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15 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103155 ShortTitle: CLAPP15


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man lives in a state of turmoil for the simple reason

that he is divided into many fragments and all those fragments are fighting to dominate man has not got one self, he has got many selves the idea of one mind is very false man is poly-psychic: he is many minds he is a crowd and of course the crowd cannot be peaceful there is continuous competition each fragment trying to come up on the top there is great politics in everybody's inner world unless this whole politics ceases there is no possibility of peace at the most people can manage just a facade of peace, just on the surface but deep down they are boiling deep down there is always war sometimes hot, sometimes cold, but no peace in fact the only way to be peaceful is to help all these fragments melt into oneness unless that integration happens one can befool others that one is living in peace 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

but one cannot befool existence and one cannot befool oneself either one knows all the time

that one is sitting on a volcano which can erupt any moment one can go mad, one can murder one can commit suicide -- everything is possible and just a moment before the man was so sane so gentlemanly, so virtuous, so religious and within a moment he can start falling apart he was somehow holding himself

together but there cannot be joy

in somehow holding oneself together joy comes only with a centering when all your parts melt, merge and become one that moment is the moment of divine peace it is possible through meditation because meditation takes you out of your fragments meditation is a simple process of watching all that goes on in your mind just keeping a little distance, just being a witness and that witnessing brings the greatest miracle suddenly you start feeling yourself separate from all the fighting fragments and that is the beginning of integration you have found a centre which is not in conflict you have found a cool space, a spot within you which remains unaffected, detached once this cool spot is found all fighting starts disappearing it is as if the master has come and the servants immediately surrender or, think of a small children's class the teacher is not there and there is great noise and fighting is going on and children are throwing things at each other --

which is natural for children the moment the teacher enters suddenly a silence descends, a peace all fighting has disappeared the same happens when you have found a cool spot within you

i call my sannyasins swamis the word swami means the master swa means the centre of your being 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- and swami means one who has found it finding one's centre

is the beginning of a divine dimension --

then all is peace, then flowers of peace go on blossoming; endlessly ordinarily man is almost asleep only a very small thin layer of consciousness is there, otherwise his whole being is in darkness and unconsciousness this depth of unconsciousness and unawareness has to be transformed

unless your whole being becomes conscious you cannot experience the meaning of life and without experiencing the meaning of your life you will not know whether god exists or not god is nothing but the experience of meaning in existence

god is not a person but an existential experience that life is significant, that it is not accidental that there is a hidden, deep meaning in it but the only way to find it is to dive within your own being the vigilant spirit has to be grown supported, nourished

a sannyasin has to become a gardener because ordinarily

one need not have much awareness this small awareness that is naturally given to us is enough for the day-to-day life earning your livelihood, managing your family etcetera -- it is enough for that but life is a vast phenomenon it is not just earning your livelihood you can manage a good standard of living but the standard of living is not going to help you to live truly, authentically the standard of living is not really the measurement of how alive you are

one becomes alive only as one becomes aware but we have enough awareness it is just like a seed -- all that is needed is a little gardening, a little effort so the seed can dissolve into the soil and can start growing into a tree 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

we have the seed -- initiation into sannyas means a commitment, a decision that i am going to transform this seed, this potential into a realisation

once this decision settles and sinks in your being it is not difficult to grow into awareness one has to work in three dimensions the first dimension is the body: one has to be more alert of what one is doing with the body --

walking, eating, lying down on the bed, relaxing all the actions of the body have to be watched they should not be done robotlike, mechanically the second dimension is the mind: one has to watch thoughts, desires, memories just watching what is going on inside what moves in the mind

and the third dimension is the heart the emotions, the moods, the feelings -- one has to watch them

if one continues watching these three dimensions...

this is the true trinity of life not god the father and christ the son and the holy ghost -- this is the true trinity the physiological, the psychological and the emotional

if we can be aware of these three then exactly at the centre of these three dimensions the fourth happens

in the east we have simply called it the fourth turiya

we have given it a number not a name the fourth is awareness

and it brings you to the door of the divine this is one of my emphases i want to emphasise

that there is no god as a person in existence the very idea of god as a person is a hangover from the past It IS me language of the child god the father -- it shows more about the people who were thinking of god as father than about the existence of god himself those were the childhood days of humanity and of course a child cannot think of more 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

than a big father who is protecting who will always be there to look after us we can pray to him, we can depend on him it shows the fear of the child the insecurity of the child the helplessness of the child it shows nothing about god but the very idea of god as a person has proved very dangerous

because it is very easy to argue against it it is easy to argue against it because the whole idea is false it can be destroyed through simple logic so the religious people are the cause of creating atheism in the world i don't think that atheism would ever have been possible if the idea of god as a person was not accepted the moment you drop the idea of god as a person then even friedrich nietzsche cannot say god is dead he can say god is dead

