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Chapter title: None
17 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7711175 ShortTitle: OPENSE17 Audio:
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[A sannyasin had been practicing Vipassana every day in the West and began to have sensations of dissolving in the top of his head. He became scared of going crazy. Osho checks his energy.]
It is not anything like craziness but it will appear like craziness. Something is opening up, something is dropping, something is changing, and the energy is moving in the right direction. There is nothing to be afraid of, but in the West there can be some trouble because you will be alone and you need a very supportive atmosphere at this moment.…
But continue meditating; it will settle. Meditate some time in the night and then go to sleep so by the morning you will not feel anything. But stopping meditation won't be good; you will miss some great opportunity, and such opportunities come only once in a while. If you miss it this time it may take years for you to come back to it. It is not good to miss it.
You can meditate in the night and then go to sleep. After meditation take a good shower and then go to sleep. By the morning you will not feel anything, you will be absolutely normal. And it is not anything that is bad, no. It is really beautiful but it is dangerous in a way, mm? because you will be changing so fast that you will not be able to cope with it; the change will be too much. Sometimes it can be in such jumps and leaps that you cannot cope with it.
That is the whole purpose here: to create a commune, to create a supportive atmosphere, to create thousands of sannyasins, to create an alternative world where these things will be accepted as not being crazy. But if you are somewhere where people are not alert about what is happening to you, if something happens and a psychiatrist is called, he will say you are insane or you are going insane and that you need immediate hospitalization.
So if some problem arises come back immediately rather than finding any solution there. You will not find any solution. The Western psychiatry is still unaware of meditative spaces. It has not yet grown up that much; it is very very immature. It knows only the normal man and the below normal. In fact it does not know even the absolutely normal man; it knows more the below normal -- the insane, the crazy, the split, the schizophrenic. It knows the pathological possibilities.
The normal man it can understand but beyond the normal is incomprehensible. For the beyond they have no word. They call the madman and the saint abnormal; they are put into the same category. Jesus is as abnormal as mad people, because mad people hear voices and Jesus also hears voices, so both are in the same category.
If you feel that something is becoming too much and you cannot cope with it, come back. But continue to meditate; it is not right to stop.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[The sannyasin says: Certainly, the way it was before, in the moments when it came too much I couldn't have done anything. It was all I could do to sit in a chair.]
Yes, you can sit in a chair or lie down. And you will always find it good if you lie down in a tub bath, mm? -- that will be very helpful. Just lie down in lukewarm water. It will be relaxing, and it will be good.
But nothing to be afraid of, mm? Good!
[Osho suggests the tantra group to a sannyasin newly arrived. She says she doesn't want to do it because her present relationship is important to her and it may interfere with that.]
It would be very helpful and liberating but if you feel that some conflict or some problem will arise, mm?... then don't do it. ..But some time think of doing it; it will be of great help. Because so much fear about the relationship is not good...
Because that means the relationship is not really deep, otherwise why fear? Fear arises only because the relationship is so-so; there is always danger that small things may disturb it.
[She says: To have sex with other people is small?]
That is not the question... that is not the question. Just the mind attitude, the possessive attitude. We go on limiting ourselves to persons and that creates thousands of difficulties. One should be more and more relaxed. One should be in love always but should not be attached too much to persons; otherwise love will create misery rather than blissfulness.
[Osho goes on to say that a monogamous relationship without a few casual encounters here and there is boring.
The sannyasin says: Well, I'm not bored!]
Everybody says that! If you aks anybody, nobody will say that he is bored, because to say that you are bored will start creating the difficulty; the husband will take revenge: you are saying you are bored? And he is also not saying that he is bored. I am not saying that you are This is how it goes on.
No marriage remains a fantastic experience beyond a few days. It becomes dull, becomes settled. The honeymoon is finished sooner or later; then it is just a security, a comfort, a convenience. It is a thousand things but not the far-out experience.
And I am not saying to drop out of the relationship; what I am saying is that the way you are taking it, it cannot continue for long. In fact I can help it to continue for a long time but my approach is that one should be flowing and at ease and
one should not be so obsessed. One should not say 'I will breathe only when I am with you.' You have to breathe even when you are not with your lover and you have to be loving even when you are not with your lover.
If you feel things are going well, just continue, mm? but before you leave if you can gather courage, both of you, it will be of great experience. But right now no need to do it.
[A sannyasin says that since he started to meditate, the inner eye has changed. He finds that it judges him a lot, and he asks what is happening in him. Osho checks his energy.]
Good, the energy is changing; don't be afraid. within one month everything will settle Your eyes are going in the right direction. They are moving upwards and
that's how they need to move.
