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2 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7711025 ShortTitle: OPENSE02 Audio:
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Prem Sushila. It means love virtue... and love is the only virtue. Other virtues are needed only when love is missing. They are substitutes and very poor substitutes at that. Love is the only commandment. If love is missing then the ten commandments are needed, and even those ten cannot fulfill the need because all will be formal, imposed. Only love arises from within. Law is always imposed from the outside, and that which is imposed from the outside cripples, paralyses; it makes you a slave.
That which brings bondage cannot be virtue. Virtue has to bring freedom, virtue has to be freedom.
Love brings freedom because it knows no imposition. And it is not that love is against law. It is only against it when law is against love, otherwise not.
And whenever law is against love it is not lawful, it is not just. Law is lawful only when it is in harmony with love. Love is the criterion, even the criterion of law. It is the decisive factor and to me it has the highest value. There is no higher religion than love. And all religions and all paths are nothing but approaches to love in different ways.
So that's why I have given you the name. Let love be your only virtue. Forget everything else! Meditate on love, live through love, live as love and miracles happen. The greatest miracle is that love gives you intensity in life, makes your
life aflame and yet deep at the very core you remain cool.
When passion and coolness meet they become compassion. When there is only the heat of passion and there is no coolness within, then it is lust, it is not love. Then it is tiring, exhausting. Yes, it does give a certain occupation to the mind and the body, and a certain release too, but it is a vicious circle. One goes on moving in the same rut again and again; it is repetitive. Lust is repetitive, love is non-repetitive. Love is non-mechanical: it is always new. You don't go on moving in the same rut; it is always surprising.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
My teaching is: live as passionately as possible. Live a little hot, and yet deep down in the innermost core remain cool. These are paradoxical but then you have the full expanse of your being: coolness and heat.
Then negative and positive meet, yin and yang meet. And whenever there is a meeting of yin and yang, the positive and the negative, the hot and the cool, the dark and the light, the summer and winter, there is great joy. There is rejoicing, celebration.
Celebration comes only out of the meeting of the paradox, the opposites. When the paradox is bridged there is joy. When the paradox is not bridged there is division and misery. So let love be your virtue. Let that be your passion and your meditation, your heat and your coolness. Live intensely and yet silently.…
Deva Sadhya. It means: God is reachable. Deva means God and sadhya means reachable. God is not impossible, God is possible. It is not far away, it is within our reach. We are capable of getting to that state where God becomes possible... not only possible but becomes our very being, the very ground of being. I am giving you this name to create a great desire, an expectancy, an urgency and a hope.
Modern man suffers very much from hopelessness because all that is valuable
seems to be impossible: God, truth, goodness, beauty. All that has been within the grasp of man in past ages. But slowly, slowly, man has become so arrogant, so egoistic, so closed, hard like a stone, so anything that is beyond looks impossible. It seems man is condemned to remain man... and that is not worth anything. It is a meaningless rut, repetition, routine. One goes on doing the same thing every day; nothing ever seems to happen.
Young people hope a little but sooner or later their hopes start dwindling. By the time somebody is thirty hopes are finished. Hope seems to be the illusion of youth, particularly now it seems to be so. The mature person is one who lives without hope, but then he lives meaninglessly. There is no significance in his life, no fragrance, no light, nothing to wait for except death. That's utterly wrong. Man has never been so utterly wrong as he is now.
For the first time all that is high has disappeared. Only the baser instincts are left. It seems that there is no way to go uphill. One can go only downhill and one day fall into one's grave... and that seems to be the ultimate end. This attitude towards life is sheer stupidity. It has no logos, no meaning.
[This can] bring a logos to your life, a meaning, a significance. Everything is possible... even God is possible! And God is the ultimate beyond which there is nothing. Even that which is so far away, so beyond, is possible. It is beyond but it is at the same time within you; it is the beyond within. If we are asleep then it is very far away. If we become awake it starts coming closer. The moment our life is a perfect awareness suddenly God is there, hidden in our being. And that is the goal!
One has to be really passionate to create that awareness. One cannot allow one's life to be just lukewarm; it has to be really hot -- only then can something happen. And people are not even lukewarm; they are cold, frozen.
... Stop being cold. Wherever you find anything frozen in you, melt it. Become more liquid, flowing, loving, and be full of hope. God is possible, in fact only God is possible. Everything else only looks possible but never happens. Money, power, prestige look as though they are possible, but even when you have arrived and you have much money and much power nothing has really happened. You are in a kind of illusion, you are deluded.
