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12 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103125 ShortTitle: CLAPP12
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truth cannot be achieved by human efforts because all human efforts are bound to originate in the mind
and mind is the barrier
between truth and consciousness the mind has to be put aside that's what man is capable of doing not using the mind, putting the mind aside by-passing the mind, transcending the mind and the moment the mind is not functioning consciousness immediately becomes connected with the truth
the barrier is no more there hence the bridge happens
and that is the greatest blessing in existence when truth showers on you
only with the experience of truth life becomes meaningful, significant a celebration
a man without truth is a beggar a man without truth is not yet really alive he is simply living in a kind of dream he is not awakened
not awakened
to the tremendous beauty of existence to the immense ecstasy of life not aware of all the gifts that the whole has given to you the search for truth is really the search for meaning, the search for who am i?
and the single question, who am i? is enough if you can ask it with totality it will penetrate to the very core of the mystery of all that is the moment your question is answered 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- not by somebody else, not by any scripture but by your own being
when it becomes your experience, existential then life is the life of a king then the whole kingdom of god is yours that simple word truth makes really a difference before it one is a beggar
after it one is the greatest king before it one is constantly asking for more after it there is only thankfulness, gratitude there is no god except the truth of existence god is not a person
but the experience of the ultimate meaning of life hence all worship is futile enquiry is valid, worship is futile my sannyasins have to be enquirers not worshippers
when you worship you worship an object and those objects are all man-made those temples, synagogues, churches are all man-made
you can worship philosophies, theologies they are also inventions of the human mind the enquirer has to travel a totally different path his journey is towards his innermost centre he turns within
because that is the only possible way to know what it is really that is hidden in the secretmost shrine of my being what is this consciousness? what is this awareness?
what is this love? where is the source of it all?
and the source is not without, the source is within hence those who go on looking on the outside will never find
turn in and the very moment of turning and you are entering
into a totally different dimension the dimension of godliness, of truth, of freedom of all that is valuable
truth is god
the word god can be dropped but the word truth cannot be dropped 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
and truth is the search of all god is not the search of all almost half the humanity are no more believers soviet russia, china and other countries have dropped the very idea of god and the people who are believers are only so-called believers they don't believe either, they are pretenders but nobody can drop the search for truth it is intrinsic in our very being truth comes almost like a spring into the interior world of your being suddenly thousands of flowers start blooming the whole climate changes
it becomes colourful, fragrant, birds start singing for the first time you see yourself totally transform~d no more a dead weight
no more just dragging your life somehow for the first time dance enters in for the first time you feel a tremendous rejoicing uncontainable, overwhelming, overflowing the search for truth is really the most basic and fundamental search of humanity because without it we are deserts only if truth happens to us the desert can become green only if truth happens to us we can know the inexhaustible treasures which are hidden within us and truth is not very difficult to find either the only question is a right approach if you think about truth
you have taken a wrong approach thinking is the wrong approach towards truth that is the way of philosophy meditation is the right approach and meditation is just the opposite of thinking meditation is anti-philosophy it simply means
dropping the whole structure of thinking dropping the whole process of thinking and just being silent, utterly silent alert but absolutely silent 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
as if the whole world has stopped there is an ancient sufi story a crazy king became interested in the idea that if the whole world at a certain time starts shouting and screaming and doing primal it will be really a great experience the whole world, exactly at twelve o'clock in the middle of the day
for five minutes goes berserk and they put their whole energy into it and they cathart -- the whole earth and of course, he was a great king and he had the power
everybody thought the whole idea was simply mad but they had to follow
a day was fixed, the whole world was informed at twelve o'clock on a certain monday for five minutes put your total energy into it don't withhold, let go
shout, scream, do jibberish whatsoever happens, allow it and of course those who will not do it will be sentenced to death the whole world awaited for the moment and really something miraculous happened exactly at twelve o'clock
the whole world fell into deep silence nobody had ever experienced such silence the reason was that everybody thought when the whole world will be shouting who will be able to find me?
and why should i miss the opportunity to listen to the whole world going crazy? so i will just wait and enjoy the whole thing why should i participate?
