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Chapter title: None

20 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711205 ShortTitle: OPENSE20 Audio:

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Prem means love, sukavi means a poet - a poet of love. And everybody is born with the intrinsic quality of being a poet of love. Not everybody is a poet but everybody is destined to become a love poet. By a love poet I don't mean that you have to compose poetry or you have to write poetry. By a love poet I mean that you have to become poetry.

It is possible that a man is a poet because he composes poetry and yet he may not be a poet because the poetry does not exist in his life. His life may be absolutely prose, his life may not have that climate of being poetic. And vice versa is also possible: a man may never write a poem and may be a poet. The way he walks, the way he lives, the way he loves, the way he relates, the way he exists, the way he is may be poetry in itself, and that is great poetry; that is real poetry.

If ordinary poetry comes out of his life, then it is authentic. If life itself is not a poem and you go on composing poetry, it is artificial, it is synthetic, it is plastic. It does not grow in you. So I call Buddha a poet although he never wrote a single poem and I call Jesus a poet also although he was not a poet in the ordinary sense of the term. But he was poetic, his whole life is a great poetry. His whole life has a great rhythm, a great accord, a great harmony. So become a poet in that sense.

Love brings that poetry into existence: be loving and you become a poet. When

love is not in life then life is just prose, logic, mathematics, calculating, cunning. All poetry is of the heart and all calculation is of the head.

In giving you this name I am simply giving you a hint -- to disappear from the head and to start appearing in the heart. Live more in feelings than in thought .…


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


[Osho gives sannyasin to someone.]

Come here! Close your eyes. And become a small child inside, not more than three years old. Just feel like a small child, and whatsoever happens in the body allow it. If the body starts swaying, trembling, you allow it; if the body even falls on the floor you allow it. Simply collapse as you are and become a child.

Prem means love, bala means a child. Bala means the quality of childhood, primal innocence uncorrupted by the world, fresh, yet not aware of the ways of the world. And love always make a person a child; that's why people who become too clever, calculating, lose the quality of love. Love is childish, it is never adultish. Once you start thinking about yourself as an adult, you cannot love; you become closed.

Only a child can love, because the child is a kind of openness. Only a child can love because only a child can wonder, only a child can be surprised. Only a child feels the mystery, and love is the greatest mystery there is.

Flowers are mysterious but nothing compared with the flower of love. Birds flying in the sky are mysterious but nothing compared to the bird of love. There is nothing more mysterious than love. It should not happen really in such a mundane world but it does. It has no reason to happen, no cause to happen -- still it happens; hence the mystery. It is a penetration from the beyond. It is not of this world: love comes from some other dimension. It passes through this world but does not belong to it. That's why lovers start living in a separate reality, they are no more existing here. Physically they are here, spiritually there are somewhere

else, in a totally different kind of universe. Love takes you into God. It takes you away from the mundane, it takes you to the sacred.

So to love one has to become a child again; and the second childhood is far more significant than the first, because the first childhood was going to be lost. Nobody can retain it; in its very nature it has to be lost. It is like the first teeth; they have to go, then the second row of teeth will appear. But in life the first kind of childhood disappears and the second never appears. We never allow it to appear, so we become hooked with the mundane, the ordinary, the meaningless. Become a child again! My sannyas is the beginning of a second childhood.

[A sannyasin couple are present. The man says, pointing to his own chest, there is a serious guy sitting here. Osho checks his energy.]

It will disappear -- don't be worried about it. Mm? it is nothing much: just a very small guy! Nothing to worry about. don't pay much attention to it; neglect, ignore it. Ignoring is the best thing to do. When you pay attention you go on nourishing it. It is the last fragment of your seriousness. There were many others which have gone by and by; this was the last, and naturally it will cling a little longer because the last seems to be the most deep-rooted. But it is a small fragment, just a lump.

(To the girlfriend) And you help him. Don't make him serious; help him to laugh! Don't create a fight, mm? Good!

The Open Secret

Chapter #21



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