because the presupposition is there that god is a person to me god is a presence not a person it is an experience -- it is not something outside you you cannot pray to god, there is no one to pray to and it is time that man

should become a little more mature kneeling down, raising your hands and head towards the sky is simply silly in fact the best way to find godliness is close your eyes and look within not towards the sky

there are other people who are meant to do that the astronomers, the astrologers, the physicists let them look at the stars, that is their work the religious person s basic standpoint is that of turning in

looking at the sky is not going to help look within, search within the moment you come closer to your own centre of consciousness you will be surprised: a tremendous presence a presence of an eternal light a presence of eternal ecstasy to me that is godliness


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

once you have discovered it in your own being you know that it is in every being


not only human beings

but animals, birds, trees, mountains everything is full of godliness because in fact the whole existence is made of the stuff called godliness there is no matter and no consciousness it is all one energy

different concentrations of the same energy different manifestations of the same energy but first one has to find it within oneself then it is found everywhere and the moment you see that you are living in the ocean of godliness

you have come home

now there is nothing else to search for nothing else to ask for...

a tremendous contentment, an ultimate fulfilment the most divine experience in life is the experience of absolute silence as if the whole world has stopped --

and it can be experienced

we have a space within ourselves if we stand in that space

the whole world simply disappears and a profound silence surrounds you a virgin silence

in that silence only one hears the celestial music the Sound of one hand


in that silence only

life becomes a song, a celebration once experienced it is never lost and it is one of the most ridiculous things about human beings

that they are carrying it within themselves and are not aware of it at all the inexhaustible treasure is there just waiting for you

but we are keeping our back towards it we are running everywhere, in every direction 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

we are trying to reach to the everest trying to reach to the moon, to mars just the whole stupidity of human mind it is ready to go anywhere except to one's own centre sannyas means getting out of this stupidity the first responsibility of any intelligent person is to know oneself

because by knowing it all is known by knowing it life is transformed from misery to bliss, from darkness to light from death into immortality love can exist in three dimensions it can be either animal or human or divine the animal love is part of our biology it is just sex

the human love has to be achieved it is not already there; it has to be created the biology is a given factor but the psychology is our creativity the ingredients are there

the canvas is there, the colour tubes are there the brush is there but the painting is not there and it will depend on you what kind of painting is going to happen

you can make a painting

which is nothing but a nightmare a picasso painting or you can make something

which has tremendous beauty not like a nightmare but like a sweet dream the same colours, the same canvas, the same hands but one has to be more sensitive more aesthetically aware

to create something of real beauty so love depends on you sex is independent of you

it is part of your biology, it is nature s way to reproduce itself -- it has nothing to do with you it is almost a mechanical phenomenon chemical, physiological, hormonal but it has nothing to do with your consciousness 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- love is a creativity

and very few people create it they remain confined to the animal cage they are not even aware

that something higher is possible of course it is the same energy that is involved in sex which becomes love but you have to create the situation in which the energy can start moving into new directions

which are not provided by biology and beyond human love is divine love which is the ultimate in creation human love is far superior to animal love but something of the animal remains like a hangover

it has grown out of the biological but it carries something of the biology in it it is not absolutely free from sex sex is now secondary but it is there in divine love

sex is totally transformed it evaporates, the animal evaporates not only the animal but the human also evaporates divine love is the sheer joy of sharing your being, your creativity, your song whatsoever you can share

and it is a sharing with the whole existence human love is person-to-person animal love is impersonal

psychologists and biologists feel that human love became possible because it is only human beings who make love facing each other because they face each other they look into each other's eyes and in those moments of love certain kind of relationship grows between persons

animals don't make love facing each other hence they don't know the other at all the other simply remains anonymous there is no relationship

that grows out of their love making animal love is impersonal, below the personal human love is personal, person-to-person 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

divine love is again impersonal but beyond the personal, not below the personal it is the love of the person for the impersonal existence, for the whole the love of the wave for the ocean and of course, the bigger, the vaster your love is vaster ecstasies become possible through it animal love doesn't seem to be ecstatic if you have seen two animals making love you can watch it -- on their faces there is no ecstasy instead there is a kind of agony because they are being forced by some natural energy

of which they are just prisoners as if they have to do it they go on their way

the moment they are finished you can watch their faces

there is no ecstasy, no gratitude, no thankfulness not even a smile

many human beings also do that that means they are still behaving like animals but human love has a certain joy in it a certain ecstasy in it

but only to a certain extent and because it is limited to a person sooner or later one gets bored sooner or later it becomes a duty to be fulfilled all joy disappears from it, it becomes routine divine love is for the whole and the whole is immense, infinite hence one is never bored

it has no boundaries one is never tired

a man like buddha, jesus or zarathustra live twenty-four hours a day in an orgasmic state that orgasmic state is almost like breathing or the heartbeat

that's the ultimate goal of sannyas to be in love with the whole to me it is real prayer

and all that goes on in the name of prayer in the churches and the temples and mosques is just false, pseudo