The rich person knows how poor he is. Once a rich man came to me and he
wanted to give me many thousands of rupees. He had brought them in a bag and he poured them at my feet. I told him 'If I need them sometime I will ask you but right now I don't have any need. Where will I put these?'... I was a wanderer and there was no need for money. He started crying and he said 'You have to accept it because when you are in need I can't be certain I will have it. I am a gambler. And you have to accept it otherwise you will break my heart!'
I said 'Why?'
He said 'I am so poor that I have nothing else except money. I want to give something to you but I don't have anything more valuable. I have only these notes. If you reject them, you reject me. Just accept them.
You can throw them away or you can give them to anybody; that is none of my business. But accept them; don't say no!'
And I could see that that man had learned one thing of great importance -- that money is valueless. And he was one of the richest men of this country.
When one has riches one comes to know how poor one is. When one has power one comes to know how helpless one is. So if you fail int he world, you fail; if you succeed, then too you fail. In the world nobody succeeds. Failure is failure and so is success. In fact success is more of a failure than failure than failure 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
itself because in failure some hope can live -- that maybe tomorrow you will succeed. A little more effort is needed. It has not happened up to now but it may happen in the future. There is a little ray of light.
But when it has happened and you have all the money that you desire, suddenly you see the hollowness, emptiness within; then it is utter failure. The world is the place where nothing else is possible other than failure. And God is the state which is the only possible thing that can happen.
So if one is not moving towards God one is always moving towards failure. The day you start moving towards God -- and that's what sannyas is all about -- you start succeeding. In one way you start disappearing because your ego will melt and disappear, and in another sense you start succeeding because God starts succeeding in you. It is always God who succeeds in you.
So by being initiated into sannyas you are changing your whole vision of life. Now it will be a life offered to God, a life in search of God, a life with an enquiry, with a great quest and search, a life passionate for truth!
[A sannyasin says that sex depletes his energy but it is a toy he cannot let go of. Without sex he feels high, but horny. Osho checks his energy.]
A few things to be understood.… One is: psychologically you are finished with sex but not physically.
So the problem is not great. If it is vice versa the problem is bigger: if one is finished physiologically, physically, and is not finished psychologically the problem is bigger and more complicated. It is very difficult to come out of it.
Psychologically you are finished. It is no more than a toy. That understanding has happened to you but your body, your physical energies, are still not finished with it.
So no need to force any fasting on the body, otherwise you will feel horny. You will feel high because psychologically there will be less complication. So you will feel high. Your psychological being will be able to soar and fly high but your body will feel tense. It will bring you down and it will pull you down again and again. It goes on nagging. That nagging is the horny feeling that happens; the body goes on nagging.
It is as if you are hungry and the body nags you to eat. The body is full of energy and it knows only one thing - to transform every energy into sexual energy. Nothing wrong in it; that's all the body can do. The body can transform energies only into sex. The body grows slowly; the mind can have jumps of insight but not the body. The body has a very slow growing process, it goes at its own pace. So don't force any fast on yourself. You have to continue to remain a sexual being a little longer. And there is nothing wrong in that.
But psychologically you are becoming free, so now let it be a conscious thing;
that's what I would like to tell you. Let it be a conscious thing. Go into a relationship as a plaything; then it is not heavy. You know it is a toy thing and the body needs it; and the bodily need has to be fulfilled. So don't create any guilt and don't create any problem for yourself as to why this continues when you know that it is just a kind of occupation.
It takes you away from me, from meditation, from your own being because you are still taking it very seriously. Not because it is sex, no; the problem is somewhere else. It is not sex that takes you away from me; it is your taking it seriously. Take it just like play and it will bring you closer to me because your body will be satisfied, you will feel more harmonious through it and you will be more creative.
There are two kinds of creativities possible. One is through repression of sex. That's what people have done down the ages. That's why Freud says that all art and all creativity is nothing but sexuality perverted, repressed. To him all the great geniuses, painters, poets, novelists, are all repressed people; they are not healthy in his vision. And he is right; up to a point he is absolutely right. So that is one kind of creativity.
