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11 March 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8103115 ShortTitle: CLAPP11


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man lives in a deep anguish for the simple reason

that he has not the courage to merge with the whole he is afraid hence he creates all kinds of defenses barriers, walls

he is afraid of losing his identity and that is the greatest fear in the world and just the opposite is the case with courage courage means readiness to lose one's identity the moment you lose your identity all anguish, anxiety disappears then the whole takes over

then you are just an organic part of the total the universal, the eternal courage is needed and trust is needed fear cannot trust, fear always doubts, is suspicious courage can trust, courage can risk courage can put all the doubts aside and the moment you put all the doubts aside 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and are ready to take the plunge into the whole silence starts showering on you the most beautiful experience of life is silence falling like rainwater on you it cleanses you of all dust and dirt it is the only true baptism silence makes you a shrine it creates a temple

in the innermost core of your being without silence

you have not even known your own source your own centre the noise keeps you occupied, the world is noisy and the mind which is a by-product of the same world is bound to be noisy

if one wants to know silence and the taste of it then one has to go beyond the world and all its by-products

then one has to search

for the part in oneself which comes from the beyond it is there, it is your very soul a little bit of exploration is needed sannyas is exploring one's own interiority and the moment you have found silence you have found the true temple the true church, the true synagogue all others are inventions of the crafty priests and it is only at the innermost core of your being's altar

that godliness can be experienced you discover silence

and godliness comes as a reward on the surface there seems to be no connection between these two meanings coming with joy, and the outsider the foreigner, the stranger but there is a certain connection deep down the connection is that people are living in misery

that is their way of life

and whenever they see somebody rejoicing he is immediately mistrusted he is immediately mistrusted because he does not belong to the crowd he is an outsider, he is a stranger 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the crowd lives in misery

and only a few people up to now have been able.

it is unfortunate, very sad but a fact and it cannot be denied -- very few people so

few that they can be counted on fingers have lived in joy

of course they were all thought of as strangers Jesus is crucified because of that strangeness buddha is stoned

many attempts have been made to kill him for the simple reason that people cannot trust him he seems to be not part of them and the same has been true for others socrates, al hillaj mansoor, sarmad the people who have lived rejoicingly have been tortured by the masses killed by the masses

hence the meaning between those two very different connotations coming with joy and a stranger and joy is everybody's birthright of course man is free not to choose it that's what millions of people have decided to do the reason is

they don't want to go against the crowd mind the crowd mind may create

a thousand and one difficulties for them a sannyasin is committed to be a stranger he is committed to be an outsider he has chosen consciously, i am going to live in joy and the only condition that is needed to fulfil it is silence

if you become a little more silent more and more joy will arise out of you the moment you are totally silent an infinite explosion of joy happens there is a space within you where all dualities disappear where light and darkness are no more separate but one

where life and death are no more separate but one

these things are separate in the mind, in the head the head lives in dualities the head functions like a prism if you pass a ray of light through the prism it divides it into seven colours that's how the rainbow is created 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- the reverse of one colour

just pure white

but the prism dissects it, cuts it into seven parts the same is the way of the mind

it cuts everything into love and hate misery and bliss, life and death, summer and winter and so on and so forth

but when you go beyond the mind...

and that's the place where silence is the moment you leave the mind behind those dualities start disappearing the rainbow becomes one colour just pure white

white is the colour of silence oneness is the nature of silence and once you have heard your own silence then there is no music compared to it no dance, no celebration

which can even come close to it everything seems to be just ordinary compared to the inner silence

and the man who attains to that silence becomes the beloved of the universe that is the meaning of supriya supriya means the beloved

the only proof for god or godliness to be more exact is the experience of silence a great philosopher, maulingaputta came to gautam the buddha

and he asked, can you prove that god exists?

buddha said, if you really want the proof are you ready to fulfil the conditions? maulingaputta said

i am ready to fulfil any conditions but i want the proof

buddha said, then do one thing: for two years just sit silently by my side no question

no argumentation just be silent

fall deeper and deeper into silence and when two years have passed i will enquire

two years passed and exactly the same day buddha asked maulingaputta do you need any proof now?


