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16 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103165 ShortTitle: CLAPP16


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No 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- love needs great courage

for the simple reason that the basic requirement of love is to drop the ego

and man is very afraid of dropping the ego it seems almost like committing suicide it only seems so because we don't know anything other than the ego ego has become our only identity and to drop it certainly means you are dropping your individuality it is not true

in fact just the opposite is the truth unless you drop the ego you cannot know your real individuality the ego is a pretender something false, pseudo, invented the moment it is dropped

only then you can see the real otherwise the unreal hides the real the unreal hides the real like clouds hiding the sun love requires a dropping of the ego hence love can become the door to the divine you may start loving a person but you will end up loving the impersonal the person becomes just like a window open towards

the infinite sky but one has to be absolutely clear that the ego will have to be sacrificed people hanker for love

but at the same time they cling to their ego hence love never becomes a reality they come and go without tasting the nectar of love and unless you experience love you have not experienced life at all you miss the point

love is sacred

in fact the only thing that can give you the feeling of the sacred is love love exists on the earth but is not part of the earth it is a ray from the beyond so those who can catch hold of the ray 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

they can go on moving in the direction from which the ray is coming and ultimately can find the source of all love the religions have called that source god it is better to call it godliness so the idea of the person is dropped and only the idea of energy remains love is sacred, divine, godly and also, love is a noble giver one can give but if there is an expectation of something to gain out of it then it is not noble, then it is just pure business it has no nobility about it one can give with certain conditions then it loses all nobility love is a noble giver

because it gives for the sheer joy of giving there is no desire for any return --

not that rewards don't come they come -- they come thousandfold but that is another matter that is not your expectation you were not desiring it, you were not demanding it you had no idea of any return in fact the lover is surprised when the gifts come what he had given was nothing and what comes is almost infinite, immeasurable love is sacred, it is really sacred because it is the art of noble giving give for the sheer joy of giving share for sharing's sake, for no other reason and you will be rewarded immeasurably you will come to the inexhaustible source just by giving you will become every time more and more rich -- that's the economics of love a totally different economics just the opposite of the ordinary economics if you give you will become poor in the ordinary economical world if you go on giving soon you will be a beggar but in the inner world the laws are just the reverse give and you become richer the more you give, the more you have the less you give, the less you have if you don't give you

are poor, you are a beggar one has to learn it but the only way to learn is to give and see what happens to share and see what happens 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

there is no other way to learn except experiencing it life has only one centre which is eternal otherwise everything goes on moving and changing life is like a wheel

but the wheel moves on something unmoving that unmoving centre of the wheel is love everything changes

only love remains always the same love is the only phenomenon that remains unaffected by time that is beyond time

those who have known love

they have known that time is not all that there is something more than time the eternity

time moves from past to future present in fact does not exist in time ordinarily we think these are the three tenses of time past, present, future

but in fact time consists only of past and future you can never get hold of the present the moment you get hold of it it is already past or if you try to get hold of it before it becomes past

then it is in the future

you cannot get hold of it in the present and love is in the present, love is always now it abides here and now

it has no past, no future, no birth, no death it simply is, it is pure isness and the whole existence

is made of the stuff called love the deeper you go into it the more you are surprised that existence is not made of matter matter is only illusory

illusory in the sense that it appears there but if you go deeper into it it disappears physicists say it is energy, not matter that is their way of saying it but the mystics say it is love, not matter in fact both have come very close the physicists and the mystics because love is pure energy of course the mystics way of saying it is far better, far more poetic than the physicists' way of saying it 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

energy is a non-poetic expression, neutral love is a poetic expression it brings the energy closer to you it becomes your very heart the moment you say it is love it becomes something of immense value to know the mystery of existence one has to know the mystery of love to know the ultimate, the eternal one has to dive deep into love my sannyasins are not in search of god or truth their whole search is to know love in its totality because knowing love in its totality is knowing all it is knowing truth, it is knowing god it is knowing freedom

it is knowing all that is worth knowing one has to surrender to love with totality not holding anything back

if you are holding something back you will not be able to experience love one has to be a gambler, not calculating but ready to risk all, on one stake everything that one has and in that very moment is the transformation

there is a a great misunderstanding it has existed in the whole past of humanity and because of that misunderstanding lovers have been quarrelling fighting with each other

they think they have to surrender to each other that is nonsense

they both have to surrender to love surrender has to be there, but it is not to each other that creates the conflict; then each tries the other should surrender to me and of course, the same is the desire of the other and then there is conflict, then there is quarrel now psychologists say lovers are intimate enemies and they are right -- it should not be so because enemies are after all enemies intimate or not intimate

in fact intimate enemies are more dangerous because they are so close

and if lovers are also intimate enemies then there are only two categories in the world the unintimate enemies


