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23 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103235 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ShortTitle: CLAPP23
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the bible begins with a very strange statement in the beginning was the word and god was with the word
and god was the word
this beginning of the bible has led the whole western mind in a wrong direction the word can never be the beginning because before the word can even exist he sound is needed
to transform the sound into the word a mind is needed
the word can never be the beginning the sound of running water is not a word the sound of wind passing through the pine trees is not a word
word came much later on
word came with man, not with existence word is a mind product
it is giving meaning to sound sound is there, then comes the mind then mind
interprets the sound and makes the word the word is a human creation if i was to write the bible again i would say in the beginning was
the Sound of one hand Clapping
a soundless sound, the sound of silence itself and i can say it authentically because if one goes within oneself one comes to the beginning of everything because you contain both
the beginning and the end, the seed and the flower first you have to drop the words 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the moment you drop the words the mind becomes useless
because its whole function is to interpret sounds into words to create words out of sound hence there are so many languages in the world thousands of languages
because the interpretation of a certain sound is our interpretation
we can make any interpretation out of it different people, different tribes, different races have all heard the same sounds but they all have interpreted differently once interpretation is dropped once you are no more interested in the words but you become interested in the sound the whole function of the mind is taken away the very earth below the mind is withdrawn the mind flowers
and the death of the mind
is the beginning of meditation then you are falling into sound first then as you go deeper into sound it becomes more and more silence of course that silence
has a certain rhythm and music to it but it is pure silence
no word, no mind, no interpretation and this is the beginning
and remember, this is also the end the source is always the goal only then is life complete it becomes a perfect circle when the source is reached again you have come home
the scriptures
have been dominating humanity for centuries rotten scriptures, out of date scriptures very primitive, juvenile, childish and one can understand why they are so because they were created by very primitive people those people were not yet aware of their own selves, of the vast universe of the centre of it all -- the consciousness those scriptures
are basically father and mother oriented that's enough proof that they were created by childish psychology
the child is dependent, helpless 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
he knows he cannot survive without the father and the mother even though he becomes a grown-up this idea goes on like a hangover when he becomes independent then too he needs a father-figure that is the basic need of the helpless child and the hangover of a helpless childhood hence two kinds of religions and two kinds of scriptures are in existence the societies which were matriarchal have created god the mother more societies turned into patriarchal societies the woman was ignored, subjugated and man became dominant
hence the religions claim god as the father god is neither a he nor a she but an it in fact he is not a person at all but only a presence a presence that overwhelms the whole existence you are part of that presence but unless one drops these scriptures unless one really burns them inside one's being one cannot find true religion one remains immature, ungrown-up people only grow old, they don't grow up and my whole effort here is to help you to grow up to become mature, to become grounded, centred to know yourself, because that knowing becomes the key of knowing the whole but the walls of the scriptures hindus, christians, mohammedans, jews they have all created their walls those walls have to be completely demolished mercilessly demolished
unless we drop our hangovers of a primitive past we cannot live in the present, sincerely, totally and a sannyasin is to live totally, sincerely now, here
mind is capable of creating systems of thought but they are like making houses out of playing cards I just a little breeze and the whole house topples down and all the systems that mind creates are basically without any foundation so if you look into any system created by the mind and all systems are created by the mind all philosophies, all theologies, all ideologies if you go penetrating, digging deep you will be surprised -- the structure is vast 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you can be lost in the structure but if you look for the basic premises you will find they are missing there is no foundation at all their basic assumptions are only guesswork they begin with a priori ideas if you question their a priori ideas they are absolutely incapable of answering them hence no philosophy has satisfied man it satisfies only the person who creates it and deep down he also knows, he must know so he has to go on creating a bigger and bigger structure so vast, so complicated, so intricate that people are lost in theories and never come to the basic assumption hence every philosophy
has been criticised by its opponents and profoundly criticised but they make the same mistake it is bound to be so
it is the mistake of the thinking process itself it is like a blind man thinking about light what can he do? from where will he begin?
