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30 April 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Anand Ineke. Anand means bliss, ineke means meek. Blessed are the meek, for theirs is the kingdom of God. To be humble, to be meek, is to be ready to receive God. God cannot be attacked and conquered. One cannot be aggressive about God: one can only be feminine. And that’s what meekness basically is – the fundamental quality of the feminine mind: to be ready to yield, just like the grass. When the wind comes it simply bends. The big trees fall and then they cannot get up again. But because the grass is meek, when the wind is gone it is back to its original state. It knows how to surrender, and surrender is the secret key to the kingdom of God.

Anand Frans. Anand means bliss, frans means free, freedom. Man’s greatest longing is that of freedom, and bliss is a by-product of freedom. Bliss cannot be achieved directly. It happens only when you are free, free of all kinds of psychological bondage, from all spiritual slavery. And there are many many prison walls around you, around everybody – psychological, political, philosophical, religious. All kinds of ideologies function as prison walls. Each man is hidden behind seven walls; all those walls have to be broken. One has to be utterly free. One has to drop all kinds of slavery that have been imposed by the society, the state, the church.

They have their vested interest in keeping you a slave. The society needs slaves; it is afraid of free people. The society talks about freedom but never allows anybody to be really free.

Unless one decides on one’s own one can never be free; it has to be an individual decision. Once you have broken all the barriers and dropped all kinds of nonsense that have been imposed upon you, bliss arises from your very being. Not that it comes from anywhere else: it springs up within you. It is your inner kingdom.

But before one can see and feel and live it, one has to become utterly unburdened of all kinds of ideologies.


Veet Mark. Veet means beyond, mark means war or war god. Beyond war is love, beyond all conflict is love. Enough the war god has been worshipped – no more! All the temples of the war god have to be demolished. We have to make temples of love now.

Deva Nel. Deva means divine, nel means light – divine light. And it is already there – you just have to look in to find it. It has not to be sought and searched for outside. You have only to learn one thing: to sit silently and just be and look in. It takes a little time to get attuned – three months to six months time. Just go on sitting without any thought of immediate result. Be patient. Just enjoy sitting silently, looking in, and don’t be worried whether anything is happening or not. For a few months nothing will happen, and one day suddenly it is there. It always comes out of suddenness, out of nowhere. It comes unexpectedly.

The moment one has seen one’s inner light, life takes on a change. It starts moving on a different plane, into a different dimension; and that is the dimension of the divine.

Anand Zoli. Anand means bliss, zoli means sultan or king – a blissful king. That’s what we are meant to be, and if we have become beggars only we are responsible, nobody else. Our innermost being is always a king, but our mind is a beggar; the mind continuously begs.

Desire is begging – more and more and more. The mind is never satisfied. Its begging bowl is such that you cannot fill it. It always remains empty. In fact the more you fill it, the more empty you find it. But there is an innermost core where all is contentment, where all is always silent, joyful, where no discontent has ever entered. That is our kingdom. Everybody has a birthright to enter and be a king, but we go on wandering in desires and dreams and go on wasting our lives.

Sannyas means a decision to drop desiring, dreaming, and to become more aware, more alert, more watchful, because the more watchful you are, the more awake you are, the less desiring happens. Desire and dreaming are part of a kind of metaphysical sleep.

Meditation is the way to stop desiring, to stop dreaming. Once dreams and desires are gone, the beggar is gone. And the day the beggar is totally gone – by “beggar” I mean the mind – is the greatest day in life. One is really born only then.

Deva Manfred. Deva means divine, manfred means a man of peace. The full name will mean a man of divine peace. Peace is always divine; noise is human. Silence is divine; language is human. God knows only one language – the language of silence, and to be able to be silent is to be capable of receiving divine peace.

We can do only one thing: we can start dropping the mind and its noise. We can start becoming more and more silent. In silence peace descends. Silence is our effort; peace is God’s grace. Silence is our preparation; peace is God’s gift.

Prem Nicole. Prem means love, nicole means victory. Love is the victory; in love is victory. To live without love is to live a life of defeat, of frustration, of despair, of anguish. To live in love, to live as love, is to live victoriously. There is no other way to be victorious. People have tried all other kinds – through money, through power – but everything else fails except love. In the ultimate analysis, nothing else has ever succeeded.

Let it become a constant remembering: be drunk with love, and victory is bound to come. It comes as a shadow of love.

Anand Pratimo. Anand means bliss, pratimo means image – an image of bliss. Sannyas is the art of becoming blissful. It is the alchemy of changing all your negativities into positivity. Anger has to be transformed into compassion; sex has to be transformed into love; greed has to be transformed into sharing; the ego has to be transformed into humbleness. And then one becomes an image of bliss.

Religion to me is not serious, it is blissful. The basic religious quality is cheerfulness and cheerfulness for no reason at all – just for the sake of it. That we are is enough to be cheerful. To be is enough to be blissful. No other condition has to be fulfilled. Being is the only condition, and that has already happened. You are; now there is no need to wait for any other things which will make you blissful. It is enough.

And the miracle is: if you become blissful for no reason at all, then all those things that you have always been thinking of and always desiring and which were not coming your way start coming your way. You have been thinking that you will be blissful only if you have those things. But the mathematics of the divine is totally different: be blissful and those things start coming; wait for those things1 they will never come, and even if they come, they will not bring bliss.

Anand Yuko. Anand means bliss, blissful, yuko means orange tree. Now you are really becoming an orange tree! Up to now it was just a name – from today it is going to be a reality. Be blissful! And never make any requirements for and conditions on bliss: just be blissful for no reason at all. Just as one breathes one should be blissful.

Misery is something that has to be earned. One has to make efforts for it because it is an unnatural state. But bliss is simply inner health, a harmony. It is the natural state; nothing is required. Once this is understood, life goes through a revolution. We have been told by the society that “You can be blissful only if you have this and you have that,” Nobody has told us that you are, and that that is enough to be blissful.

Bliss has nothing to do with what you possess: all that is needed is already there. You are, and that is more than enough. What else can be more precious than that?

Prem Harendro. Prem means love, harendro means God of Gods, the great God – the great God of love. All other gods are smaller gods; love is the ultimate. Beyond love there is no other peak: love is the very Everest of being. And sannyas is nothing but climbing the ultimate mountain.

One has to be a Hillary so that one can reach to Everest. It is hazardous, it is dangerous, but that’s its very ecstasy. And the path is very alone, because in those heights you will not meet the crowds. The higher you go, the more alone you will be. At the ultimate peak one is absolutely alone. So one has to learn how to be alone and how to be joyfully alone. That’s what meditation is all about: an effort to be alone, to taste the beauty of aloneness.

Ordinarily people know only the beauty of relationship. It is good as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough, and sooner or later you have to go beyond it. I am not against it, but I cannot say that one can remain in it forever. It is a school, and a very primary school too. The person who remains always confined in the world of relationships remains childish.

The real maturity arises only when you start growing beyond relationship, when you become independent, when you are capable of being alone. The beauty of freedom, of flight, of height, is just tremendous. The people who live only in the world of relationship can never know of those peaks.

So today a great journey starts and you become a pilgrim.

Satyananda. Satya means truth, anand means bliss. To be true to oneself and to the world is the way to bliss. To be false is the way to misery and hell. Never wear a mask, never be a lie.



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