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Chapter title: None

5 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711055 ShortTitle: OPENSE05 Audio:

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[A sannyasin is leaving and says he has a restaurant called 'The Traveller'. So make a little corner in it for me! says Osho.… So I will give you a new name for it. It will be helpful for you to talk about me. Soon you will find that I have started working through you. Pathik -- it means The Traveller.

The sannyasin then asks why there is so much onion and garlic in the meals, which does not fit with meditation. Osho says, Mm! Then come back and manage things here!.]

[A sannyasin received a telegram and air ticket home because his mother is in a coma. He does not know the details, but is leaving.]

You go! And do one thing.… Sit by the side of your mother and put this (a box) on her third eye; just keep it there. And become very very silent and open to me. Feel as if you are being possessed by me, as if I am coming through you, and pour your energies into her through the box. That will be of great help. If she survives it will be of help. If she goes then too she will be going in the right direction, in a more beautiful space.

The real thing is not whether she survives or not; that is never the real thing. The real thing is if her consciousness changes. If she survives, good; if she goes, that too is good, but she should go in a kind of attunement with the whole. That should be the effort -- that she should not go in a kind of struggle; she should go

perfectly relaxed. She should go as if she is going home.

And that is one of the problems that the western consciousness has to face. It is very much afraid of death... too much fear of death. There have been only two kinds of pathological cultures in the world. One pathology arises out of the fear of sex and another pathology arises out of the fear of death. These are two pathologies of humanity, two illnesses.

[Osho goes on to talk about how the East fears sex, the West, death.]

In the West the body is the only life. The body seems to be the only existence, so if it is gone all is gone; hence the fear of death. And when you become afraid of death, you become incapable of living life. These are the problems that come in the wake: if you are afraid of death how can you love life? You can only pretend, because it is life that brings death finally. It is through life that death comes. How can I love you if my death is coming through you? It is impossible; you are my enemy. Whatsoever I say, that is not the point, but deep down I know that it is life that brings death.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


So in the western mind all efforts have been made down the ages to stop life at a certain stage. Women start thinking about how to stop it... and they do stop it! After a certain age, sixteen, eighteen, they don't grow annually. In two, three years, they grow only one year. By the time they are thirty they start clinging very very deeply: they don't want to go beyond that. Cosmetics and medicine and all kinds of technical supports are available to help you to keep yourself young, to remain youthful.

Because of that fear you cannot grow. You cannot love life because you are afraid of life, and the fear is coming from death.

The East is afraid of life; it cannot die rightly. The West is afraid of death; it cannot live rightly. And when you are afraid of death you cannot go into sex

either because the last orgasmic moment in sex is similar to death. So people have become non-orgasmic. They make love, they want to go into orgasm, deep orgasm, they want to relax and disappear, but the fear of death is there. It does not allow them: they go only so far and then they shrink back.

And because each time they go so far and shrink back, unsatisfied, sex haunts their life continuously.

Again and again they think, 'I could not make it with this woman -- I will make it with another. If not with this person then there must be somebody else with whom I can make it.… ' And the problem is not with women. The problem is with you, because you are afraid of dying... and sex is a kind of death.

One thing has been missed down the ages and that is that life and death are together; they are two faces of one reality. So the real person accepts both; the real person lives in both the poles together. Through polarisation he achieves self-actualisation. Those poles are opposite, and that is the beauty of a real man -


that he goes on floating from one pole to another.

So go, and help her to relax. Just put this (the box) on her third eye, sit silently, become completely mindless. Just remember me, feel I have taken possession of you, I am flowing through you into her. You will feel energy moving and you will feel symptoms on her face, in her body.

Both are the possibilities: she may come back -- then she will be a different kind of woman -- or she may go. But then too she will be going a different person from who she was. In both ways you will be helpful.

So don't have any desire in the mind that she should survive. If you have that desire then you are also afraid of death; you cannot be of any help. You follow me? If you have the desire that she should survive anyhow then you will not be of much help. You have not to have any desire. Simply be there, choiceless.

Thy will be done... whatsoever it is. If she survives, good; if she goes, perfectly good. No choice on your part, only then can you become a vehicle for me. It will be a great experience to you too. What happens to her is secondary; something will happen to you.

