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18 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103185 ShortTitle: CLAPP18
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the moment one becomes blissful one becomes simultaneously 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
a beloved of the whole existence the miserable remains separate from the whole misery creates a kind of boundary it creates a prison
blissfulness is nothing but melting, merging disappearing in the whole
misery is centered in the ego, bliss is egolessness and the ego can never be the beloved of existence because it is a false entity the existence does not give any recognition to false entities
hence the egoist suffers, he lives in hell only egolessness brings paradise to you to be initiated into sannyas means basically, essentially initiation into egolessness bliss comes naturally
and one becomes the beloved of the whole without any effort it is our birthright
but we have to drop the false to be in tune with the real the experience of bliss needs as a basic requirement courageousness and nothing else
the miserable is always a coward for the simple reason
that he cannot drop even the false he clings to the false -- the ego not only that, he clings even to his misery he cannot even renounce his misery remember a basic law: misery does not cling to you it has no interest in you --
it is your investment in misery it is your clinging with misery that keeps you imprisoned, keeps you in hell courage simply means
dropping all that is ugly, all that is false and that creates unnecessary suffering yes, there is some necessary suffering also but that is a totally different phenomenon necessary suffering
is that which one has to pass through if one wants to reach to the heights 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- then one has to go uphill
that is necessary suffering but it is worth it, it is a joy, in fact people are clinging to unnecessary misery which is absolutely not needed at all it does not help your growth -- it hinders but courage is needed to drop it why is courage needed to drop it?
because we have some investment in it the miserable person is getting attention through his misery sympathy through his misery compassion through his misery the more he gets people's sympathy attention, kindness, compassion the more he becomes clinging to his misery he knows it is because of misery that he is the centre of everybody else's attention this is fulfilling his ego but on the other hand it is nursing his misery it is keeping his wound alive it does not allow the wound to heal a simple courage is needed to drop all this because sympathy is not love compassion is not love
getting attention for wrong reasons you cannot really be contented and what can attention give to you?
it can simply give you a bigger ego which will be more heavy to carry -- that's all you will be burdened with it crushed under its weight
gather courage to drop all this and the moment you drop it immediately there is bliss because bliss is our nature it has not to be created, it is already there we just have to remove the hindrances that's the whole art of sannyas removing the hindrances
eliminating the obstructions the moment those rocks are no more there the river of bliss starts flowing it starts moving towards the ocean 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
towards the ultimate bliss of merging with the whole bliss is always young, always fresh, always green as far as bliss is concerned it is always spring the fall never comes, the death never comes bliss is eternal life
hence the longing of everyone is to search and seek bliss, to find it everybody is trying in his own ways to find it of course, out of a hundred ways ninety-nine are wrong
hence very few people attain it but this is the way life functions this is the way life gives you an opportunity to be intelligent, to be aware, to experiment to make mistakes and errors because that is the only way to learn you have to knock on ninety-nine doors before you can find the right door even those ninety- nine doors are helpful don't think of them as enemies because they help you to find the hundredth door they are all pointing towards the hundredth door life is a trial and error experiment that's the only way to grow to sharpen one's intelligence if there was only one door then there would be no difference between the stupid and the intelligent both would enter from the same door the stupid is one who gets stuck in a wrong door the intelligent also knocks on the wrong door but never gets stuck there -- he goes on moving he goes on searching until he finds the right door it is a beautiful exploration a tremendously thrilling adventure enjoy the search, rejoice in the seeking and the person who can enjoy the very search, the very pilgrimage is not far away from the right door he is bound to find it
pleasure gives you the appearance of bliss but it is not bliss -- it tricks you, it tickles you 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
for a moment it befools you, but only for a moment and again you are back to the same state of despair happiness also is another hallucination pleasure is physiological, happiness is psychological for example, a person taking some drug like lsd feels a certain happiness but it is not bliss even a man like aldous huxley was deceived a very intelligent man but he believed that he had attained through Lsd the same experience
as the buddha, as jesus christ, as lao tzu it is not possible through chemicals chemicals can only create a dreamworld and when their effect is lost you are back on the same earth, in the same state even in fact far more miserable than before because now you have seen a dream beautiful dream
and you will miss it but this is not new