he will begin with an a priori idea, a guess he has never experienced
and my emphasis here is experiential so i am not giving you any ideology, any religion any cult, any creed, any dogma i am destroying all these things my work consists ninety-nine point nine per cent in being destructive
when all that is nonsense in you is destroyed the sense that you have brought with your nature asserts itself
when all that has been forced upon you is taken away
then your spontaneity
then your natural being blossoms and that's what god is all about the blossoming of your spontaneity mind is very clever in conceptualising give it anything and it will turn it into a concept and once it has succeeded
in turning it into a concept it looks so logical -- only looks, remember it looks so rational -- but only looks remember again, it is not rational, it is not logical 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
but it gives a beautiful facade of logic, reason and the people who are not acquainted with the ways of logic and reason fall victims to it
they become imprisoned in concepts they become christians, buddhists, hindus communists, atheists, theists, and what not this is not the way to search the truth the most fundamental thing about the search for truth is to withdraw all your concepts about it one should go utterly naked before the truth with no ideas about it
because your idea will disfigure, your idea will distort your idea will choose only that part of the truth which fits with it and it will deny that part which does not fit
and remember: a half-truth, a partial truth is more dangerous than an absolute lie for the simple reason that if the lie is absolute you are sooner or later bound to find it but if there is something which is a lie and yet carries some flavour of truth in it that truth may prevent you from finding that it is a lie that truth may give you enough consolation and you may cling, because of the truth to the lie
a man who wants to know the truth should go with open eyes
with no concepts, with no specs just naked, bare eyes -- to see what it is when you don t have any idea you don't project when you don't project you don't choose when you don't choose
the whole truth enters your being and jesus is right when he says truth liberates
lies create bondages, truth liberates all the religions
have been contaminating humanity with beliefs they say unless you believe you will never know just the opposite is the truth if you believe you will never know because belief means without knowing you have already accepted a certain prejudice without enquiring into it, without making any effort to be acquainted with the truth you have already believed
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
now there is no question of enquiry because enquiry arises only when there is doubt if you doubt you don't believe if you believe you cannot doubt all beliefs are superstructures to repress doubt but if doubt is repressed enquiry is destroyed and that's how people have been living imprisoned in churches, temples, mosques gurudwaras, synagogues
imprisoned in the bibles, the vedas the korans, the gitas
imprisoned in a thousand ways but the imprisonment is so subtle that unless one is really intelligent it is very difficult to find it but all these imprisonments are rooted in the single thing the belief
mv sannyasins have to learn not to believe but to enquire, to explore, to go on the journey the adventure of the unknown, empty-handed without any idea what it is going to be just innocent
in innocence the truth is known, not in belief the innocence becomes the door to the divine we are all full of prejudices for the simple reason that from the very beginning as the child is born the parents start poisoning him with their own beliefs
they are afraid that if he becomes mature enough to ask questions, to enquire then there is no way to transfer the beliefs that have been transferred to them for centuries they think it is a valuable treasure -- they only think they themselves have lived a life of misery they know their parents have lived a life of misery they know in fact that the whole humanity is living a life of hell, but still every
parent has an ego-number in him their children should represent them they should be as miserable as they are if more, then that is better, some improvement they are afraid to leave their children in freedom hence they go on piling up prejudices the children have to be taken to the church they have to be baptised
they have to be given religious education and this all has to happen before their sexual maturity 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
before the age of fourteen hence a strange fact has now become well-known that people's mental age
is somewhere between twelve and fourteen because that is the time
when they start becoming sexually mature now they cannot be conditioned any more sexual maturity means
nature has completed its process the person is individual as far as nature is concerned he may not be adult
according to the political ideas prevalent in a country
in some countries eighteen is the time when he is capable of voting in some countries, twenty-one but in fact nature has given him all the right to be a parent what to say about voting?
by the time a child is fourteen or thirteen the girls become mature one year earlier the child is capable of reproducing children what more responsibility can there be?