So use this opportunity for a great meditation... and help her. Good.

[A sannyas couple who have just fallen in love are present. The woman says: I would like to give more love.]

Mm mm! Give! Don't go on thinking -- give. Hold hands and close your eyes and pour your love into each other. If something starts happening in the body, allow it -- any moving, shaking, trembling but don't leave the hands.…

Good... come back, mm? (to the man) Just one thing: you both seem to be disciplined too much, controlled too much. That is a barrier in love. Discipline is good in war, not in love. And to be controlled is good in the world when you are dealing with people with whom you are not really related. But when you are in love you should be completely in a kind of let-go, entirely available, uncontrolled, undisciplined.

Only then can the hearts meet and merge and can boundaries become blurred. You both have very special boundaries; you are not overlapping each other. Your energy is separate, her energy is separate. This control will not be good.

Love has to be wild... love has to be animalistic! Only when it is wild is it great. Controlled, it is a very tiny thing, mediocre; it doesn't satisfy. And that's why [your lover] asks how to love more. It is not a question of how to love more -- love is there; just go into a little more uncontrol.

(to the woman) And your question about how to love more is again a question of control. You want to control love too: you want to dial it so you can make it more or less. You cannot control love. Love is bigger than you. You can only allow it, and when it comes you have to be flooded by it, completely washed away, taken away, possessed by it love is maddening, and for a few moments you have to be mad.

(to the man) That is a cultural problem for the Japanese: control. So you have to be a little less Japanese.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Go madly into it, headlong, and you will not be a loser. Great will be your gain, but only those who lose themselves gain. So let this be remembered: next time you are together just go wildly together. Pulsate, dance, sing, for no reason at all... just for the sheer joy of it.

Much is possible, mm? (to the woman) Help him! You will have to take more care, because after all he is a Japanese, mm? It will be very very difficult for him to come out of it. He will try, but if you help he can come out more easily. It is a cultural characteristic and for centuries Japan has been trained to be mannerly, to follow the etiquette to the minutest detail. A slight thing that goes against the morals, against the manners, against the national etiquette, is enough for the Japanese to commit suicide. It is a very suicidal country! Sometimes very small things.…

It happened once that a general just did something, a very minor thing. When the king was speaking to him he spoke back in an unmannerly way. He had said nothing wrong but it was not as appropriate as it should have been. He talked as if he were talking to just another man. Immediately he was reminded that he had forgotten how he should talk to the king he committed suicide -- just to save his honour. Because he committed suicide three hundred of his disciples committed suicide -- three hundred! Because their master had committed a mistake it became their shame.

Now, it could not have happened anywhere else. He could have just said 'Sorry!'; that was enough for the mistake. But to commit suicide and then three hundred more people committing suicide because of it!

That's how Japan has lived down the ages. Now things have changed but this has gone into the blood and the bones. So be a little helpful, mm? You have to nurse him out of it!

[A sannyasin had been waiting a long time for his girlfriend to come to Poona. Now she is here he is having problems. When he did the tantra group he was more in touch with his energy than now. She is also present and previously said that she was not interested to do groups but is helping her boyfriend by taking notes for him while he does acupuncture.]

That's how people wait for trouble! And when they come then you become.…

Now the problem is that you have changed a lot and she seems to be reluctant to change. She is very defensive, she is very afraid.

She is not open to anything here.

... Mm, she is not open to me, so it will be a little difficult. If she were open then things would have been easier, but she will create all kinds of trouble. You have changed a lot so there is a disparity. You used to love her but then you used to be different. She used to love you but you were different then. She is the same and you have changed so there is a gap.

If you want to bridge that gap then you will have to stay patient for a few weeks. It will be troublesome but if you want to close that gap, bridge that gap, then that much sacrifice has to be made.

... It can happen... I cannot say it will happen.

Because this is a problem. She may not be interested at all in the meditations, in the work that is going on here; she does not seem to be. If she is not interested then it is very difficult. If she is interested just time is needed. She can go into a few groups, she can do a few meditations. But she is not willing to; she just wants to cling to you and take notes when you are doing acupuncture. Then it is okay like that. She is not ready to leave you.

