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Chapter title: None

26 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711265 ShortTitle: OPENSE25 Audio:

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Learn something from Francis. He is one of the most important saints in Christianity, in fact the next after Jesus. He brings something new to the world. Imbibe that spirit. He brings this spirit, that he is deeply in love with nature, to the world. Christianity has been against nature; that is Francis' rebellion. He is the first man in the West to call rivers sisters and mountains brothers... but he has not been listened to.

He is more a Taoist than a Christian; he has the same spirit as Lao Tzu, a kind of great rapport with nature. That is his message. So start talking to trees and rivers and mountains. They are your sisters and brothers because we all come from the same source.

A dialogue with nature will give you great insight into your being because to talk to a tree is to talk to your own unconscious, and to talk to a rock is to talk to your own body. Man has these four bodies. The first body is just like minerals; it consists of the mineral world. The second body is like the vegetable world, the third body is like the animal world and the fourth body is the human body. The fifth, the divine body, is still a promise; it has to be attained.

So when you are in a deep dialogue with a tree you are in a deep dialogue with your own vegetable layer and when you talk to animals you are talking to your own animal past. When you look into the eyes of a dog or a cat or a cow, you are looking into your own past and it has great messages for you. It is your own


Anand means bliss, and nirvanam means the ultimate dissolution. One is completely lost, just like a river loses itself into the ocean.

In English there is only one word which can become close to it in its root sense; that is the word

'absolute'. It comes from a Latin root which means dissolution, utter dissolution... when one is not separate, when one has become one with the whole. The latin word 'absolutum' (absolute) is the past participle of

'absolvere' which means to loosen, dissolve. That is the meaning of nirvanam: a blissful dissolution. And bliss is only when you are not; misery is there if you are there. Misery is another name for the ego; bliss is another name for egolessness.

So one can never say 'I am blissful,' no. Linguistically it is possible, existentially it is not. One cannot say existentially 'I am blissful!' 'I am' is always miserable; 'I' is misery. When one is blissful one feels

'Blissfulness is. Where am I?' Then blissfulness is found and the 'I' is not found at all. You can go on searching for it but you will not find a trace of it. That dissolution is nirvanam. So get lost in bliss... Or get lost and you will be blissful!

[A sannyasin says he has sadistic fantasies of beating women, but has not acted them out.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And you can find a masochistic woman... And if you cannot find just tell me; I know one!

But that won't help. Even if you can find a woman, that won't help; it will not bring you out of it. It has something to do with your unconscious; just beating a

woman won't help. You can go on beating women your whole life. It may become even more strengthened; acting out won't help. There is some complex inside which has to be loosened.

You are angry with your mother, you have not been able to forgive her yet; that is causing the fantasy.

Beating another woman will not help; that will be a substitute. You will be beating your mother in the form of the woman but you know that she is not your mother. And the fantasy does not stop at beating: it really wants to kill. Beating is just the beginning. Once you have started beating then the fantasy will start coming,

'Now kill her!'

And this happens. It is very difficult to be brought up rightly, it seems almost impossible. Not only today, it has been so always, and I don't see a possibility that it will ever be much different because in the very nature of things the child has to become angry with the parents, and the parents have to go into situations where they create the anger.

[Out of necessity parents have to prevent children from doing things that are harmful for them, Osho continues, but the child in his unawareness just hears what seems like a perpetual 'no'... and he begins to build up anger and resentment.]

This has to be worked out. By beating a woman nothing will be of...

[The sannyasin says: During Primal and Encounter I didn't contact any of this anger.]

It is there, otherwise that sadistic tendency cannot arise. There are other possibilities also; I'm coming to them. First there is a very very hidden layer of anger. You have not been able yet to forgive your mother in particular. And the problem becomes more complicated because we are taught to respect the mother and the father, so we repress such ideas. We don't allow them to come in front of our consciousness; we go on putting them away. A great barrier has to be created so the idea and the guilt about it never cross the boundary. You never go into the basement, nobody ever does. Unless one goes very very deep into meditation, one never goes into the basement. Things want to come up from the basement

but we create barriers so they don't cross. They can cross only in a camouflage. This is a camouflage. They cannot come directly as they are, naked as they are; they can come only with masks.

The idea comes, the fantasy comes that beating a woman will be beautiful. Now this is a mask idea; this can pass. Killing the mother or beating the mother will not be allowed by your censors, by your guards. It won't come in, so the idea takes a new form, takes a new shape, wears a mask and then crosses the barrier: it comes as a sadistic tendency.

