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13 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103135 ShortTitle: CLAPP13
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love and life are synonymous in language they may have different meanings but in existence
they are precisely the same phenomenon no difference, no gap exists between the two the really alive person is pure love and if love is missing then life is nothing but a vegetation one can go on vegetating
without love life has not happened at all one was born, one existed, one died but life never happened
life happens only the moment love starts flowing and the greater the love, the deeper life becomes a sannyasin has to remember 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
not to put any limitations on his love love should not become object-focussed the moment you become object-focussed you are getting trapped
for example, if you love one person that means that the remaining whole existence has been rejected
you have excluded it out of your love affair your love has become very narrow and a narrow love becomes an imprisonment love should never become like a
tunnel it should remain open from all sides one should love as many people as many aspects of life
as many dimensions as possible one should go on exploring when love excludes nothing then it reaches to its ultimate peak that is the moment when one experiences life that is the moment when life becomes not just an ordinary existence it takes a new flavour, it becomes godliness love is not a duty
the moment you make a duty out of it you have destroyed it
if there is a should in it, it is a corpse you can carry it, you can decorate it but there is no heartbeat in it and that's how humanity has been conditioned for thousands of years
love has been killed in such a subtle way not directly but very indirectly and the methodology used to kill, to murder love is make love a duty
love your mother, it is your duty love your father, it is your duty love your wife, it is your duty love your children, it is your duty even love your neighbours, it is your duty love your enemies
love is a spontaneous flowering of being it cannot be reduced to a commandment one cannot be ordered to love because then whatsoever you do is only pretension then you are going through empty gestures remember it -- that i don't teach you any duty at all duty is a four-letter-dirty-word 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- love for no reason at all
love for the sheer joy of loving love because only by loving will you be able to know what it is all about this whole existence this life this miraculous universe that surrounds you love is the bridge between you and the whole hence it has to be just a song of the heart just as in the morning the sun is rising and birds start singing, for no reason at all the sheer joy of the sun rising the night is finished
the sheer joy of seeing the sky again and the vastness and the freedom of it the sheer joy of seeing flowers again opening up and all the colours and all the
fragrance and the bird cannot contain himself he starts overflowing, he starts singing that song is exactly what happens when you drop the idea of duty responsibility, virtue, morality and you start enjoying whatsoever is available in that very enjoyment something is triggered in you the heart starts dancing, singing and those moments of heartfelt joy are the real moments, the only real moments and once you have tasted them there is no need to have any other kind of moments then twenty-four hours a day the song can continue underneath, just below your consciousness it can become a constant presence deep inside your being
to me
when love becomes your constant innermost core god has happened that's the only way god happens there is no other way
love has a way of its own
it becomes victorious but in a very strange way without conquering, without fighting in fact without even desiring to be victorious victory comes as a gift
as a reward from the beyond love is ready to be defeated love enjoys to be defeated love is ready to surrender 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
love is never willing to fight but this is one of the miracles of life that love surrenders but in that very surrender becomes victorious
without any desire, without any motive victory comes on its own accord the people who try to be victorious are never victorious
they can force others into submission, into slavery but they cannot win their hearts -- that's impossible the body can be made a slave it can be chained, imprisoned, killed, destroyed but you cannot imprison the heart and the heart is the real core of the person love without any effort to conquer reaches to the very core of the person it is the only victory there is all alexander the greats are failures utter failures
only lovers have known the taste of victory and it depends on us
if we want to remain beggars go on struggling, fighting if one wants to be the emperor then surrender to existence, relax with existence be in a state of loving let-go and suddenly all is yours, the whole kingdom of god is yours love can reach to its ultimate peak only when it becomes friendliness these are the three possibilities for love one is lust -- that is biological nothing wrong about it
but it is the lowest form of energy all the animals have it
nothing special about it if man has it lust joins humanity with the animal kingdom it is a reproductive force it is nature's way to continue the species to remain confined to lust is to miss the real point
one should go a little higher, then there is love love is not biological, it is psychological 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- it is a higher dimension
it is not reproductive, it is creative the moment two persons are in deep love all their creativity explodes they may start things they had never done before they may start painting, they may start music they may start dancing
things they had never dreamt of suddenly start arising in their being love brings a new climate
and new flowers start growing but very few people attain to love ninety-nine point nine per cent of people remain confined to the animal world, lust love is freedom from being an animal it is the birth of the human being there is still a higher peak than love because love although it is far more beautiful than lust tremendously pregnant with creativity has still some hangover of lust remaining with it it has come out of lust
something of lust follows it like a shadow it becomes a shadow but it is there and it goes on affecting
that's why love is possessive, jealous, envious these are ugly traits, they are hangovers of the past they destroy the beauty of love and as love starts settling these things start raising their heads so love is beautiful only when the honeymoon is on and it is not long; it comes and goes so quickly that when it goes then only you know it was there and then there is something which is not love the shadow starts possessing you one can rise a little more when love becomes just friendliness i am not even calling it friendship because that may give you the idea of relationship i call it friendliness
when love becomes just a friendliness no possessiveness, no jealousy no desire to dominate
when love starts giving freedom to the other total freedom, unconditional freedom then it becomes friendliness and that is the highest
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
human consciousness can reach very few people have known friendliness their names can be counted on the fingers it is a sad thing that such a vast humanity goes on missing their own intrinsic potential my sannyasins have to transform lust into love, love into friendliness
the moment you have reached to the state of friendliness you have arrived home
seriousness is like a desert the desert has to be transformed into a garden you need a green revolution love can do that miracle
only love can do that miracle love is the only beautiful experience which is non- serious -- it is playful hence all the religions have been denying love for the simple reason that with love cannot be serious and seriousness has become the very characteristic of the saint he has to be without juice just like a dehydrated fruit the more dehydrated, the more he looks like a saint whenever you want to see a saint you can just see a dehydrated prune and that will give you the idea of all the saints of all the religions all the juice has gone out love is juice
we in the east have defined god as god has been defined nowhere else i have
never come across a better definition and i don think there exists any the upanishads say raso vai saha -- god is juice this ii a very strange definition sometimes i wonder
i may have written that upanishad maybe in a past life otherwise who would do it?