Help her to go into groups! You will be alone, she will be alone, and that will be very good.

[The sannyasin says: I think I push her too much. That's part of the problem.]

Mm mm... then just drop pushing; just accept. At least for four weeks see. Suffer, mm? What can be done? You never ask me, otherwise I would not have said to invite her here. Why call her? Why create trouble for her?

We don't understand how things work. When one partner changes it becomes really difficult for the other partner to cope. She is also in difficulty. She has not done anything wrong, but you have fallen apart.

Love is there; she loves you -- that's why she has come. You love her but now the gap is big; you are shouting from far away and she is also far away. You cannot talk; you are too distant from one another. You cannot understand each

other. You say something; she understands something else. She says something; you understand something different. Communication will become difficult.

... Wait for two, three weeks, and if it happens, good; otherwise say good-bye. Because there is no need to suffer over it and to make her suffer also. It is not only that you are in trouble, she is also in trouble, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


maybe in more trouble than you! Because she is alone here; you have a big orange family. She could be in much more trouble because she will have to defend herself continuously, twenty-four hours a day. You have all kinds of support; she has no support. But she seems to be of the strong kind.

But if she chooses, make the choice clear. If she wants you, if she loves you, she has to become open to this climate. If she does not want you, if she does not love you, then say good-bye. It will be in sadness, but what can be done? Don't make her suffer and don't make yourself suffer. Just make one thing clear: that you cannot go back. Whatsoever has happened to you cannot unhappen now.

Mm? that is one of the difficulties in life: if something happens you cannot go back; there is no way back. If you have known something you cannot make it unknown again. If you have done something you cannot undo it. It has happened; it will be there forever now. You can go on adding, changing things, but it will be there. It has become part of your very substance.

So you cannot go back. The only possibility is that she comes forward and enters the world into which you have entered. If she loves you, she will. But make it clear. If she is not that much in love she will be ready to sacrifice you rather than change herself.… But a change would not be bad for her; a change would be her life's blessing.… But that is for her to decide -- whether she wants to choose that blessing or not.

Just make it clear and then wait two, three weeks. Suffer patiently, lovingly, and if things don't change just say good-bye. Send her back. There is no need to be worried, mm?

[He answers: I feel reluctant to work with her. After taking sannyas my whole energy is so different.]

Yes, it is different; I understand your difficulty. But you should have asked me. Unless I see the picture and I feel the girl, I would not have said to you to call her. That is an unnecessary trouble... not worthwhile.

You don't need her notes? (he shakes his head) Then she could do some groups. But she does not want to; that note-taking seems to be a safety device.

Just see for a few days and then if it is not happening, just send her back. It will be sad but what can be done?

Sometimes one has to accept something. Or maybe she will start thinking about it again and change herself! Just three, four groups and she will be different. Wait, let us see, mm? I will do my best!

[A sannyas couple had previously spoken to Osho because the woman was feeling jealous when the man was attracted to other woman. Now she is moving with other men and he is feeling hurt. He says that when he is aware it is fine, but sometimes he falls asleep.]

Then let it be fine; don't disturb it! There is no need. Start taking life with ease. Don't be too serious about small things; they don't matter.…

So it is a good situation to become more and more aware in, mm? Your woman is giving you a great opportunity. If she goes with somebody, become aware. The more she goes, the better: you will be more and more aware! These are all devices. If you use them, you will be happy that they happened. Because jealousy is poison. There is no need, no point in it... just a misunderstanding of thousands of years.

When your woman goes to somebody else you start feeling hurt. You feel as if you have been rejected.

You start feeling as if you are not adequate, not enough; she needs somebody else. You are not the right person or you are not fulfilling her. One starts feeling as if something is missing in one. That is not the point at all; that is a complete misunderstanding.

It is like eating the same thing every day. One day you feel like eating something else. Not that you hate the food. It may be nutritious, it may be the best food for your health. It may be fitting perfectly, you may be feeling absolutely okay, but still you are fed up with it. You would like to go to some hotel and eat some rubbish (laughter) which is not nourishing, which is not healthy! You may have a stomach ache and a headache afterwards but still sometimes it is needed.