not only aldous huxley is deceived it has been one of the most ancient things from the ancientmost scripture of the world, rigveda up to now, people have been deceived by drugs in rigveda it is called soma but it is exactly something like marijuana, Lsd, pscilocybin one can feel a dreamworld, a beautiful dreamworld but it does not last and the definition of bliss is that it begins but it never ends if it ends then it is either pleasure or happiness either physiological or psychological but it has nothing to do with the spiritual the spiritual is the dimension of eternity bliss is homeless
hence it is ever green, always young, always fresh the only way to attain it is meditation the body cannot give it to you the mind cannot give it to you only the state of no-mind
that's what meditation is: a state of no-mind the moment you enter into the state of no-mind in that immense silence, that profound virgin silence you have entered into bliss, into the world of bliss samo is a word that means balance, stillness, silence 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
it simply means coming to an inner space within you where there is no disturbance at all, no distraction where past is no more hovering over you where future is no more pulling you where only the present exists where only this moment is all in that silence, in that stillness, one hears the Sound
of one hand Clapping
the eternal music of existence and that's what bliss is
to become part of that eternal silence which is also an eternal song, but a song of silence unuttered, unexpressed
a dance at the innermost shrine of your being with no movement
it is one of the most mysterious experiences a song without any words
a dance without any movement a music which cannot be heard but can only be tasted, experienced the ordinary science
is concerned with everything except bliss it is concerned with the whole existence except the consciousness of the scientist itself it is a very strange phenomenon that the scientist is interested in all kinds of things except in his own consciousness -- who he is that is not his problem at all, that is not his quest the knower remains unknown to him and he goes on accumulating knowledge about everything else
vigyan means a special science special in the sense that it is concerned with the knowing of the knower itself its only concern is to know the knower who am i? is its only quest and the moment you know who you are simultaneously you know bliss too because you are made of the stuff called bliss 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you consist of only one thing -- that is bliss gautam the buddha used to say if you taste sea water from any place it is always salty
if you taste your consciousness from any door, from any method, from any path you will always taste bliss bliss takes you beyond time without bliss you remain a slave of time time is continuously changing hence to remain in time
means constantly being uprooted from one place to another place you cannot grow, it is impossible to grow in time it is just continuously replanting there is no opportunity to grow roots to be centered, to be grounded time is fleeting so fast
and you have to keep pace with time you have to go on running
you have to go on being more and more speedy to keep your pace with time otherwise you will be left behind to live in time means
to live a life of continuous change, movement you cannot find even a moment's rest even in your sleep you are dreaming that means even in your sleep you are running bliss is beyond time, hence instead of a slave it makes you a god, a god of time time starts serving you
ordinarily people serve time and time ultimately takes you to death it cannot take you anywhere else the grave is the goal
it makes you run faster and faster and faster till you fall in your own grave then only it leaves you
it goes on pushing you towards the grave in sanskrit we have one word for both time and death -- kal
for the simple reason that time means death kalesh means god of time and the moment you become a master of time 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you also become a master of death then time serves you, death serves you both become your servants
but the whole secret lies in transcending time and it is possible, the key is there within us the key is to get out of the mind mind is within the grip of time and
death the moment you slip out of the mind you are outside time and death and to slip out of the mind takes you into the world of bliss then there is only rejoicing and eternal life bliss is multi-dimensional it has many aspects to it
one of its aspects is it is a flame, a light once the flame is lit within you all darkness disappears
the darkness cannot exist with the flame and when there is no darkness within you your whole life is transformed because your whole life was dominated by darkness now it is dominated by light darkness within
whatsoever you do is going to be wrong even the right, with all good intentions is going to be wrong -- that is inevitable and one can experience it
parents want to do everything right for their child of course they think they love the child but they only think
deep down they are so full of darkness love is not possible
and with all the good intentions they start crippling the child, paralysing, poisoning with all their superstitions and stupidities they go on burdening the child they are trying to make the child live exactly the same life as they have lived and they have never tasted bliss yet they want the child
to be just a carbon copy of themselves it is absolutely unconscious with all good intentions
they are creating hell for the child their parents created hell for them and now they are doing the same to their children and the children will go on doing the same to their children
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
that's how from generation to generation man is being poisoned from the very source the teachers are trying to do something good but all that they manage to do is stuff your mind with borrowed knowledge they themselves are not wise
how can they help you to be wise?
