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20 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103205 ShortTitle: CLAPP20


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the phenomenon of awareness is paradoxical half of it, the first half, is human effort the other half, the second half, is a divine gift one has to do the utmost one can do to attain it but it is not attained only by that it is not attained without it either the human effort prepares you to receive the gift if you are unprepared and the gift comes you will not even be able to recognise it there is no question of receiving it, welcoming it so the first part is absolutely necessary but one should not get the idea that one attains it through effort the effort only removes the barriers it is negative

the moment the barriers are removed 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

the door is open, the heart is available the gift comes, it is a happening, it is not a doing hence one should not get egoistic about one's efforts

because ultimately it happens effortlessly it simply showers on you and the moment it showers

one comes to know that whatsoever i have done has nothing to do with-it i was simply removing the stones the rocks on the way

the guest was always ready to come i was only opening the door the guest is not my creation the guest was already there just waiting at the door

all that i have done is open the door which is not much

but without opening the door the guest cannot enter either hence it is called the effortless effort one has to be really diligent it is an uphill task, you have to move upwards when you are coming down the hill there is no effort when you are going up the hill immense effort is needed

the higher the altitude the more effort is needed but when you reach the peak what you see there has nothing to do with your effort of course your effort has got you to the peak but the vision, the vast sky and the immensely beautiful valleys all around the stars

they are not your creation but you would have missed them if you had not come to the peak hence one has to continuously balance between effort and no-effort something has to be done

and something has not to be done they appear contradictory they are not -- they are complementary you have to do your part

the moment your part is fulfilled existence does its own part but if you have been half-heartedly doing then existence will not do its part you have to be in your effort totally without holding anything back 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

when you risk all, existence comes with immense blessings, benedictions existence loves and respects a person who has put everything to the stake and awareness is something that can happen only when you are totally devoted to it sannyas is nothing but an initiation first into effort

and then into effortless receptivity existence is basically made of awareness science may never be able to discover it because science's very methodology prevents it but still science has come very close to it just thirty years ago

science was absolutely certain that existence consists of matter now it is no more so

matter is dead, matter has evaporated matter exists not

now science says we were deceived because of our limited instruments existence does not consist of matter but of pure energy

but the energy is revolving with such speed that it creates the illusion of matter it is just like an electric fan going with great speed

and you cannot see its three blades it looks like a wheel

that wheel is only illusory if it really goes with the speed of light you can sit on it and you will not feel those blades moving the speed will be so much

one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second that you can sit on it

and you will not feel that anything is moving it will be absolutely static for you that's actually what is happening when you see the wall

it seems to be so solid -- nothing is solid just the speed is so fast otherwise you can walk through it it is just the speed

if it can be lowered a little bit you can walk through the wall through the mountain

there is no problem because it is pure energy 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

there is nothing solid any more this is a great advance that science has to concede reluctantly they conceded

because to say that existence consists of energy is to come very close to the mystics they have always been saying existence is energy they say something more too they say that energy is awareness science may never be able to know

that for the simple reason

it has no way to experience awareness it can be experienced only through meditation and the moment you experience awareness the whole existence

is immediately revealed to you as awareness not only that, it starts converging on you immediately, instantly you become the centre of it you become the beloved of the whole and to be beloved of the whole is to be blissful, is to be ecstatic because that is the only love that can be eternal the more aware you become, the more loving the less aware, the less loving the unconscious person

is absolutely incapable of love neither can he give nor can he receive and everybody is hankering longing to love and to be loved but everybody is unconscious it is not possible

it is like a blind person trying to see the light and trying to see the colour of the flowers and trying to see the stars because people talk so much of their beauty but how can the blind man see the colours of the flowers and the rainbow and the stars and the moon?

