The Rebellious Spirit
Talks given from 10/02/87 pm to 25/02/87 am English Discourse series
1 Meditation is the greatest charity2 The pilgrimage is endless3 What binds you is the lust for the unlived life4 The thread of understanding5 God has no hands6 The mind has no reverse gear7 Arguing with the ocean8 A more human technology9 I am a river continuously flowing10 Freedom opens the door of responsibility11 Rebellion is a style of life12 All buddhas are gamblers13 God is the ocean you are in14 The golden key15 God the father -- just another teddy bear16 The present is the only time you have17 The child is still within you18 You are the mirror19 The secrets and mysteries of existence are infinite20 Forget all about enlightenment21 Attention is invisible nourishment22 Work can produce, silence can create23 Miracles are mostly fiction24 I am nothing but pure champagne25 Silence is always louder than any scream26 Your existence is just a carbon copy27 Silence has its own fragrance28 When buddhas rebel29 Pregnant with enlightenment30 Let everything pass