It will look absurd, because why? It has to have some meaning, some explanation why: it becomes sexual, beating becomes a sexual activity. Then the repressed idea to beat the mother or kill the mother joins hands with repressed sexuality. They are both in the basement. They join hands, they join their forces so both can hide in each other. This is the complex, this is how complexes are created. A few repressed ideas join hands together. They start conspiring against you -- they have to: they have never been accepted and they have been always rejected. They want to take revenge so your repressed sexuality and the repressed idea to beat or kill the mother have joined hands. Now the idea of beating a woman has a sexual tinge to it.

Many people enjoy beating women -- not only enjoy, they get sexually aroused only when they beat. If they can beat, they suddenly become very sexually interested in the woman. So sadism is never a pure sadism; it is always sexual.

Now that too is joined with the mother. Each boy, some day or other has wanted to make love to the mother and has thought, fantasized about replacing the father. That too has been thrown into the basement, mm? That is very ugly, obscene, criminal, a sin... even to think like that All these things are there. They conspire and they create a new thing which your consciousness cannot recognise: one part from one thing, another part from another thing. It is a new shape, it is a new mechanism: it comes as sadism.

You will have to unveil your unconscious. You will have to go there and you will have to face the naked truth. So don't judge and don't condemn: allow your unconscious total freedom to say what it wants to. If the idea comes that you wanted to make love to your mother, don't say, 'No ! That is stupid -- I never wanted 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


to.' Then you will be repressing. Don't say 'This is bad !', otherwise you will be judgemental and again you will throw it back. It is perfectly okay. Every child has thought that, felt that. They may not be alert about it but it has been there.

Sadism is not a single disease. It is many diseases together and that's why it cannot be tackled directly...

because it has such complexity. You cannot tackle it from one aspect; all the aspects have to be understood.

It has to be analysed in its separate aspects, watched, observed, and in that very observation you will find the complex is disappearing. That day you will become for the first time mature, that day you will become for the first time free of your parents. That day you are no more your 'mother's good boy'; that day you are on your own. That is the second birth.

So just allow it. Actually going into it is not going to help; it may create more problems. But next time you come, if it is difficult for you to allow it, we can make some arrangements, mm? It has to be dissolved, but first you try on your own: just allow it, just go into it very lovingly, with no judgement. And by and by the unconscious will start whispering, first in very very small whispers because it is afraid of you, mm? --

you have been so much against it.

Once it becomes courageous and knows you are not rejecting any more it will gain courage, voice. It will become strong, it will start talking more clearly, it will become more articulate. And it has great mysteries to reveal to you: it has all the keys of your transformation. Once the basement is vacated completely, once the basement is no more full of all repressed things, once they have all evaporated from there, great freedom and great purity comes -- the purity of emptiness. A very austere beauty arises inside.

During these six months, whenever you have time just sit silently and allow the

unconscious. Go with it totally, let it have its say, persuade it to say whatsoever it wants to say. Tell it constantly that there is no need to hide, no need to wear masks, no need to come in different forms. It can come directly; there is no condemnation on your part. Say it again and again. By and by the unconscious will gather courage, will come closer.

It is almost like a bird; it is so afraid that it remains away. If you allow it a little bit it comes closer; if you give it food then it starts coming closer but watches you. Who knows? this food may be a trick: you may be just trying to trap or kill. But by and by the bird starts learning that you are not an enemy, you are a friend; it comes closer. One day suddenly it is hopping on your shoulder. That's how the unconscious has to be persuaded by and by. You do this, and if it has not happened, then when you come back. Good.

[A sannyasin says there is a little girl in her who doesn't want to grow up -- perhaps because her parents split up when she was ten. Also she is very clinging in relationship. Osho checks her energy.]

Nothing to be worried about; it is not much of a problem. Just a small energy block is there. It is not very complicated, it can simply dissolve. These groups will do much; and then remind me about how you are feeling when you go. If something is needed then I will give you a technique so you can work; it will simply be gone.

It is there: just a small lump, just some energy has become hard there. It must have happened as a survival measure.

When one feels that survival is at stake the heart becomes a little hard, otherwise you cannot protect yourself. You cannot remain vulnerable: you close a little bit just to become a little strong, just to resist and fight. That's what has happened. Some day in your past you must have felt that your survival was at stake, mm? that's why. So just as a measure to protect you, your energy has coiled upon itself. But when it happens it is difficult to go deep in love, because it goes on protecting even then, so it simply.… Now there is no need.…

The first group I have given you is trust, mm? Just do... groups and be here totally available, open, vulnerable and absorb as much energy as you can from me.

It will dissolve. If it has not dissolved then tell me when you go. I will give you a

method and it will be gone. It is nothing to be worried about. We are dissolving mountains -- it is just a small, tiny molehill!


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The Open Secret

Chapter #26



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