it is impossible

what is needed is not any effort to come to come to the flower, to look at the sky because those blind eyes

even if turned towards the sky will not see the stars

the blind person needs his eyes to be cured he needs a physician, he does not need to be led by poets, by philosophers

he needs a physician

and a true master is a physician not a philosopher he tries to give you something 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

that is already in you but unopened he gives you a third eye, that is awareness he

helps you to become aware and as you start becoming aware you are surprised love starts happening of its own accord and you have always been longing for it and now it is coming of its own accord one simply becomes pure love when awareness has blossomed when the flower of awareness is there there is the fragrance of love it is inevitable

awareness is the seed -- it is there it just needs the right soil the right climate, a right gardener and soon the day will come when the seed will dissolve into the soil and the hidden will become real the heart of the seed will start growing then flowers are not far away the first leaves herald the coming of the flowers sannyas is only a climate, a soil the master is a gardener

you have all that you need but it is in the potential, it has to be actualised there is no real difficulty in its realisation one just has to dissolve one's ego in the soil that ego is just like the hard shell that surrounds the seed

it is protective -- that is its function but if that hard shell surrounding the seed rejects dissolving into the soil then it is no more protective, it is destructive the ego is a necessity in the world otherwise you will not be able to survive there are so many egos all around they will crush you

they will use you as a stepping stone you will be destroyed by all those egos your own ego gives you a certain protection a certain safety

it creates a hard barrier between you and the others they cannot penetrate you

it is not easy to go deep into you and hurt you ego helps you not to be hurt by others as far as the world is concerned it is okay the moment you start moving inwards the ego has to dissolve


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- otherwise it won't allow your reality to blossom that's what sannyas is a readiness on the part of the disciple to dissolve the ego

and once the ego is dissolved miracles start happening it is a miracle

those first two leaves coming out of the ground one could not have imagined that the seed contains these two green leaves and then the tree goes on

becoming bigger, gathering greater foliage it can become a big tree

almost whispering with the clouds it can blossom, it can become flowers, fruits and only then one is fulfilled that is the state of buddhahood the awakened state of consciousness awareness is a method

a means to attain consciousness one has to become aware of the outer world when you are watching something be alert

don't just behave like a zombie that's how people are behaving they are looking at a thing and not looking at all because their mind is somewhere else their eyes are empty, there is no attention they are hearing something but they are not listening their awareness is not there behind their ears so this is the first thing to be done become aware of the outside world this noise of the train

or an aeroplane passing by or the traffic never think of these things as distractions they are not

use them as objects for becoming alert and aware and you will be surprised everything can be used

and then there is no distraction then the whole life is helping you to become aware 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- nothing can distract you

you can go into the marketplace and you can use every noise every nuisance that is going on as an object for becoming more alert in fact it is easier to be aware in

a marketplace than in a monastery

the second thing to be aware of is your own body and its acts, what you are doing just becoming more aware of each movement each gesture

and that will release an even greater awareness than the outside world

then become aware of your thoughts and you are coming closer to home and the closer you come

more and more release of awareness will be there then watch your emotions, your moods and you have come very close for the explosion of consciousness when you are capable of watching the outside world the physiological activities the activities of the mechanism of the mind and the mechanism of the heart you are ready for the quantum leap then you can simply jump into yourself you will suddenly find yourself centred, grounded rooted in your own being

and that is the flowering of consciousness that's the ultimate goal of all religions there is no other truth

truth is not something outside you it is the very innermost core of your being it is the explosion of consciousness awareness, watchfulness

the moment your inner being explodes all becomes light

then life is lived in a totally different way of course one lives in the same ordinary life but with such extraordinary delight with such extraordinary intensity, love, joy that one cannot imagine it it is not comprehensible by the mind mind is always wishy-washy it cannot conceive the total intensity of the state of no-mind

and awareness is the state of no-mind it is pure silence, profound silence depthless, bottomless, abysmal silence 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the Sound

of one hand Clapping

that's our truth; that's the truth philosophy is incapable of finding it because it only goes on thinking about it it has to be found in a state of no-thought, no- mind in a state of absolute clarity consciousness, transparency no other beauty can be compared with it because it is not one of the beauties amongst others it is the very source

of the experience of the beautiful the moment one is aware

the whole existence becomes beautiful to look at it with awareness is a transformation not only the person

is transformed through awareness but the whole universe

it remains the same universe but because you are no more the same your perspective is no more the same your attitude is no more the same your understanding is no more the same then in a sense it is the same universe but in another sense

it is a totally different universe you have never known it before then everything starts having a tremendous beauty a luminous quality