i cannot find anybody else doing it love is non-serious, it is alive, it is playful love makes life fun, a celebration and my whole effort here is to create 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
for the first time in the whole history of humanity a new kind of religious person for whom laughter
is far more valuable than prayer tor whom playfulness
is far more spiritual than seriousness who should be closer to a poet than to a philosopher
closer to music than to mathematics closer to sensitivity rather than being dull closed, walled from all sides, afraid of life escapist, renouncing life -- no that is not going to be my sannyasins' way instead of renouncing life my sannyasins have to rejoice in life and the way to rejoice is to love so drop all your seriousness and it is only a question of seeing that seriousness is a barrier it makes you closed and hard it does not allow you to be vulnerable and receptive and one has to be so vulnerable so available to existence
that the wind, the rain, the sun they can all reach to your very heart love makes one utterly contented because love is always an experience in the present you don't love tomorrow
love has nothing to do with yesterdays and tomorrows love knows only one time: now and only one place: here that's why mind feels it very difficult to be in love
because mind is always concerned with the future or with the past those are the two constant references for the mind it moves between past and future it is a constant shuttling between past and future it never stops in the middle and love is exactly in the middle love is without any nostalgia for the past and without any desire in the future hence the contentment
these are the two discontents people live in either they think of the past all those trains that they have missed now nothing can be done about it 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
it is simply utter stupidity now there is no point in just going on reading the timetable of the trains about the trains that you have missed in the past it cannot be changed, you cannot undo it but mind is stupid, mind as such is stupid i have never seen an intelligent mind the heart is intelligent
and mind is always mediocre or one starts planning for the future and life is passing by every moment hence mind has a condemnation for love it thinks it is something crazy all the languages of the world have this expression falling in love strange -- why do all the languages call it falling in love -- why not rising in love?
it is mind's condemnation, mind is saying you have fallen, you have gone cuckoo you have lost your sanity
it is a way of condemning
mind lives in discontentment and condemns love which is absolute contentment mind always asks for more
that's how it creates discontentment love is always thankful for whatsoever is happening love always feels that
i am getting more than i am worthy of that i am getting from existence things which i don't deserve at all i have not earned them, they are coming as gifts the moment you start seeing all the gifts that existence goes on showering on you how can one remain discontented?