You have not said anything about the food that you have been eating but your mind needs a little variety. When the mind goes, only then does the desire for variety go. Then one can live with a single note of music for one's whole life!

I have heard about a musician who used to play just one note on his sitar, continuously, for hours together.

The wife was becoming mad, the neighbours were becoming mad. Finally they all gathered together and they said 'What are you doing? You will drive us all mad! Evening, morning, night, you continue playing 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


one note. Can't you play something else!'

He said 'But why should I play something else?' And they said 'Everybody plays several different notes!'

He said 'They are still searching for their note -- I have found mine! This is the thing I was searching for my whole life... and I have found it so now there is no need '

But that can happen only when the mind has disappeared. Then you find your note. Then love with a woman has a totally different quality: it has the quality of eternity. Otherwise all love affairs are tentative, temporal, because the mind is there. The deciding factor is the mind. The mind is tentative and temporal.

How can it give you something permanent? It is not possible.

And have compassion for the woman also: she gets tired, you also get tired! Just look at things: don't you get tired? Every day the same woman and then you see another woman walking on the road and you become alive. You were walking with your woman and feeling dull. You were almost dead walking along and carrying on somehow. Then a new woman passes by. She may not be more beautiful than your woman; that is not the point. Just the newness of it: the different body, different shape, different proportions, different eyes, different hair. Just the difference, and suddenly you become alive and again you start pulsating.

Just watch your own mind and then you will understand everybody's mind. Then great compassion comes. Just try to understand things... and they are all good.

In this commune these things are going to happen. It is not a small family; there are so many people, and my approach is to make you free. It is not a restrictive, repressive community. It is not some old orthodox, inhibited... a tabooed commune. My whole approach is to make you free and loving. When I make you free and loving these things are going to happen every day.

Just watch and become aware. Each situation has to be used, and each situation will be a foundation for your growth. Nothing to get worried about, mm? If some affair is going absolutely well, I will create some trouble!

[A sannyasin is leaving for the West to finish things so she can come to live in poona. She asks how she can be conscious while she is away, which will be for six months.]

Then my suggestion is that you don't try awareness this time; otherwise it will take longer. You would have to pay attention to awareness as well. This time you do as you have been doing your whole life: just act unconsciously and finish things! Otherwise it will take years! It will be a non-ending thing. It is a long process. After four months, when you return, just practise awareness. There is no problem.

There, finish with acting and then let there be a change. It may make you very very tense if you want to remain aware. there and you have to act, and you are in a hurry and you want to wind things up soon. I will take the sin on myself, mm? For four months you are free to act unconsciously!

Keep this (a small wooden box) with you, and whenever you become conscious

just put it on your heart and forget about consciousness, mm? This is to remind you that you have to act!

[A sannyasin, who has just completed the Kyo group, says that he's worried because he doesn't feel his heart Osho checks his energy.]

Mm mm, good! Forget about it. It will happen on its own; you cannot manage it because all that you can do will be from the head. The head won't allow you to go into it; the head has to forget about it.

Just don't make a problem out of it; it is not a problem. It will happen on its own. It is going to happen.

Any day suddenly you will find it has happened, but it will be sudden and you will be caught unawares. If you are waiting for it, it won't happen. If you are looking for it, you will be the barrier, because all looking, all waiting, all desiring is from the head. And the head is the problem The energy has to drop into the heart.

Now, it remains hooked up there if you are searching for it.

So you cannot make it happen; there is no way. Just enjoy, dance, sing, and forget about it; that's not a problem for you. Let that be my problem. Mm?

... [In the next group] completely forget this nonsense. It has nothing to do with you; it will happen on its own.

[He answers: I tend to forget it and just feel good, and then people keep telling me there must be something wrong with my heart centre.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


No, no, no, nothing is wrong. Just tell them that nothing is wrong.…

Don't be worried about people, mm? I have great astrologers and great occultists and parapsychologists and healers -- all kinds of mad people are around me -- so don't get into their things, mm? Otherwise everybody will put his trip on you and you will be in difficulty. Just say that you have been certified as everything being okay, mm?

The Open Secret

Chapter #6



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