if i participate i may not be able to enjoy it i may not be able to experience what is happening and this was the logic of everybody for five minutes
there was such a thick, dense silence that it is said, the crazy king became enlightened he was not waiting for it, it was such a shock but the shock stopped his mind the story does not say
what happened to many other people i think many others 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- must have become enlightened too because with such silence
one starts experiencing the truth but there is no need
for the whole world to become silent if only the world of your mind becomes silent that's enough
so any day, twelve o'clock, for five minutes just stop the world within and see what happens once you start having a few glimpses of silence truth starts penetrating
the deeper the silence
the deeper the thrust of the truth and when absolute silence happens absolute truth is yours
and that is the moment when the spring bursts forth truth brings many things in its wake it brings many gifts -- virtue is one of those gifts the truth of one's own being experienced changes your whole life pattern absolutely, irrevocably
for example, if you were jealous before you cannot be jealous afterwards if you were egoistic before you cannot be egoistic afterwards if you were dishonest
you cannot be dishonest afterwards if you were unkind
you cannot be unkind afterwards because the experience of truth is such that one cannot in any possible way go against it it is just like when there is light in the room you don't try to go through the wall you go through the door
yes, when there is darkness you grope and sometimes you try to get through the wall you stumble -- that is because there is darkness bring the light in and then there is no problem at all you know where the door is you don't even have to think about the door 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
you simply know it, where it is and virtue is a door and sin is a wall but i don't say to my people to cultivate virtue and renounce sin that is not possible
that is saying to a man who lives in a dark cave to renounce stumbling and vow to god that you will always enter from the door that is asking too much
in darkness you have to be more lenient but bring the light in
and then there is no need to say anything so i don't give to you any discipline i only want one thing to happen to you that is the experience of your own being i call it the truth
become silent, know your own truth and that will be decisive, that will be liberating we are born with the kingdom of truth we bring from the beyond the whole kingdom but of course in a potential form, just as a seed hence it cannot be taken for granted one has to help the seed to fall in the soil one has to water
one has to do a thousand and one things so that the seed can relax, can dissolve and the hidden secret can become an actuality truth is our potential but it has to be made actual it is a possibility hence it is not beyond our grasp but one has to look for it a little bit dig for it a little bit -- it is always found whosoever has looked for it has found it without any exception
but that little effort is very essential looking for it
meditation is nothing but creating a right situation right perspective, a clarity of the eyes so that you can look within yourself where the seed is hidden
silence gives you the opportunity to become unoccupied with the world and the moment
you are no more occupied with the world your whole attention starts moving inwards 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- your whole awareness
starts converging towards your centre and it is at that centre
that the ultimate truth is experienced the ultimate music is heard the ultimate ecstasy is felt man can either be rich in possessions he can conquer the whole world he can accumulate all the wealth of the world but that is not really going to change his inner poverty -- on the contrary he will feel himself poorer than before in contrast to all that he has accumulated he will be able to see that deep inside the wound is still there, far more clear i am not against the things of the world i am not against the riches of the world but one thing has to be remembered that there are greater riches than that and a greater kingdom
is waiting inside you to be conquered so don't waste all your energy in the outside world save the major portion of your energy and life for inner enquiry
then you become a king of religion what jesus calls the kingdom of god and it is everybody's birthright we just have to claim it
truth is not a philosophical concept it is the experience of your eternal life it is the experience of the consciousness you are built of
and that consciousness is not confined between birth and death it was there before birth
and it will be there after death thousands of births and deaths have happened on the way
but your pilgrimage continues the pilgrimage is endless, beginningless the moment one experiences one's deathlessness then only one knows what life is because life basically is deathlessness once death
is found to be irrelevant to your inner being then there is no fear, no anxiety 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
and that absence of fear and anxiety creates the opportunity for bliss to descend in you the fearful person cannot be blissful the fear is such a disturbance and
anxiety creates so much stress and tension that it is impossible for bliss to enter in you bliss can enter only
when your inner being is absolutely empty of fear and anxiety, tension and stress and as far as i have observed working with thousands of people these are the barriers
and they are all related to death basically all fear is fear of death directly, indirectly, but if you go on searching you will find it is always death that is creating fear, anxiety, stress, tension to know one's being as eternal is to know the truth and that very truth becomes a blessing then life is lived on a totally different plane with more playfulness, with more sense of humor then life becomes simply a relaxed phenomenon utterly relaxed
just as flowers are relaxed and the birds are relaxed
and the rivers are relaxed and the mountains are relaxed man can have far more and far deeper relaxation than anybody else in the whole of existence because man certainly is
the pinnacle of consciousness it is sad to look at humanity they could have been the most blessed beings but they seem to be the most miserable truth is the experience
of a meditative consciousness one cannot think about it one cannot argue about it
one cannot be scientific about it one can only be meditative about it and meditation means a simple thing a state of no-mind, a state of utter silence the Sound
of one hand 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
so silent, so absolutely silent that there is no duality left, all is one all has become one, the dual has come together the day and night are together life and death are together love and hate are together that communion of the opposites that meeting of the polarities that mingling and merging of all contradictions the moment all contradictions are complementaries you have come home
that is the state of meditation and in that state
all that is our deepest longing of the heart is fulfilled -- so totally fulfilled that not even a trace of desire remains in one the old religions say become desireless then you can attain to god now that is absurd to say to people become desireless, then you can attain to god so apparently stupid, ridiculous because the people who want to attain to god are desirous people -- it is a desire to attain to god in fact the greatest desire and the condition is
be desireless so that you can attain to god now one who is desireless why he should be interested in god at all?
i am not
even if god knocks on my door i am not going to see him
and jesus says knock and the doors shall be opened i cannot say even that to god knock and i shall open my doors why should i knock, open my doors it is none of your business to knock on my doors i don't knock on your doors you don't knock on my doors -- it is an agreement the man who is really desireless why should he bother about god?
and if he is desiring god then how can he fulfil the basic condition of being desireless?
so i don't say that 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
my approach is diametrically opposite i say be meditative, enjoy being silent rejoice in being silent and in that very silence bliss will happen, truth will happen freedom will happen
and once bliss, truth and freedom and love have happened
there will be nothing left to desire meditation brings naturally the state of desirelessness
The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #13
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