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and the intimate enemies

friendship disappears completely then there is no third category and the reason is a fallacy once it is understood that both have to surrender to love, not to each other things become very easy

then there is no question of possessing each other no question of domination

both are possessed by love love which is a totally different phenomenon from their egos, their personalities they melt into love not into each other of course indirectly they melt into each other also because they are melting into the same love but that is indirect, that happens automatically love is the first experience of melting, merging, of losing one's boundaries hence it is the first spiritual experience and one should not stop at that one should go on and on

finding more, deeper surrenders and one day one has to be ready to surrender all to the whole that is the ultimate goal of human consciousness the moment one surrenders oneself to the whole one becomes holy

to me there is no other kind of holiness that is the only possibility of becoming a seer, a sage, a saint all other saints are just hocus-pocus deep down in their minds there are motives, desires maybe of the other world, of heaven, of paradise of being with god and all that kind of nonsense the real seeker simply surrenders to the universe dissolves himself into the whole, disappears and in that very disappearance one finds the ultimate core of one's being the deathless, the immortal, the eternal let love be your meditation 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

let love be your only law

i have only one commandment because to me the whole religiousness is contained in this single word love

all the bibles, all the gitas, all the korans if in any scripture there is something valuable then it is bound to be some aspect of love love has many aspects

it is a multi-dimensional phenomenon the way to find it is meditation meditation simply means becoming utterly silent so that your mind is no more an interference mind is full of desires, motives, goals, purposes and love cannot be found by the mind because love has no motive, no purpose love has nothing to achieve, nothing to gain it is not a means to some end it is an end unto itself

hence mind is incapable of even comprehending what love is mind has to be put aside

that putting aside of the mind is what meditation is all about when the mind is put aside you are in a state of meditation no-mind is meditation

and in that state, love blossoms suddenly you explode into love your whole life becomes an overflowing love but without silence it is not possible one has to attain to such a deep silence that not even a slight tremor of the mind remains in it not even a small ripple of thought, desire motive, greed, anger, no past, no future when mind has completely ceased then one hears the music of silence the song of silence

the Sound of one hand Capping

and that is the moment when love explodes then your whole life becomes nothing but love 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

only the loving heart knows what peace is the unloving heart knows only war sometimes hot, sometimes cold but it is war all the same the unloving heart means a heart full of hatred and people are living in that ugly space of course they find beautiful rationalisations for their head trip

in fact they even pretend to love just to hate for example they will love christianity just to hate islam

they will love islam just to hate hinduism they will love hinduism just to hate buddhism they will love buddhism just to hate communism and so on, so forth

if you look deep inside their being their love is nothing but an excuse to hate they will love their country to hate all other countries they will love their race, their colour to hate all other races and all other colours but their basic motive is hatred hence in the name of religion so much bloodshed has happened even christians who believe in jesus whose whole teaching is rooted in love they have killed thousands of people they have burned people alive in the name of jesus, in the name of love it is a very insane humanity we talk about love just to hide our hatred we smile just to hide our anger a sannyasin has to be absolutely clear about it one has to be absolutely naked before oneself no more rationalisation

because that is the only way to be finished with hatred if you can see it is hatred that very seeing is enough then you cannot live it, then you have to drop it but if you think it is love then on the package it is love wrapped in beautiful packets but inside it is nothing but hatred so you can go on carrying those packets thinking that it is love

a sannyasin has to expose himself totally before himself he has to be clear what exactly is in his heart 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the moment you see hatred

that is the death of hatred because nobody can allow it nobody is so stupid to allow it if one knows, if one knows exactly the ugliness of it and it is ugly, hence i say the very seeing of it becomes its dropping and the moment hatred is no more there love blossoms and with love comes peace peace with the whole

existence, a deep harmony then there is no enemy

jesus says love thy enemies -- i don't agree because even to think of them as enemies is not right

once you think of them as enemies and then you try to love them you are getting into a contradiction you can at the most pretend because deep down you know they are enemies and through your pretension that you are loving your enemies you can get into an ego trip that you are a holy person, holier-than-thou look, i love even my enemies not only that, even my neighbours i love my neighbours

to me the man of love knows no enemy hence he loves all not that he loves his enemies he simply cannot see

that there is anybody who is his enemy jesus on the cross says

father, forgive these people because they know not what they are doing it looks like a good gesture but in fact he is condemning them, he is saying they are fools, they don't know what they are doing they are doing wrong -- that much is certain otherwise why forgive them?