and out of a contented heart thankfulness arises that thankfulness is the very core of religion of real religion
not of christianity, hinduism, mohammedanism but of religiousness as such if one can feel grateful to existence then there is no need to believe in any theology, any doctrine, any dogma 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
that thankfulness is enough deep in the himalayas, from virgin peaks where snow has never melted, the ganges starts the point where ganges starts is called gangotri it is a very small place
just a small face of a cow somebody has sculpted a rock into the face of a cow and from that face of the cow the great river ganges starts it starts as a small stream and then goes on becoming bigger and bigger and bigger finally it becomes the very ocean itself that's also the way of love it starts in a very small way but one should not stop there one should go on flowing, moving love should never become static it should remain dynamic
the moment it becomes static it starts stinking the moment it becomes static it loses the freshness of a river, the aliveness of a river it becomes just a muddy pool people call it marriage
it was just a muddy pool and such a small pool and they go on round and round chasing each other and creating more mud
and throwing mud at each other love should be a river, always moving from the known into the unknown and from the unknown towards the unknowable the beginning has to be small but the end has to be the infinite, the oceanic if one can remain aware of it then love is all that there is to spirituality except love, whatsoever goes on in the name of spirituality is all bullshit esoteric bullshit, occult bullshit remember it -- because it is very easy to fall into that bullshit it has great attraction
it has great systems of thought and strange ideas and all inventions of crafty people 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
life is very simple -- so is love and if you can remember these three l's like three r's: life, love, light nothing else is needed to be remembered live totally, live lovingly and live not in a state of unconsciousness live consciously -- that is living with light just these three words are enough and one need not bother about anything else knowledge is of the mind, wisdom is of the heart the way of knowledge is logic the way of wisdom is love
initiation into sannyas simply means getting out of your logical structure of the mind and entering your own ignored world of love the schools, colleges, universities they exist precisely for one purpose that is to force every child towards the logical structure they force every child to ignore the love energy and once you get imprisoned in the logical structure of the mind you become almost like a machine, a biocomputer and that's what the society needs the church needs, the state needs: biocomputers they don't need human beings they are afraid of real, authentic individuals because those individuals will be rebellious they cannot be manipulated, dominated they cannot be enslaved
our whole so-called civilisation eastern, western -- both -- are just strategies of destroying freedom, destroying the individual destroying his love and forcing him to be just an efficient machine because doctors are needed, professors are needed mechanics are needed scientists are needed the society has no use for the lover the state does not need any lover the church has no utility for love and up to now we have lived in a very utilitarian way
and love is non-purposive, non-utilitarian but it is love that brings insight into the mystery of life
it is not a commodity 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
it cannot be part of the marketplace but without it you can never be ecstatic
without it you can never be in tune with existence it is fundamentally the need of the individual not of the collective, the mob, the crowd, the society so a shift is needed, one has to change the gears from the head to the heart and the moment your energy starts moving into the heart
you will have such an experience of freedom such a tremendous experience of expansiveness that you will not be able to believe that this was possible to me it looks impossible
when it happens for the first time, unbelievable because we have been told by these fools for centuries
that it happens only to a christ because he is the only begotten son of god not to everybody
or it happens to gautam the buddha because he is a reincarnation of god not to everybody else
this is absolutely wrong
it is everybody's birthright it can happen to everybody just a simple shift, a change of the gestalt from the head to the heart, from logic to love and you become entitled
to all the miracles of existence love can either be very noisy as ordinarily it is
or it can be utterly silent when love is noisy it creates more anxiety more anguish than you had ever suffered before one woman was saying to her lover now that we are going to be married you should be happy -- i will be there always to share all your suffering, problems, anxiety but the man said i don't have any problems, anxieties, and suffering the woman said i am not talking about now i am talking about after marriage the bachelors think the married people 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
are living a really happy life if somebody thinks that married people are living a happy life that simply shows that he is a bachelor, nothing else it is really a mystery why people get married and there are a few people who even get
married twice that is a bigger mistake
that is impossible to conceive once one can understand, but twice if one is a little intelligent he will not commit the mistake even once this is happening because love the ordinary love -- is more like a fever it is more like an infection, a contagious disease in fact, vd, to be exact
unless love becomes meditative it remains a disease only meditation takes the fever out of it and makes it a cool phenomenon not cold but cool
ordinarily it is hot, a very hot affair but anything that is very hot is bound to become cold sooner or later even with central heating it is going to become cold that's the nature of things but there is a point between hot and cold exactly in the middle
which is the point of coolness meditation creates that coolness and when meditation
has created a coolness inside you and love starts coming through that coolness it has a totally different flavour a different perfume, a different quality it is very liberating
but silence should be the source of love not the noisy mind but a silent centre of your being love should come from the innermost shrine cool, silent, meditative, aware, alert, watchful then love can give you
the most beautiful experiences of life it can give you the master key that opens all the locks of all the mysteries of existence but silence is a must
without silence love simply drives people insane and silence is very easy love is a togetherness
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- silence simply means
entering into your aloneness before you enter into somebody's being into somebody's life
you have to be acquainted with your own aloneness you have to be rooted in your aloneness you have to know exactly what your aloneness is only then can love blossom out of it it is just like friedrich nietzsche says if a tree wants to rise upwards to touch the stars in the sky then its roots have to go downwards to the very rock-bottom of existence unless the roots go deeper the tree cannot go higher
the tree and the roots have to balance each other in the same proportion they have to grow one in depth, one in height love is like a tree trying to reach to the stars the longing for the stars
and meditation is growing roots inwards deeper, to the very rock-bottom of your being when the roots reach to your ultimate silence the space where one hears
the Sound of one hand Clapping
then your tree can blossom into the sky can have a dialogue with the stars love has failed in the world because meditation was not the source of it love can succeed and love has to succeed otherwise humanity is doomed only with a meditative background so my whole teaching here is to do two things one, to help you to become meditative to reach your absolute intimate and private being and the second part is, to grow into love when meditation blossoms into love a man is no more a man
he has transcended humanity 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you can only call him a god a buddha, a jesus, a krishna The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #14
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