the priests are doing everything good for you and they are the greatest mischievous people in the world, not knowing at all they have destroyed the whole human past in the name of religion
all kinds of crimes have been committed murders, people have been burnt alive and not one or two, millions of people in the name of god, in the name of christianity in the name of islam, in the name of hinduism beautiful names but the reason is simple unless you have your inner light whatsoever you do is going to be wrong hence my emphasis is not to do right my emphasis is to be right then whatsoever you do is going to be right that is secondary
then there is no need to be worried about it and to be right means to be full of light bliss is a light, misery is darkness and that light is not far away you are not to travel to a star to find it you have just to go within -- it is just so close to you just a little turning, a hundred-eighty-degree turning just changing your focus from the outside and looking in is enough
once you start looking in
you are bound to find the flame it is already there -- neglected, ignored once you pay attention to it, it starts burning bright your attention becomes its food its nourishment, its fuel
hence meditation is nothing but the art of becoming attentive, aware, alert our whole education is rooted in a false notion of creating the ego in the child even the psychologists go on emphasising that the ego has to be strengthened these psychologists also don't know the experience of egolessness they are as unaware as anybody else 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- as unenlightened as anybody else and in their ignorance
they think unless you have a very strong ego you will not be able to compete in life and it is a tough competition you have to be strong to give a good fight it is a struggle, the survival of the fittest so you have to be fit to survive that's what our
education is it is in fact miseducation because its whole foundation is wrong it is rooted in the idea of the ego real education will help you to dissolve the ego to drop the very idea of conflict struggle, fight, war
in fact one has to be in a deep communion with the whole -- relaxed, restful, at home to me that is religiousness and the reward is bliss
and there cannot be any greater reward dissolve the ego, let it evaporate and only then will you find a tremendous explosion of such joy
that you could not have even dreamt of it before when it happens for the first time it is absolutely unbelievable, it is so vast it is so infinite that one cannot believe that one is capable of it
one tries
perhaps i am dreaming, perhaps i am imagining but the miracle is such that once it happens it goes on deepening
sooner or later you have to trust it sooner or later you have to come to understand that this is what you were missing this is what
you were always seeking and searching unconsciously ego is the only barrier
and egolessness is the only bridge to god one has to become a nobody, a nothingness only then bliss happens
because only then there is a space enough for the infinite to become a guest in your being 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
otherwise we are so much cluttered with all kinds of rubbish, junk, crap that the infinite cannot be a guest we cannot be a host to the divine and bliss is divine, another name for god one can invite bliss
only if one has prepared one's being and the preparation means
if one has emptied oneself out completely all the ideologies have to be thrown out all the scriptures have to be burned not literally, not the scriptures on the outside they have nothing to do with you but nothing inside should remain no ideology, no religion, no theology one should become utterly empty of all ideas and then the miracle is bound to happen exactly at the moment you are totally empty it happens
and it does not happen
as if something is coming from the outside it happens exactly at the centre of your being as if something has suddenly blossomed in you it was always there as a potential; it becomes actual we have only to create space and any limited space won't do it has to be unlimited
hence i say one has to become a zero the moment the zero is there perfection happens on its own accord bliss and wisdom are two sides of the same coin only a blissful person is wise and only a wise person is blissful they happen together
the fool cannot be blissful howsoever scholarly he is howsoever knowledgeable he is he cannot be blissful and the blissful person
howsoever uneducated he is, uninformed cannot be other than wise 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- he cannot be otherwise
jesus is not a knowledgeable person neither is mohammed nor is kabir all the three are uneducated, absolutely uneducated not great scholars or philosophers not knowledgeable in any way just innocent people
but immensely wise, absolutely wise their wisdom knows no bounds their wisdom is as vast as the whole sky their wisdom is infinite
hence wisdom has to be understood what actually it is
it is knowing your own being it is an experience of your own innermost core it is entering into your own centre the moment you enter your very centre the innermost shrine of your being a miracle happens
you are innocent and yet
you have such tremendous insight into everything it is not knowledge, it is insight your life is lived now in a wise way your each step is full of wisdom your each word contains scriptures even your silence is a sermon and the miracle of this blissfulness, this wisdom happens through a simple art of watching your mind
mind is knowledge
if you can watch your mind in all its functions if you can watch all its knowledge you become separate from it the watcher becomes separate from the watched and that very separation
is the beginning of bliss and wisdom when you are totally aware that you are not the mind you have prepared yourself for the miracle to happen
it inevitably happens
just we have to be ready for it sannyas is a preparation for wisdom, for bliss for freedom, for love -- for all that is really valuable 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #19
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