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the only way to experience the truth of existence is to drop the ego

it is the ego that keeps us separate it is the ego that functions as a barrier, a wall the moment you drop the ego -- and we can drop it because it is not something that is part of our being it is something that we have accumulated around our being, it is our possession we can renounce it

it is not clinging to us, we are clinging to it any moment we stop clinging it falls the moment ego disappears

you become just a shadow of god then you are just a nobody then you are no more

a nothingness

and nothingness has tremendous purity the moment one is nobody

one has reached to the ultimate depth of being because that depth is anonymous it has no name, no form

there is no sense of i in it it is simply amness, pure existence then one functions as a shadow of god then one becomes just a hollow bamboo if god wants to sing a song the hollow bamboo functions as a flute if god does not want to sing a song the hollow bamboo rests in silence song or silence but it is of god and by god i mean the whole, the total, the cosmos a sannyasin has to learn only one thing how not to be, how to disappear as an ego and remember, it is not a loss it is the ultimate gain

by losing the ego you lose nothing and you gain all life is full of miracles

every moment

on every step you encounter miracles but we are blind, we have lost the sense of wonder we have forgotten the art of feeling awe and that is the greatest religious quality the sense of feeling wonder 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

there are people who will go on their whole life and will never look at the beautiful sky or at the trees or at a sunset these people are blind

there are people who will never listen to the sound of running water or the wind passing through the pines or just the wind

playing in the fall with dry leaves and the great music that it creates there are people who never look at the flowers never look at each other's eyes at each other's faces

there are people whose hands are dead they cannot feel when they touch a tree they cannot feel the juice that is running in it the life that is flowing through it these are the really crippled people, really blind, deaf they are somehow living at the minimum a sannyasin has to live at the maximum he has to live at one hundred degrees intensely, passionately

each moment involved -- so utterly that nothing is left behind as if this moment is going to be the last and who knows? -- it may be the last one day one moment is going to be the last live each moment as if this is the last moment put all at stake, risk all and you will be immensely surprised that life becomes a tremendous miracle everything starts vibrating with life everything becomes a message every flower becomes a bible or a koran or a gita and every star becomes a proof enough proof that life is not just material every experience of beauty proves that life is more than matter every time you say aha! you are saying a prayer my message is simple: live life as a miracle because it is a miracle

experience it as magical -- it is magical there cannot be a more beautiful life 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and a more beautiful existence religions in the past have taken life very seriously because of this attitude towards life they prevented millions of people from being religious

not only that -- they created a situation in which only the pathological, the ill, the sick will be attracted towards religion the intelligent, the healthy, the young those who are full of life will be repulsed by religion seriousness is a kind of disease playfulness should be the foundation of a true religion

so i teach be playful:

the more playful you are

the closer you are to existence the more serious you are

the more egoist you become and the more serious you are the more closed then you are not open to the wind to the sun, to the rain

you are not open to anything you are just closed within your so-called stupid theology, certain dogma, doctrine, certain cult you are no more vulnerable one has to be vulnerable

keep all the windows open

allow existence to penetrate you and don't take things seriously existence is not serious

otherwise there would not be flowers existence is not serious

otherwise there would not be the song of the birds existence is very very playful joyous youthful alive

and to be in tune with it you have to be the same so become a song, become a celebration don't miss any opportunity to celebrate in fact don't bother whether it is the right moment to celebrate or not because that is seriousness use it as celebration

don't wait till the right occasion comes then you will miss use any occasion, any excuse is a good excuse 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- if you are celebrating

when i was a child

my father made a beautiful house but he was a very simple man so the contractors --

and you know indian contractors they deceived him and he never even conceived that they can deceive; they were also his friends the house was ready

we were just going to move within eight days he had gone out for some business and the house collapsed

so i sent him a telegram

386 come back immediately, the house has collapsed but he didn't come, he didn't reply either he came when he was expected to come and the first thing he said to me was there was no need to waste money on the telegram the house had

already collapsed you should have celebrated i said for what?

he said because if we had moved in and then the house had collapsed we all would have been killed this is enough excuse for celebration he gave a feast for the whole town nobody could believe, he is mad but i could see his point, he was right never miss an opportunity for celebrating for feasting, for singing, for dancing and then don't bother about religions you are religious

The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #16



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