hence now no more conditioning is possible but whatsoever conditioning has happened has retarded his mind
now he will live
according to that conditioning for his whole life he will never grow beyond that mental age he may become eighty, ninety or he even may live for a century, but
he will remain as far as psychology is concerned only somewhere between twelve and fourteen and this disparity
between the age of fourteen and the age of a hundred
is the root cause of all misery the body goes on growing
and the mind remains stuck and the gap becomes unbridgeable the mind should grow each moment with each breath
the learning should never stop -- it cannot stop it is life's most valuable phenomenon the learning should continue to the last breath a person should die learning, still learning learning about death
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- life he has seen
he has learned so much through life he should not miss
this ultimate opportunity of learning this is the pinnacle of life death is not the end
it appears the end
only to those whose minds are retarded to socrates it is not the end -- another beginning to the buddha it is not the end but a tremendous beginning, a freedom freedom from the confinement of the body of the mind
death is opening a vaster dimension than one has ever known before but that needs intelligence that does not need a retarded mind it needs a constantly growing mind that's what i mean when i say transcend all prejudices
because those prejudices are holding you back life goes ahead
and you are holding somewhere back a part of you remains in the past a part of you has to live in the present only a partial life -- and a partial life is never
fulfilled, it remains discontented drop all prejudices, drop all conditionings so that you are reborn
that's what sannyas is all about a rebirth the beginning of enquiry, the beginning of seeking the beginning of searching -- on your own the dropping of the borrowed knowledge and learning
so that you can have some insight of your own only your own insight is going to give you freedom, love, blessing, benediction contemplation has been proclaimed as the panacea it is not -- it is the best that the mind can do but whatsoever the mind can do is going to be a barrier
yes, contemplation is the finest work of art as far as mind is capable of it is as if it has created a very transparent glass wall around you 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- you cannot see the wall
and you can see beyond the wall hence you can think that there is no wall you are free
you can see the flowers in the garden the birds on the wing, the sun rising, the starry night everything gives you the idea that you are free but if you take a few steps to reach the flowers then you will come to know that you are not free a very transparent glass wall prevents you contemplation is a glass wall the most beautiful that mind can do but as far as the soul is concerned it is the most dangerous thing because one can easily see a brick wall, a stone wall and when you see yourself behind a stone wall you don't like it, you want to get out of it you start finding methods how to destroy it but when you are living behind a glass wall then even the desire to get out rarely arises because it gives you a false sense of freedom one has to transcend contemplation these are the three things to be remembered one is concentration -- that is what creates science it deals with the objective reality it is a mind process
the second is contemplation -- it creates literature poetry, painting the whole dimension of aesthetics it is beautiful
but it creates a new kind of bondage far more subtle
and the third thing is meditation meditation is not of the mind but going out of the mind
transcending the mind
the moment you transcend the mind you enter into the world of no-mind and that is the world of real freedom now you are no longer surrounded by prison walls the whole existence is yours and the joy that it contains and the beauty and the splendour and the ecstasy 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
man is man only because he has a mind of course there are animals and trees and rocks which don't have this same type of mind as man has
hence mind has been praised, immensely praised from the schools to the college to the university we are cultivating mind -- to create human beings the more you are sophisticated in your mind the more powerful you will be in the human society you will become a scientist a physicist, a nuclear physicist you may become a politician you may become a great famous poet or a painter you will be powerful in some way your ego will be immensely satisfied but the satisfaction of the ego is not real contentment
to be famous means nothing when you are famous it means only something when you are not famous once you are famous you can see that it was all sheer nonsense what does it matter
how many people know about you?
two hundred or two million or two hundred million what does it matter? -- it is not true life name and fame don't stand as foundations for a real, authentic life which has joy in it which lives in a dance, in a song, in a celebration if you look backwards
man is really on the top of the ladder as far as animals are concerned but if you look upwards
there are still a few more rungs you have not yet come to the ultimate you are still on the way, on the bridge you have to transcend a few things more friedrich nietzsche
has a few immensely significant insights one of his insights is, he says that day will be the gloomiest in history when man will stop surpassing himself i absolutely agree with this man of course he was not a buddha not an awakened person
just at the last moment he went wrong 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
one can go wrong at any moment in the journey even from the last rung of the ladder one can fall it is a game of snakes and ladders one can fall from the number ninety-nine because there is also one snake waiting for you nietzsche fell from the last point and became a madman
when you fall from such a height what else can you expect? one is going to go berserk he died a madman
but he was very close to buddhahood that is the risk of all those people who want to reach to the highest peak if you want to reach the highest peak you have to be courageous
and you have to be careful and you have to know that the higher you rise the more cautious you become because the path becomes narrow and the height becomes bigger and if you slip just a single wrong step
and you will fall into the abyss but he had reached very close the only thing that was missing was meditation otherwise he would have blossomed as a buddha he had all the capacity
i agree with him
that unless man surpasses himself he remains stuck it is not the end of evolution, there is much more yet and that much more can only be lived by transcending
the mind
because mind is what makes you a man no-mind will be what will make you a superman that was the idea of friedrich nietzsche he tried hard to be a superman but he was not aware that one thing very essential was missing meditation was missing
my sannyasins can reach to the highest top without any fear of falling because from the very beginning they have to be meditative from the very beginning
they have to learn the art of being a no-mind and that releases awareness by the time they reach to the heights they are so full of awareness there is no possibility of slipping or committing a mistake
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- they can surpass humanity
and that is the greatest experience in life when you surpass the mind
and all that mind consists of when you suddenly start flying because there is no burden left mind is a weight that keeps you down that keeps you gravitating towards the earth the moment the paperweight is removed . . .
