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Chapter title: None

21 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103215 ShortTitle: CLAPP21


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Tonight there is an Enlightenment Day Celebration in Bhagwan's silent presence. This chapter in the book comprises quotes on celebration and several photos.

rejoice! sing! dance!

and dance so totally that your egos melt and disappear dance so totally

that the dancer is no more there but only the dance remains then you will din me wherever you are wherever my sannyasin celebrate my message is realized

because celebration is my message 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

my sannyasins celebrate everything celebration is the only thing we can offer god

this i call prayer, this i call being religious celebrating one's being it is a gift from god just to be is more than you can ask for just to be is the greatest miracle hallelujah



we are made of the stuff called celebration rejoice, rejoice i say unto you rejoice

again and again!

oh what wondrous life!

i rejoice in the waves of your love i rejoice in the starts above i rejoice in the rolling thunder of your song

we are on the threshold

of something new that is going to happen to humanity we have to fill the whole earth with buddhafields!

so wherever you go wherever you are,

never forget for a moment

that you are not far away from me The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #22



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