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and maulingaputta laughed, he said you have given the proof, i have experienced it silence is enough proof and there is no proof now i know why you have made this condition these two years of falling and falling into the abysmal silence

it is no more a philosophical question now it has become an existential experience my sannyasins have not to bother themselves with philosophical questions with theological arguments my approach is existential be still and know

because there is no other way to know one of the most significant things o be remembered is

never cultivate silence

anything cultivated is always false and we are trained to cultivate everything we are told to love

as if one can manage to love as if it is one's question of willing as if it is nothing but putting more effort into it as if it is a kind of doing we are told to be compassionate to be of service to others and all kinds of nonsense

and because from the very beginning we are told we start trying

the real never happens that way but we start creating the unreal one can pretend to be loving one can pretend to be compassionate and one can pretend so long that one can forget completely that is it is a pretension and that is the most degrading experience in human life

my approach is

never cultivate anything

otherwise you will be moving in the dimension of the false discover your spontaneity


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and in that very discovery you will discover many things which you were not even dreaming of because all that is really significant is part of your spontaneity the spontaneous person is loving not that he is trying to love; he is simply loving the spontaneous person is compassionate is kind, is just

these are not qualities that he has cultivated not qualities that he has cultivated not qualities that he has disciplined himself to they are just flowers of his spontaneity roses on the bush of spontaneity and the way to discover your spontaneous nature is silence

create a distance

between the noise of your head and your being move as far away from the head as possible the farther you are away from the head the better because from that extreme

you will not be able to hear the noise of the head slowly slowly it will fade away in the distance the moment it takes away into the far distance you have discovered something there is no interference

the mind is no more poking its nose in and suddenly you become aware of your own intrinsic nature and with that is the beginning of miracles but with me the immediate is the ultimate the immediate and the ultimate are not two different things with me the ultimate is not somewhere far away the ultimate is very close by in the very immediate it is present in the very immediate it is pulsating the immediate is the heartbeat of the ultimate so when i say that silence is the ultimate goal avoid misunderstanding me

i am saying

that silence is the immediate way of living live silently 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- people are living with such a fuss with so much noise


but they have become accustomed to it addicted to it

unless they make much fuss and much noise they start feeling as if life is slipping out of their hands the more noise they make

the more they seem to be alive they are not alive they are simply insane

because life happens only in deep silence but this whole earth is a big madhouse politicians are making so much noise; they live on it the more you kick the dust the more you create clouds around you the bigger you are

the more mischievous you are the more is the possibility that you will be remembered in history alexander, tamerlaine, genghis khan, nadir shah napoleon, adolf hitler, mussolini, stalin these are the people

who fill the whole history of humanity the buddhas are not even to be found in the footnotes

because they never made any noise they lived silently, lived joyously and died silently and died joyously but they are the real people the very salt of the earth remember: if one wants to b really alive and ecstatically alive

then silence is the way the way and the goal both

the means and the end both the immediate and the ultimate both silence is not a word

it is an experience

it is not a doctrine, a dogma but a taste on the tongue

something to be eaten, to be drunk, to be digested something that becomes part of your blood, bones and very marrow 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

but people go on living with words the word becomes more important to them than the experience

the word god seems to be more important than any experience of god the word love seems to be more important than any experience of love my sannyasins have to be very aware of it don't be trapped into words because millions are trapped in words always go beyond the word into the experience unless you reach the experience you have not lived your life the way it should be lived intensely, passionately, totally the worldly people

are the most impotent people in the world they know all big words and the whole jargon they are great bullshitters they can go on and on talking about things they have not experienced at all beware of that trap, that trap is everywhere there are christian traps, hindu traps mohammedan traps

traps are available in all sizes and shapes and unless one is very watchful one is going to be trapped somewhere but a simple awareness that the word is not the reality the word love is not love

the word god is not god

and the word fire is not fire only this much awareness is enough and then you will start searching for the experience and the experience is liberating the experience is enriching and silence is the greatest treasure if you experience...

