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22 April 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Deva Julia. Deva means divine, julia means youthful. God is always young. The idea of an old God is just rubbish, because existence is always young. To be in God means to remain fresh and young, and the way towards God is being more and more youthful. The body will become old – that’s the nature of matter; matter is always old because matter is dead. Consciousness is always young because consciousness is life.
[Osho gives sannyas to someone who wishes to start a meditation centre in Spain.]
Peter was the most solid disciple of Jesus; so solid, so totally devoted and surrendered, that Jesus called him his rock, the rock on which the church would be built.
You can also become a rock for me, and much has to happen through you in Spain.
Just don’t be worried about your limitations, I will take care of them – just take the plunge. You will become a rock there, and soon a temple will arise.
Anando means blissful. The greatest blissfulness in life is to be a disciple, because the disciple is in the state of learning, and that is the greatest joy in life: to learn more and more and more, to go deeper and deeper into the mysteries of existence. And if the commitment is total, then in a single leap one can go into the greatest depth of life and can have the taste of the highest peak and the deepest depth, both together... because they are not different. The highest peak has the deepest depth in it, and the deepest depth has the highest peak in it.…
Help my people there – you really have to become a rock for me! Whenever it is possible, come back, but
Spain needs much work. Good.
Deva Ralf. Deva means divine, ralf means wolf – divine wolf. Man is both; half animal, half divine. And that is the dilemma: where to move, what to do, how to be? The lower, animal part, goes on pulling downwards, and the higher, divine part, goes on pulling upwards and man is torn apart. There are only two ways to be at peace. One is: reduce the divine to the animal – which is not possible, because the higher cannot be reduced to the lower; there is no way. The young man cannot be reduced to the child, the old man cannot be reduced to the young man. Life never goes backwards, time never moves backwards, so there is no way for the higher to be reduced to the lower.
Man tries hard – through alcohol, through sex, through indulgence, eating too much, through violence, through drugs. There are a thousand and .r one ways to drown the divine in the animal, but nothing ever succeeds; again and again the divine pops up, and again the problem is there.
The other alternative is to transform the animal into the divine, which is possible – arduous, difficult, but not impossible. But the animal has not to be suppressed; if you suppress it, transformation becomes impossible. The animal has to be understood, the animal has to be befriended, the animal has to be loved. Through love, understanding, friendship, you can take the animal with you to the highest peak of your being. And that’s what sannyas is all about: the art of transforming the animal into the divine.
Anand Dwariko. Anand means bliss, dwariko means door. Man is a door, a door to the divine. Man contains infinite potential to be blissful, but it has to be actualized. Man is not what he really is – man has to become what he really is. Man is covered with many pseudo masks. The society ties to hide your reality behind many many screens, and slowly slowly you lose the contact with your own self. The moment you lose contact with your own self, bliss disappears.
Each child is blissful, but sooner or later, somewhere around the age of three or four, bliss disappears. That’s why you can remember backwards only to the age of three or four. The day bliss disappears, memory appears, mind appears.
Mind has to disappear again for bliss to appear.
That’s the whole work of meditation: to help you to put the mind aside, to help you to use the mind when needed and not to use it when not needed, to use it but not to be used by it. Then life again has the same innocence as that of a child, and the same bubbling joy, and the same vibrant quality, the same radiance, the same flow of energy. One is again electric, one is again life!
Anand Anna. Anand means bliss, anna means prayer – bliss prayer. My vision sees only bliss as prayer. If one is blissful, one is prayerful. Whether one prays formally or not does not matter. In fact it is only people who don’t know how to be blissful who pray formally.
The blissful person is a prayer in himself. He need not commune with God through words: his silence, his overflowing blissfulness, is enough.
Sat Savitri means the sun of love.
Prem means love, savitri means the God of the sun. Love is exactly like the sun in the inner sky. As without the sun there will be all darkness outside, without love there is all darkness inside. Just as
without sun there will be no life outside, without love there is no life inside. The sun outside and love inside are synonymous. The sun is the center of the outer world and love is the center of the inner world. Love also is as much a source of light as the sun, and a source of life.
Move more and more into love and you will be moving into life, into light, without any effort. Be loving and God is. Only in deep love do we start feeling the presence of God; in no other way is God ever felt. No argument, no philosophy, no theology, is of any help. If love helps, then everything fits together. If love is missing, then everything starts falling apart. Love is the only integrating force.
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