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26 April 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Anand Annette. Anand means bliss, annette means mercy, compassion. It comes from the Hebrew, hannah; from hannah it became anna and from anna, annette.
Compassion comes as a shadow of bliss. It is a by-product; one cannot cultivate it. There is no way to go to it directly; it comes via blissfulness. If one is blissful, one is compassionate. If somebody tries to be compassionate without being blissful he will only be a hypocrite. A miserable person cannot be compassionate. At the most he can pretend to be so, but if he himself is in misery, he cannot feel compassion.
Compassion is overflowing blissfulness. You have so much that you would like to give it to others. You have to give it; it cannot be contained. There is such an inexhaustible source that the more you give, the more you have it.
Anand Gitte. Anand means bliss, gitte means bridge – bliss, the bridge. Bliss is the bridge between man and God. In misery you are alone; in bliss you are with God. In misery you are isolated, imprisoned, in a dark cell; in bliss the whole sky is yours. Bliss gives you expansion of consciousness and becomes a bridge to God.
Become more and more blissful; and it is only a question of deciding, it is only a question of a little intelligence. Stupid people are miserable, because misery needs no intelligence; anybody can be miserable. It is very ordinary, not worth choosing.
Choose bliss and find intelligent ways to live blissfully. Once you start choosing, finding, groping for bliss, you will come to know the knack of it. It is a knack. It cannot be taught to you by somebody else. You have to move towards it by trial and error.
But once you have known the secret of bliss – which is simple, but one has to discover it on one’s own – it becomes the bridge between you and the ultimate. Then Gd is not far away; you are joined with him. Then he is very close by.
Anand Giovanni. Anand means bliss, giovanni is a form of john. John was the most beloved disciple of Jesus, hence the name became so common, became so precious. John was known amidst the disciples as the most beloved disciple of Jesus. It became the symbol of the most beloved disciple. Your full name will mean blissful, beloved disciple.
Initiation into sannyas is initiation into disciplehood. One can become a disciple only if one is really, sincerely, in search of bliss, because that is the search for God. Bliss is another name for God. And one can become a disciple only if one has tremendous love for the Master. What else can the disciple give to the Master? He can give his heart, he can give his love, he can give his trust. Then miracles are possible, miracles undreamed of, because once the disciple is ready, the Master can make the impossible happen. But the open heart is a must.
The Master cannot do anything without the help of the disciple. His cooperation is absolutely necessary, because this is one of the fundamental rights of each human being, that nothing can be done against your will. Even if I want to give you bliss, truth, freedom, God, I am helpless unless you are ready to receive it.
So really become a disciple, and then all else is possible. That’s what sannyas is all about.
Anand Livio. Anand means bliss, livio literally means olive, but the olive is the symbol of peace, hence it means peace. Your full name will mean blissful peace. Peace can have two possibilities. It can be just negative – no turmoil, no struggle, no conflict, no noise. But the definition is the no. In itself there is nothing just the disturbances are missing, the distractions are not there. This is not the right peace.
The right peace has to be positive. Its definition should not come from no but from yes. It should be blissful. Of course, all that was absent in the negative peace will be absent in this too, but one thing more will be here, something will be present also. At the center there will be bliss, joy, rejoicing.
The first kind of peace is very easy. One can become a monk and go to the monastery and can attain to the first kind of peace very easily. Its method is renunciation: escape from all the possibilities which can disturb your peace. But it is cowardly, it is not for the brave.
For the brave is the second kind of peace. Amidst all noise you should know how to be silent. In the marketplace you should know how to be a sannyasin. But then it has to be positive. So begin by being blissful and end in peace.
Prem Renzo. Prem means love, renzo means victory – victory through love. It is a paradox, because love does not want to be victorious, it does not want to conquer. On the contrary, it wants to surrender, it wants to be conquered; but in that very surrendering is the victory.
Those who want to conquer are never victorious; they can destroy but they can never be victorious.
You can kill a person, you can make a prisoner of him, but you cannot win his heart. Even in your prison he is free as far as his heart is concerned. You can kill and crush, you can destroy, but that is not victory.
Alexander the Great is not the really victorious person. Jesus is, and Jesus is victorious because of his love. He is victorious even though he is crucified. His victory is that of surrender. Even on the cross he could pray to God: Forgive these people because they know not what they are doing. At the last moment he could pray to God: Thy will be done, thy kingdom come. He is not concerned with himself at all – no self-concern. That is love, and in love is victory.
Learn the ways of love and become victorious. In every other way man finds defeat, frustration. Only through love does man find fulfillment, contentment.
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