it is the very kingdom of god the noisy mind is never in a state of balance it is always swaying like a pendulum from left to right, from right to left it is never in any state

it is always moving somewhere and there is one thing more to be remembered about the pendulum

when it is going to the far right it is gaining momentum to go to the left it is getting ready to go to the left 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

it is packing its suitcases on the surface it looks going to the right deep down its whole psychology is going towards the opposite it is always in a contradiction mind is a contradiction, a continuous fight there is not even a single moment when the mind can be said to be in a state of balance

it is not possible for the mind because to be in balance

means not to be in the mind mind means imbalance if the pendulum stops in the middle then the clock stops immediately the clock can continue

only if the pendulum goes on moving silence is the stopping of the pendulum and the moment your mind stops suddenly there is great balance and that balance is the truth of life and to live life out of that balance is beauty, grace

it is easily possible, very easily possible but the saints have been telling the whole world that it is very difficult they have been deceiving you for the simple reason that if it is very simple

then their saintliness will not be of much value if it is available to all ordinary human beings then what is there special in being a saint?

so they try to brag about it they go on putting it higher and higher beyond your reach

somewhere there on the everest so that you cannot reach there so that they can claim only, we have reached the chosen few of god

in fact the whole existence is divine there is nobody who is chosen all are chosen or nobody is chosen and to attain to silence and equilibrium is a very simple and natural phenomenon very ordinary

it has to be brought to the notice 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- of every human being

that for centuries you have been deceived and fooled

few egoists have been on a great ego trip holier-than-thou

the messengers of god, the prophets of god the incarnations of god, these are the people who have reduced humanity into utter slavery my effort here is to make you rejoice in your ordinariness

to make you rejoice the way you are i am not interested

in giving you any perfectionist goals my whole effort is to make you aware that whatsoever is needed is within your grasp that whatsoever is needed

in a certain way existence has already provided for you

you just have to look within, search within find out a little, explore a little

and you will find all that you had always wanted and you were feeling miserable because you were not getting it you were looking in wrong directions and you are being led by wrong people egoists have dominated the spiritual scene for so long

that it is time we should get rid of all kinds of egoists mahatmas, saints

and all kinds of those spiritual buffoons we should be finished with them and we should declare the ordinary human being as the ultimate peak of divine expression start

moment-to-moment living silently

and as you get attuned with silence...

and it is as simple as learning to ride a bicycle as difficult and as simple when

you try to ride on a bicycle for the first time it is really very difficult the very idea of sitting on two wheels makes one tremble inside

one knows that one is bound to fall but just a few efforts maybe once or twice you will fall -- so what?

one can again ride on the bicycle 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- there is no problem in it

once you have learned the knack surprised: it was so simple, it is just a knack those who know, know it is very simple those who don't know, they think it is very difficult and the difference can be bridged very easily just by a few efforts

sannyas means making a few efforts for something which is absolutely needed without which we are not truly living without which we are not joyous without which we are not really rich without which the whole opportunity is going down the drain

and just a few efforts

and i have been teaching so many people to ride the bicycle

yes, once in a while they fall but that fall is not bad; it teaches you the knack it is good, it is helpful

the only stupid people in the world are those who never try who remain closed and afraid, shrunken and the greatest fear

that the so-called spiritual leaders of humanity have created is that of committing a mistake and anybody who wants to learn has to commit mistakes

so i tell my people

commit as many mistakes as you can commit new mistakes every day invent

new ones, find out new ones don't repeat the old and then learning begins

and there is no end to learning a child forever

and that is the true way of being a sage a child forever The Sound of One Hand Clapping Chapter #12 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-



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