the very idea forgive them shows that jesus knows they are doing wrong but according to his whole teaching love thy enemies as thyself he is acting his whole philosophy at the last moment also he says forgive i will not agree to it


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

because you have already condemned them they are doing their thing and you are doing your thing what is there to be forgiven?

neither they need to be forgiven nor you need to be forgiven you enjoyed doing your thing they are enjoying doing their thing if i am crucified i will know that this is what i have been doing i was driving those people to crucify me so what is there to ask god to forgive them for?

why this holier-than-thou attitude?

this is a great insult to the people i will simply thank them you have done the thing

that i was hoping you would do so goodbye, see you again

and again i will do the same and i hope that you will also do the same what else is there to say?

love cannot even utter these words, forgive them love simply loves and knows peace peace with the whole existence love can either be hot or cold or cool the cool love is a rare phenomenon the other two are well known the hot love is nothing but pure sexuality and the cold love is nothing but what happens between a wife and a husband --

it is a pretension, it is hypocrisy it is a mannerism, etiquette love is dead when it is cold it is the coldness of a corpse you still call the corpse by the same name as when the person was alive hence it is called cold love but love is no more there it is just a corpse

and you have to perfume it so it does not start stinking that's what husbands and wives continuously do perfuming, managing somehow the pretension knowing perfectly well that all has disappeared but not courageous enough to say so there are so many involvements, investments children, business, money


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and a thousand and one things respectability, society

and one has to think of all these things then it is cold love

both are known, both are known because each hot love ends in cold love because how long can you keep anything hot?

sooner or later it starts getting cold the honeymoon is enough

the moment the honeymoon is over the heat is gone now it is a cold thing

you can carry it your whole life cool love is a very rare phenomenon -- it happens only when there is deep meditation behind it meditation makes everything cool and the miracle of coolness is it is neither hot nor cold it is not a passion, lust, hence it is not hot and because it is never hot it never becomes cold it simply remains exactly in the middle but to attain to cool love one needs the basis of a deep, meditative silence i am teaching my people to give roots to their love into the soil of meditation then you will have cool flowers and those cool flowers are eternal they never die

because they are no more part of time to know the dimension of cool love is to have found the real home the real shelter, the real security love never grows old

if it grows old it is not love it is something else pretending to be love love always remains young

it is never childish either if it is childish it is something else it is not love so remember, neither childish nor senile it is always young

youthfulness is its very flavour and it is always new, each moment it has the miracle of renewing itself rejuvenating itself

the body becomes old

but the heart remains always young 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

but people are not aware of their hearts they are not aware of anything in them which remains always fresh it has to be searched for

one will have to dig into one's being because there is much rubbish accumulated the parents, the teachers, the priests the politicians -- all kinds of stupid people go on stuffing every child with nonsense and by the time the child is capable of

going into himself

a great mountain of junk prevents him that junk has to be emptied out that's exactly the whole work of a sannyasin to get rid of the junk

that others have stuffed you with to clear yourself completely to clean yourself completely so that you can find your real being that you have brought with yourself the moment you find your real being you have found also love, also truth, also freedom and that experience remains fresh and to live in that freshness is bliss, is benediction one can live in it, one can die in it it continues even after death one can enjoy life, one can enjoy death because now one is identified neither with life nor with death

one knows something in oneself which is beyond all duality that is your freshness, your freedom love can be either addressed to someone or it can be unaddressed

not to somebody in particular when love is addressed to somebody it is narrow, tunnel-like

and a tunnel can become an imprisonment love addressed to somebody means you have focussed

your love energy on a single point and you have excluded the whole universe out of it just think that if love can give you so much joy in such a narrow, one- pointed way how much bliss is possible if love can be unaddressed not pointing in any direction but radiating into all directions 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

that is the meaning of anuragini love radiating into all directions not love to somebody in particular but just a quality inside you the quality of being love itself, the quality of loving so if you touch a rock there is love you see a flower and there is love even when you are sitting all alone love is radiating

just as a lamp is burning in a room, all alone but still, the light is radiating this is the ultimate goal of love and the moment one can allow oneself so much love- full-ness

one knows the greatest ecstasy possible there is nothing beyond it there is nothing more to life being love means

the mystery of existence has been contacted you have become part of the miraculous the mysterious, the unknowable and to become part of it is the ecstasy without it one lives in misery in a dark night of the soul love brings light, love brings life and not ordinary live

but eternal life, abundant life The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #17



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