mind is just a paperweight and a very heavy paperweight you can call it the soulweight once it is removed the soul is free it is on its wings already and that is what ecstasy is to be on the wing in the infinite sky soaring towards the stars
the society consists of many things of religion, of nationality, of race of blood, of colour -- and all that crap and everybody is drowning in the crap and if you try to get out of it the others who are drowning become very angry they start pulling you back, they won't allow you a politician had gone for a morning walk and he saw a small boy catching crabs and putting them into an open bucket and many of them were trying to get out the politician looked and he said, my son you are making so much effort to catch these people
but they will get out
why don't you cover up your bucket?
the boy said, you don't be worried, sir they are all politicians
when one starts getting out others pull him down, no cover is needed i am perfectly experienced with these politicians the society is a political unit if you want to get out of it first they will pull you in every possible way they will threaten you
they will call you all kinds of names dropouts, escapists and i don't think there is anything wrong 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
if you are dropping out of a pit full of crap there is nothing wrong in escaping from it any intelligent person will do that only fools can live in it, only utterly stupid a sannyasin has to live his life intelligently not being a part of the crowd psychology the mobocracy
he has to be an individual he has to be a rebel he has to assert himself
he has to deny all efforts of being manipulated he has to cut himself off from all kinds of slaveries only then there is a possibility of seeing the light only then there is a possibility of realising your potential only then will you enter into the kingdom of god which is within you
the only anxiety in man's life is that of death other anxieties are just shadows of it by-products of it
howsoever far removed from it but if you go seeking and searching for the root cause
you will always see death
people are afraid of losing money for the simple reason that they know that if money is there, there is some safety against death, illness, disease, old age people cling to the family for the simple reason that who is going to take care of me if i am old disease is there, i become crippled, paralysed then who is going to take care of me?
so it is better to suffer in the family rather than becoming free of it people live in all kinds of societies and sacrifice all kinds of things which are of immense value, for the simple reason that the society provides security, safety but deep down it is always death that is the source from where anxiety arises and the only way to go beyond anxiety is to know that your innermost core is deathless even if you want to die you cannot die the people who commit suicide only destroy their body
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- not their souls
they cannot, it is indestructible and this is the most precious gift that comes through meditation you become aware of something eternal in you which was there before your birth which will be there even after your death your body is part of the earth it will dissolve into the earth something will go to the water something will go to the fire something will go to the earth something will go to the air something will go to the sky all the constituents of the body will be dispersed back to their original sources and mind will simply evaporate it is a by-product of all the body constituents once they disintegrate the mind disintegrates mind is not an entity hence mind is going to die and we are too much attached with the mind so we live under the fear of death meditation means
becoming detached from the mind becoming a witness of the mind looking at the mind as separate from you that's what actually it is you can see thoughts passing by you can see desires passing by you can see the whole traffic that goes on in the mind
the memories, the fantasies, the past, the future all kinds of things are passing
you can just stand by the side of the road and you can see the whole traffic -- you are not it you are the watcher, you are the witness and the witness is beyond
the seer is never the seen the observer is never the observed this very experience is transcendence and once you know that you are not the mind the fear of death simply disappears as if it has never been there in the first place suddenly you are in the world 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
of the deathless, the eternal there is no anxiety any more one is at ease with existence in a deep let-go
a tremendous relaxation
that relaxation is the ultimate goal of sannyas to know it is to know all to miss it is to miss all
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