Your mini-satori is very close, so get ready for it!
[A visitor says: Everything seems so difficult sometimes -- relationships, my health, my path in life.]
Become a sannyasin and things will change! By becoming a sannyasin you will die to your old past.
There is no need to carry it; you can start afresh. Why not start your life anew, from ABC? This loaded life is not good. Erase it completely, make it discontinuous with the past. Let this be your birthday and start again. It is always good to start afresh.
What you have been doing up to now is just trying to renovate the old ruin. It is better to demolish it and 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
start a new building. Renovation never helps much: it is just patching up here and there, making one support on this side and another support on another side.
The whole time one is engaged in supporting an old building.
I don't think that you have anything wrong that is unique to you; everybody passes through trouble.
[The visitor says: I read your articles on homosexuality.… I feel separate from you because of that... I felt the article condemned me.]
So be a homosexual. Nothing is a problem!...
I never condemn anybody. But homosexuality creates a few troubles; those you have to face. That's all I say. Condemnation is not the question. If somebody wants to run on only one leg I am perfectly happy: walk on one leg! But it will be difficult, you will have to suffer some difficulties. Then don't say why are difficulties there.
Homosexuality will have its own kinds of difficulties. I am not saying that there are no difficulties in heterosexuality. It has its own kind of difficulties but they are far better; it has far better difficulties.
But I am not saying to become a heterosexual or anything. am not at all interested in your sex. That is your private thing: you can be whatsoever you want to be. But then remember that with every packet a few difficulties come. Homosexuality brings a few difficulties. It is not natural... or do you think it is natural?
Mm? you think it is natural? Then your difficulties are natural. Why do you want to get out of difficulties they are natural! Homosexuality is not natural. It is unproductive, uncreative, and it is a meeting of the same kind of energies.
When the same kind of energies meet, the meeting cannot be very deep. These are the problems. I am not condemning it at all but if somebody wants to know about it then the problems are there.
I simply show what the problems are. If you want to through the wall, I am not against it. I say, 'I bless you, go.' But if you are hit it is your responsibility. If you break you head don't ask why I blessed you.
Just to make you alert I say what the problems are. There are many homosexuals amongst my sannyasins. They have decided to be homosexual; then it is okay. If
they choose that difficulty it is perfectly good. It is not my problem; why should I condemn it? Who am I to condemn and for what? It is your problem.
If somebody wants to stand on his head it is his problem! But you will have a few difficulties if you stand o your head. Sooner or later the delicate tissues in the brain will be destroyed; you will become stupid.
You will not find any yogi very intelligent. A man who stands on his head is sooner or later going to become stupid because too much blood will be passing through the brain; the brain cannot tolerate that much of a flood. That's why you need a pillow in the night. Without a pillow you cannot sleep because too much blood is passing through the head; it will not allow you to rest and relax. A pillow is needed so that not too much blood goes to the head. If you want to sleep without a pillow I am not condemning you, but you will have some difficulties in your sleep; you will have nightmares.
I simply make you aware. It is for you to choose to be homosexual or not. But then who is going to suffer the difficulties that will come?
And you ask me why you have suffered so many difficulties. Why have you asked why your relationships are not good? Now you are the cause of it. And not only that: you are very stubborn it seems.
You think that you already know everything: you know what is right and what is wrong; then you will suffer! You are too knowledgeable. You are not even humble enough to learn anything. Then it is your choice; you will be miserable, you will create hell in your life And I can bless you even for that! Create hell,
create it skilfully so you have a bigger hell than anybody else. But that is your choice.
Always remember that I am not condemning anything. I simply say that this is the situation: if you choose it this will be the consequence. If you are ready for the consequence then it is perfectly good: you can remain homosexual.
Or if you are even more adventurous you can have sex with animals; that too is natural!
But then you will have problems. A man who has sex with buffaloes will have problems: he will become a buffalo sooner or later. But if somebody wants to be a buffalo, I am not against buffaloes; they are good people.
Do a few groups first. I will not give you sannyas.
Even if you are ready to take it I will not give it to you right now because stubborn people I don't like very much.…
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[The visitor says: I really do want to trust you... ]
It will happen! Just wait a little, mm? -- it will happen. It is going to happen, that's why I am so hard on you. When I love a person, I am hard. I would like to help you in every way. Just wait; do a few groups, mm? Good.
[The tantra group are present. The leader had written to Osho about a dark energy that kept pulling the group down. Osho checks the energy of one group member.]
