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19 April 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Anand Karin. Anand means bliss, karin means pure – pure bliss. Bliss can exist in many forms. When it is physical we call it pleasure; when it is psychological we call it happiness; when it is spiritual we call it joy. But when it transcends all these three, then it attains to perfect purity; then it is pure bliss. It is neither physical nor psychological nor spiritual: it is transcendental.

It contains all the possibilities and yet it is beyond them. It is not the sum total of its parts; it is more, it is plus, more than the sum total of the parts.

The whole search is for that pure land. The Buddhists have a name for it: the lotus paradise.

Prem Francine. Prem means love, francine means freedom. Love is true only when it brings freedom. If it brings a kind of bondage, if it creates chains for you, if it imprisons you, it is not love; it is exactly the opposite of love. It is pretending to be love, masquerading as love, but it is hate.

If love is possessive, it is not love; if love dominates, it is not love. Love’s very fragrance is that of freedom. It rarely happens, because we have forgotten the very language of how to be free. In the name of love we are searching for a kind of dependence.

We have forgotten what love is, we have forgotten what freedom is. They are two aspects of the same coin; and if you can attain to one, the other will come of its own accord. Either be loving and you will find freedom as a reward, or be free and you will find love as a reward.

Deva Johan. Deva means divine, johan is from the Hebrew john. John was the most beloved disciple of Jesus, hence John has become the symbol of a beloved disciple. Your full name will mean a divine beloved disciple; and that is going to be your work on yourself.

One of the most difficult things in life is the art of disciplehood, because it needs surrender. It needs the guts to put your mind aside. It needs the daring to drop the ego. Only then is the disciple born. And to be a disciple is the only way to reach to truth; there is no other way.

The very word “disciple” literally means the art of learning. And one can only learn if one is ready to drop all that one has learned before. If one wants to go on learning, one has to be aware not to accumulate knowledge. The knowledgeable cannot learn; learning happens in innocence. Learning requires you to always function from the state of not-knowing. The real learner remains an agnostic: he knows that he knows not. Then miracles become possible, then mysteries are revealed.

No effort is needed on your part. If you are ready to learn, that’s enough; if you are open to learn, that’s enough. If you are receptive, vulnerable, without any resistance, then truth is going to happen to you.

Sannyas is another name of disciplehood. Become a disciple. It is difficult, I know, it is hard, but once it starts happening, tremendous is the benefit, great is the benediction.

Deva Louise. Deva means divine, louise means glory – divine glory. It is there in every being, unmanifest, latent. Just a little effort and it can become manifest, and that which is potential can become actual. Man contains the greatest glory on the earth yet lives in unnecessary misery, yet lives like a beggar. His destiny is to be a king but he never claims it, he never asks for it.

He has completely forgotten who he is and what he is meant to be. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Krishna – these are just manifestations of our glory. If we are the seeds, they have become the flowers. You contain that flower too.

That is the whole purpose of being initiated: it means that the seed is being initiated by the flower. It means that being with the flower the seed will start dreaming, at least, about being a flower; the seed will be stirred and a great longing will arise in it.

That longing is the beginning of the great journey. Once that longing starts, every day it becomes more and more intense, more and more passionate. Sooner or later it grips you so totally, it overwhelms you so totally, that the seeker disappears in the seeking. That is the day of great fulfillment – when the seeker disappears in the seeking, when the seed disappears in the flower.

Deva Nicola. Deva means God, nicola means victory – God’s victory. Be surrendered and let God be victorious; that is the only way to be victorious. Not by fighting but by surrendering, one achieves victory. That’s how it functions in the world of love; and God is the world of love. In love, if you try to win, you will be defeated. In love you surrender. You want to be won over, and that very longing to be won over becomes your vicory in a very mysterious way.

Before God one should not go with the idea of conquering. And that idea is very deeply rooted in the modern mind: conquer nature, conquer everything. But there are things which cannot be conquered. There are things which when you are before them, you have to surrender. That is the indirect way of becoming victorious. In the world of love, in the world of God, in the world of beauty, this is how it happens: not by conquering does one conquer, but by being conquered.

Let there be only one prayer in the heart: Let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done. That is the meaning of your name; let it become the meaning of your life too.

Deva Hein. Deva means divine, hein means home – a divine home. Man is a temple – unaware, unconscious of the fact that God resides in him. Your consciousness is part of God, your consciousness is divine. Your body is just a shelter for it, and a beautiful shelter. One has to respect the body, love the body, care for the body, because it is God’s home.

So I am against all those so-called saints who are against the body. They are against the temple, and in destroying the temple they may destroy the deity too. And the body is a miracle, a mystery. Although you have lived in it you have not looked deep down into its mysteries. It is the most complex phenomenon in existence, its functioning is a miracle, but that is nothing compared to the divinity that resides in it.

Enter the body and you are entering into a world of mystery; then enter the mind – a deeper mystery; then the soul: even more depth – and then God... These are the four steps of going in. God has to be found. Without finding it, one lives in vain.

Anand Peter. Anand means blissful. Peter was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Jesus said: Peter will become the rock of the religion that I have brought into the world. He will be the foundation rock of my church, of my temple. Hence the word peter became synonymous with rock. He was the most solid of his disciples, totally devoted, with not a single doubt; his heart was like a rock. With absolute determination he surrendered himself. And that is the way one finds the ultimate truth.

Be blissfully surrendered like Peter, and be so total in your disciplehood that you can also become a rock. Again I am creating another temple and again foundations stones are needed and again people who are devoted, again people who are ready to live and die for the message...



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