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Chapter title: None
9 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7711095 ShortTitle: OPENSE09 Audio:
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[Osho gives someone sannyas.]
Start feeling that a sound is arising upwards from your throat -- a moaning, groaning or a humming sound; feel ripples of sound arising. If you start feeling like humming or moaning, go into it; don't be shy and don't hold it. And if it starts swaying your body then go into swaying. Let sound possess you.
... There is great sound just like a reservoir in your being and it wants to explode. Unless it explodes you will not feel light. You have to help it. It wants to be born and you have to be possessed by it; that is the only way one can help it.
Our basic being is constituted of sound; that is one of the most ancient insights into human being. In India we have a special science called 'surat-shabda yoga'; the remembrance of the innermost sound, the path of the remembrance of the innermost sound. And that's exactly the meaning in the Bible when it is said,
'In the beginning was the word.'
Pythagoreans in Greece worked a lot on those lines -- of how to create a harmony. Music seems to be the stuff existence is made of and we have forgotten it completely. Man is almost unaware now that he consists of sound. The primitives dance and sing and every night is a festival of music and sound. Drums are beaten, instruments are played. Children, old people and young, men,
women, all participate. It is an orgy of sound. It relaxes them. It keeps them fresh, young, innocent. It is a kind of bath, a sound bath.
Modern man has completely forgotten about it. Even if he goes to listen to music, that music has no spirituality in it. Rather than helping him, rather than helping him fall into a peace and silence, it creates turmoil in him.
Modern music is more or less completely against the human inner sound. It creates at the most a kind of sound pornography. It excites but gives no silence. Man is already exhausted; that excitement exhausts him more. It creates a kind of violence, it makes you more tense. And the people who listen to the music on tv or on the radio just sit in their chairs, absolutely non-participants. Unless you participate your own sound cannot start working. It cannot work just by listening. It has to become active, moving, alive.
So start humming, chanting. Every morning, early in the morning, get up at five o'clock before the sunrise and for half an hour just sing, hum, moan, groan. Those sounds need not be meaningful. Those sounds have to be existential, not meaningful. You should enjoy them, that's all, that is the meaning. You should sway. Let it be a praise for the rising sun and stop only when the sun has risen.
That will keep a certain rhythm in you the whole day. You will be attuned from the very morning and you will see that the day has a different quality. You are more loving, more caring, more compassionate, more friendly, less violent, less angry, less ambitious, less egoistic.
So this is your special meditation. If you feel like dancing, dance; if you feel like swaying, sway. The whole point is that you are no more in control; the sound controls you.
Christians have a few techniques like glossolalia -- talking in tongues. That's beautiful. Possessed, one does not know what is coming out. Whatsoever comes up you just bring out. Meaningful, meaningless, relevant, irrelevant.…
... Deva means divine, shabda means sound -- divine sound.…
[A sannyasin newly returned from the West says that she dreams a lot at night.…
We will use that capacity. Nothing is wrong in dreaming. Even dreaming can be
used for the right purposes. Everything has to be used for the right purpose. Rather than fighting with it, it is better to transform it. If somebody dreams of money, somebody dreams of sex, somebody dreams of power, the best 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
way is not to stop dreaming because that will be very difficult in the beginning. The best way is to start dreaming about meditation, about God, above love. Change the object of dreaming first. Dreaming continues but the content changes. And it is easier to stop dreaming when the content is very high.
If God is the content of dreaming then it can be dropped very easily because the more you dream about God, the more you will see the point -- that dreaming is becoming a barrier to God. By and by God will become more important than dreaming. This insight will dawn sooner or later -- that if you really want to know God you have to drop all dreaming. When this insight comes, dreaming can be dropped.
But it is not so with sex. Sex is nothing but dreaming. In fact in a person whose dream has disappeared, sex will disappear because sex can exist only through dreaming. God can exist only without dreaming. So this is one of the inner strategies -- to put your dream in such a direction where it cannot go for long; it has to stop.
Do one thing: at night when you go to sleep start being creative about your dreams. Start dreaming dreams deliberately; don't be an unconscious victim. People don't know that -- that that can be done. In Yoga there are many techniques for creating your own dreams. Psychoanalysts only analyse dreams; Yoga can change the content. There is no need to go on dreaming like a victim. You don't want to dream and you go on dreaming a certain thing. You can start dreaming deliberately. You can be very very choosy about dreaming; you can plan your dream.
So from tonight start one experiment: just for ten minutes plan a dream. Visualize how you would like the dream to come into your night and visualize that dream every night. Within two, three weeks you will be surprised: fragments
of that visualization have started entering your dream. Within three months you will be surprised to see that the whole dream has been created by you. And then there arises great joy because you are no more a victim. You can have your dream according to yourself. If this happens then the second step is very easy: you can stop dreaming. If you can create, you can stop. If you cannot create, you cannot stop either.
First start in the night, then the day-dreaming can be stopped, otherwise not. People dream twenty-four hours a day. Even when they are walking along the road they are dreaming. Reading a book they are dreaming about something else. Talking to a friend, they are dreaming. But start at night because at night you are closer to your unconscious. Things are settling deep down and soon you will fall into deep sleep. If the message reaches to that level of unconsciousness, from there everything can be transformed.