You go on damning sexual energy. It becomes too much; it creates a kind of restlessness. You have to put that restlessness into some work. You have to; it becomes a substitute for sex. You write poetry, you write a book, you paint, you become a sculptor. You do something because something has to be done. The energy is there and it won't leave you unless you relieve it in some way or other. Then your art becomes a substitute for sex.
So it is not accidental that poets go on talking about sex and love and painters go on painting nude women and sculptors go on sculpting nude statues. That is not accidental. It is heavy on their head; it is really their substitute. They have repressed something and that has become fantasy.
For example, Henry Miller or people like that go on talking about sex and masturbation and intercourse and love-making, and they go into such details. It simply shows that this man has suffered. What he always wanted to do and could not do he is now doing in his fantasy. All pornography is born that way.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
One can use this repressed energy in religious ways also -- there is no need to use it sexually -- but then too it will erupt in some way or other. You may make a temple but the temple will become a Khajuraho temple. It is a temple and the man who made it was thinking that he was going to make a temple. It turns out to be the greatest sexual sculpture ever. You may be sculpting Ram and Sita but your Sita will look like a film actress... with big boobs and everything. It has entered from the back door.
You may be making a temple for Shiva but it may be just a phallic statue, and nothing else, and the religious symbolism will be lost. Now, nobody in India thinks that the Shivalinga is phallic. It is placed in the yoni, in the vagina; both male and female are there. And people worship it. It is one of the greatest sexual symbols ever. Nobody has worshipped sex symbols in such a way!
The phallus is inside the vagina; it represents a state of orgasm. So it can be religious but it will still become sexual. That is one kind of creativity that has been known down the ages. That is a little pathological, nightmarish.
There is another kind of creativity that has not been known much, only rarely. There have been people who have been creative without repressing their sexuality. They have been creative out of a harmony, out of an understanding, out of satisfying their sexual needs, their body and everything. There is not that other type of creativity; that hectic, mad, rushing kind of activity is not there. It is very silent, very slow, but it has a depth. People may not be able to understand it, because to understand it they will have to go a little higher; only then can they understand it.
My feeling is that creativity is good but not through repression; that is pathological. And all the so-called creators have suffered much. If you look into their lives you will be surprised. A Dostoevsky... his whole life is nightmarish! He cannot sleep, he cannot live, he cannot enjoy anything. But he creates great pieces -- 'The Brothers Karamazov' or 'The Idiot'. He creates great masterpieces but if you look deep into
'The Brothers Karamazov', you will find all his nightmares spread out in it. It has been created out of much suffering, great suffering. He has never lived himself;
he has poured his whole life into his dream and naturally those dreams are very dangerous. It is not an accident that many creative people go mad, commit suicide, and are always psychologically imbalanced... a little eccentric, bizarre. These are natural consequences of repression. I will not recommend that.
To me Buddha is also creative. He is really creative but his creativity is coming out of a deep harmony of being. It is coming out of silence. Those words that he has uttered have come through wordless consciousness. Each word is precious. It does not have that quality of Dostoevsky, that ill and pathological and abnormal state in it. It is out of such immense harmony that it carries that harmony even today.
So my suggestion is that you don't be repressive about your sex; just become less anxious about it. Let it be there. And it is beautiful... but it is a play! There is no need to force it on yourself either, because that is another extreme. I am not saying that when the body is not willing and the mind is not willing, go into it, because that again is repression. Listen to the body. The body is your vehicle; help it to remain healthy. If it needs food, food; if it needs sex, sex: whatsoever its need is, give it. You will find slowly, slowly that the body is no more nagging you. It is completely satisfied so nagging disappears. When nagging disappears yom energies will be released and those will be healthy energies; they will be holier.
So don't create this conflict. Just be total in accepting the body and its needs. It is your instrument; you have to take care of it. So never go into fasting and never go into indulgence. Just keep a balance, and whenever the body needs something, give it. By and by you will find that the body is no more asking for anything; it is contented. In that contentment comes a totally different kind of creativity. You may not be able to produce much, but how much is not the point. The quantity will not be the thing but the quality.
Dostoevsky can create much but it is out of such suffering and hell.
Just accept it and go with it. And it is sometimes good even to play with a toy; nothing wrong in it. Mm?
that makes you more childlike. It is good: just the sheer joy of somebody's body. Just playing with each other's body is good; nothing is wrong in it. Let it be meditative and worshipful.
Otherwise things are going well. Things are changing !
The Open Secret
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Query:- Chapter #3
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