from the social to the individual i throw my sannyasins from their collective mind to their individual core

and that to me is the greatest revolution no other revolution can be compared

with it because it is only through this revolution that you attain a transcendental, ecstatic existence that you go beyond death that you go beyond time

that for the first time you experience the eternal and that very experience is the whole purpose of life the whole and the sole purpose of life we are living in a bondage of course the bondage is very subtle the walls of the prison are not outside you hence you cannot see them

they are within you

they have been implanted inside your skin but they are keeping your soul in a cage so you walk

you go from one place to another place nobody prevents you and you never see

that there are chains on your hands that there are guards 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- who will not allow you to go beyond a certain boundary

hence there is an illusory kind of freedom one goes on believing that one is free but the society has learned very cunning methods through millions of years of time they have found ways to chain you from inside not with iron chains but by thought chains not with iron walls but by ideologies scriptures, philosophies, theologies, religions they have nailed you within and the most cunning thing is that they have put you on guard they call it conscience

if you start doing something against what they want you to do somebody inside you, a voice says don't do it

that is not your voice

that is the voice of the collective mind and you feel afraid

you feel as if god has spoken to you as if god is preventing you it is just a social trick, a very crafty phenomenon it is not your conscience

it has nothing to do with god but the society goes on manipulating you from within

don't do this, don't do that, do this even against yourself you go on doing things and even if you want to do certain things you don't do them because

the conscience prevents you and you believe that the conscience is yours that is the first thing to be dropped by a sannyasin

the conscience is not yours, it is your prison the conscience is nothing but slavery once you drop your conscience then you discover your consciousness hidden behind the prison of conscience is the freedom of consciousness --

and consciousness is innocent the moment you discover your consciousness you discover your freedom

and to know freedom

is to know the greatest joy in life 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

meditation is only a method of undoing what the society has done to you sannyas is a change of gestalt from conscience to consciousness and the method is meditation the society has used mind as the method to remove you from consciousness to conscience what i am trying to do here is just the opposite of it, the very reverse of it using meditation as a process of shifting you back towards your original nature towards your original face from conscience to consciousness from bondage to freedom

the innocent person

does not have to cultivate simplicity if it is cultivated it is false anything

cultivated is always false let that be a criterion to judge by never cultivate anything

simplicity, humbleness, compassion, love, purity -- if you cultivate them

you are creating something arbitrary they are not to be cultivated seek and search for the innocent within you seek for the source

that you had come with into the world go back to that original point the moment you touch

the original point of your being something starts radiating many rays start arising out of that centre those rays will contain

the whole spectrum of simplicity, compassion love, joy, beauty, grace, godliness but they all come as a by-product as consequences of discovering one's own being hence i don't give you any discipline i simply give you an insight into your being --

and that's enough

the function of the master is fulfilled if he can give you the insight to see your spontaneous nature then everything else follows of its own accord and when things come of their own accord 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

they have tremendous beauty then there is grace and grandeur and something of the virgin beyond The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #6



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