So create a dream. Let me also be a part of your dream so I will go on watching what you are doing. But make an elaborate dream. Note it down, plan it perfectly. Not very big, just a small dream about what you would like. Continue the same dream. Every night you have to think of it before you fall asleep: you have to go on thinking, thinking, thinking. Fall asleep thinking it, visualizing it fall asleep, because there comes a moment when the gears change.
Waking is one gear, sleep is another. When the gears change and you pass from one gear to another, just in the middle of the two there comes a moment when you are neutral, in a neutral gear. It is neither sleep nor wakefulness. That is the most potential point -- the interval between the two. If you can go on visualizing in that interval it will enter your sleep immediately.
Once you have understood this technique you can do many miracles through it. If you are ill you can simply go thinking in that moment that you are not ill. And if that moment and your thinking coincide illness will disappear. f you are feeling sad go on thinking that you are not sad. Let that moment and your idea meet and the sadness will disappear. That is the moment the psychoanalyst in a very round about way tries to find. The hypnotist goes directly to it.
Hypnosis is going to be the future psychoanalysis. The hypnotist does nothing else but create that interval between sleep and waking. If he gives any suggestion in that moment it goes to the deepest root of your being. If he says that you will die tomorrow at twelve o'clock, you will die tomorrow at twelve o'clock.
It is so potent: he can give you an idea and it is going to become a reality.
You can find that moment yourself and then you can start changing your life. From tonight start this: plan a small dream of five minutes but everything has to be the same each night. You can write the story and the drama and everything!
[A seeker says his heart wants to take sannyas but his head doesn't... it would be difficult for him to wear orange and mala in his work.]
Sometimes it is good to choose a few difficulties in life... and this will be a great difficulty. It will be 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
immensely helpful: it will make you an individual for the first time. It will look mad to other people and you may also feel embarrassed, awkward. That's what the head is going to say to you -- that this will look awkward and it will create difficulties. That is true, the head is right, but that is the whole purpose of it. It will give you integrity, it will give you the courage to be yourself. Even if the whole world calls you mad, if you can still stick to it, it will create great integration -- what Gurdjieff used to call 'crystallization'.
The head is always a coward, the heart is always brave. So all that is beautiful happens through the heart and all that is business-like happens through the head.
Sannyas is through the heart. It has nothing to do with the head; one has to by- pass it. To the head sannyas is a kind of foolishness. In the categories of the head it is foolishness. Why orange and why a mala?
For what? Everything is going perfectly well and conveniently -- why create trouble? Why become the laughing stock?
But this is the same head that will not allow you to go into love either, because that too is mad. It will not allow you to do anything that goes against the so- called society, that goes against the so-called formalities. It will never allow you to do anything which is individual. The heart is still your own. That is the only
hope for man -- that society has not yet been able to corrupt the heart. The heart is still pure and innocent. The heart is still mad! The heart can still go into things into which the head will never go.
I think that you should have a little courage and take a jump. And see what happens! Everybody has to face this problem; this is not new. Everybody more or less has to face it. But once you have entered you will see something arising in you: distance from society and a quality of individuality, freedom. And that is the whole point of sannyas. These are just devices, simple devices to help you to stick to your own, to be capable of feeling that even if the whole world laughs, it is okay. You are going on your own. You are ready to risk all respectability and all else that comes by it and through it.
Once that standpoint has settled many more things will start flowering in your being. More poetry will be coming, more love will be coming, more compassion will be coming, more rebellion will be coming.
Sannyas is just a beginning; it is not the end. It is just initiation into a creative world where many things go on happening.
You have a great capacity to be creative but your head has not been allowing you to go out. It has become a confinement, a prison.
[The seeker says he planned to be in the West for christmas but he feels so wonderful he doesn't want to go. His head says he is crazy.]
That's true... that is true. Now you will have to choose between these two. If you choose the head you wi]l be a loser. If you choose the heart there is a possibility of your being victorious yet. And what are you going to do there? Christmas is here!
[The seeker says he has a little daughter to see.]
Rather than going there, you call her here! She will enjoy it more than you! Otherwise, next time. If you have to go, go. But if you can do a few groups your joy will increase very much and your insights also.
[Osho gives him several groups to do.]
And sannyas is going to happen. Whenever you...
So should I give you a push right now?...
[The seeker replies: I feel like a lover who could be easily pushed.]
Yes, I know. I can also see it -- it is there. So become a sannyasin! Come close, close your eyes. Just listen to your heartbeat. Be there near the heart; descend from the head. Let the energy come down from the head and let it stand there behind the heart, the heartbeat. For a moment just be the heart. Let me contact you there.
Good! You have suffered long from the head. It is time to get rid of it, and the moment for that has come. One has to wait for the time. Nothing can be done before its time and nothing should be done before its time, otherwise things remain incomplete, and incomplete things hang around. But you have suffered 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
enough from the head.… Now there is no need for it; its work is finished. You can move towards the heart.…
Prem means love, pramada means joy. Let these two things be remembered continuously: love and joy.
Prem means love, svaha means hallelujah... the celebration of love, love celebration -- the ultimate celebration of love, and you can become that; you have the quality. You can laugh your way to God!
The Open Secret
Chapter #10
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