No, no, nothing is the problem with her; she has nothing to do with it, mm? It can be collective; there is more possibility of its being collective. Sometimes it can happen - not that anybody is doing anything.…
For example, it can happen only if all the people have the same kind of energy; then it can happen. A polarity is needed, two types of people are needed to keep the group going high, mm? because it is a very dialectical process. The group was of a homosexual energy, that's why it happened. People were not very polar opposite; they were all alike. So you tried to make the energy but it dispersed because it needed the opposite to support it.
There was no black hole and there was no evil force, nothing spooky. It was just one kind of energy. It is just as you make an arch on the doorway: you put half the bricks against the other half. Then they support each other, they become very strong. If all the bricks are put in one way, in one direction, the building will fall.
So you had a group -- accidentally, because sometimes it will happen... It is very
difficult to arrange it, but sometimes it will happen, once in a while, that people will be of the same kind of energy. So you can force, you can create something, but by the time it is created it will simply flop, it will simply disappear.
The opposite is needed to keep it alive and to keep it going. That's why the whole of life depends on opposites. Electricity depends on negative and positive, human energy on men and women. Even a country, to remain alive, needs two political parties opposed to each other; then it remains alive. If there is only one political party the country become dull and monotonous; it loses all joy, it becomes grey.
So nothing was wrong. And always remember: it will never happen that somebody is there who is evil; there is nothing like a black hole or anything, so forget about these things. I will never send anybody who is evil, mm? -- that is not possible. But this can happen sometimes -- that people are of one kind of energy.
Then you need to do one thing.… What did you try? What did you do to bring it up?
[She answers, some of the usual structures... it seemed like there was a ceiling nobody could get past.]
If it happens next time and you feel it is going that way, before you start the group put all the women on one side and all the men on the other side and let them have a good fight. That's what couples do every day: before they make love they have a good fight. They nag each other and fight and then they make love. Then love comes up because the fight takes them away, puts them as far away as possible. The wife starts thinking to leave this man and the husband starts thinking about how to kill this woman. They are as far away as possible, antagonistic. They become positive and negative again; then love is beautiful, a higher peak of love is possible.
Otherwise husbands and wives tend to become similar; you will have observed it: if a person has lived with a woman for thirty years you will find they have become alike. They become more like brother and sister rather than wife and husband. You can even see that their gestures have become similar, their voices have become similar, their expressions have become similar. Whenever you see a wife and a husband looking like sister and brother you can be certain they are
bored to death... because who can love one's own sister? When they are too much alike all joy disappears because the polarity has gone dead; they need some conflict. If some conflict arises they become alive again.
If the husband starts looking at some woman they become alive. Again the woman is back... no more dull, no more sleepy. So next time allow half an hour's good fight. Then you will see that the energy comes up very easily. Try it! Good!
[A sannyasin describes some strange experiences: she felt as if she was another sannyasin; as if she was Osho; as if she saw Jesus... ]
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
That's very good... beautiful experiences. Many more things will be coming, mm? Enjoy them and don't think about them; thinking can stop them. Don't think about them, enjoy them. Thinking, analysing what they are, why they are coming, for what, what is the meaning, purpose, will destroy the whole beauty. Let them come. They will come and they will disappear. And when they have come and they have all disappeared you will become conscious for the first time.
This is your unconscious throwing itself out, this is your unconscious unburdening itself. These are beautiful experiences coming from the deep unconscious. But don't analyse them and don't talk about them, otherwise people will give explanations and if you have explanations you will stop them. Accept them as they are; there is no need to find any reason for them.
Somebody asked Picasso, 'What is the meaning of this painting?' And he said, 'But nobody asks the rose flower what is its meaning, and nobody asks the river what is its meaning, so why am I supposed to answer?' And I think he is right. If a rosebush is free to create a rose flower and there is no need to give any answer to anybody, a Picasso should be free. His painting is his rose flower.
These are your roses that are coming to you. Just enjoy them, dance with them, sing them, but don't analyse them, don't bring the head in, because these are
heart things. Once the head comes in, it is very destructive. Logic is murderous. Something beautiful is happening. These things will come and will come with more force. Mm? sometimes you will be completely gone, you will not be there: you will become that which is there. But this is beautiful, this is what is called empathy. If you love a person you can become that person in a deep moment, in a deep space.
Help, cooperate with these experiences. By and by they will disappear, and when they have gone you will find a very great clarity, a crystal clarity. You can see into your own depth, you can see to the very bottom, because once all these things are released there will be nothing like a hindrance, an obstruction.
This is good: it is a process of purification. Just allow these things to happen. Good!
The Open Secret
Chapter #18
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