then everything

is surrounded by a beautiful aura then everything

has a tremendously graceful vibe about it one starts living in the mysterious, the miraculous then the whole life is poetry the whole existence is a song the whole universe

is nothing but dance and celebration knowledge needs no awareness you can remain as unconscious as you like still you can go on accumulating knowledge because it is borrowed, it needs no awareness you are simply functioning like a computer 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- you are using your mind as a machine a memory machine

and it has the capacity to carry imprints to contain memory

it has immense capacity, almost infinite they say that a single brain system can contain all the libraries of the world and one need not be aware

in soviet russia

they have developed a system of education so that children can be taught even while they are asleep they will just have earphones while they are sleeping

and in a very silent way almost in a whisper

they will be fed knowledge and their minds will record it and they will be asleep

they will not know what is being recorded but in the morning if you ask them they will be able to answer your questions they will be themselves surprised because they had never learned as far as they know but they learned during their sleep if it is possible during sleep then there is no problem

people can be unconscious that's what they are

and they can go on gathering knowledge but wisdom is a totally different phenomenon the first

the most basic requirement is to be aware because wisdom means

experiencing the truth of your being it cannot be experienced while you are asleep unaware, unconscious

all knowledge is borrowed, hence ugly, a burden wisdom has beauty because it is your own knowledge is a bondage, wisdom is a freedom and because it comes

through awareness it makes you more and more full of light at the ultimate peak of wisdom one and one's wisdom are not two separate things one is simply wise

there is no wisdom separate one's very existence is wise 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

then whatsoever one does is right then one need not follow any commandment any morality, any ethics

one can drop all these burdens one's wisdom is enough to give him every moment the right response

the right approach the right vision

a wise man lives unburdened because he need not depend on any ready-made answers

he is capable of responding to any challenge he is just like a mirror reflecting every situation and acting accordingly

that's how a sannyasin has slowly slowly to grow into wisdom awareness is the way, wisdom is the goal christ is not a christian

he had never heard the word even he never belonged to the church there was no church to belong to he was a man of awareness

that is true religion

buddha had never heard of buddhism either but he lived the true religion the religion of awareness

and that is true about all the really authentic religious people of the world others are only phony: the polack pope and ayatollah khomaniac

and the shankaracharyas

these are all phony people they have not tasted from the well of awareness they have not gone in

they are simply repeating like parrots the scriptures that have been handed over to them by tradition

i don't give any doctrine to my sannyasins any dogma, any cult, any creed -- i have none i only insist on one thing be aware, be alert in whatsoever you are doing just do it watchfully, consciously and that is enough

because consciously

one can never do anything wrong consciousness is bound to result in right actions and unconsciously one cannot do anything right 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- one can try to do right

but the total result will always be wrong so there is no need to bother about your small acts it is better to come to the very source and that is awareness

discover it and live out of it and then your life

will be just a festival of lights friendliness is the highest peak of love sex is the lowest

love is just in the middle friendliness is the peak in sex only two bodies meet in love two hearts in friendliness two spirits the first is animal

the second is human the third is divine

but the third can happen only through awareness in fact the whole transformation from sex to love from love to friendliness

happens through the ladder of awareness if you bring your awareness if you focus it on your sexuality you will start transcending sexuality awareness is always a transcendence no other effort is needed

just watching your sexuality just understanding it, observing it is enough

and you can see its animality you can see the biological bondage you can see that you are being used by nature for its own purposes -- and this very seeing takes you to a new altitude to love

love is not natural

hence animals don't know about it it is a transcendence of nature it is going a little above nature it is supranatural

but something of sex still remains in it as a hangover, as a shadow of the past if you watch your love

if you become aware of your love then the third thing happens friendliness

i don't call it even friendship because friendship reminds one of relationship love is a relationship

but friendliness is free of all kinds of bindings 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- friendliness is just like fragrance absolutely free

to go with the wind, to rise towards the sky it has no confinement

love is a little bit possessive, jealous friendliness is beyond possessiveness beyond jealousy

one can be friendly to many people, to millions one can be friendly to the whole existence it is awareness

that brings you to that ultimate peak and once your sex is transformed into love and your love is transformed into friendliness you have come home

then one can relax the journey is over

The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #21



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