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Chapter title: None

15 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711155 ShortTitle: OPENSE15 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished

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[Veet Vidhan. It means beyond discipline, Osho explains, and truth is beyond discipline because it cannot be manufactured by man. It is not a doing; man cannot do it. Man can only be it. So there is no method, no discipline, no system, that can help you to attain to truth.

To see this point is to be free of all systems. To see the point: that how can you attain to the truth?... The I is the barrier, the idea of attainment is the barrier.]

All methods can help you to come to this recognition -- that no method is needed. Yes, that they can do; in fact that is their work. All the methods that we use here are not goals, all the growth groups that we use here are not the goal in themselves. They slowly slowly bring you to a point where disillusionment happens.

Suddenly one day doing many things, you recognise the truth, it dawns in your

consciousness -- that no truth is possible through method; there is no technique for it. In that seeing something suddenly disappears from your being -- the doing.

[Osho suggests that he do some groups but with this idea -- that no group is going to deliver the truth to him. They can make you more aware of the lie, Osho continues. They can bring you closer and closer to a vision of the lie as the lie. To see the false as the false becomes the door to truth ]

So all groups and all meditations and all masters have a negative function: they simply take away things from you which are not needed. They take away lies from you. Nobody can give you truth but lies can be taken away, and once the lie is taken away, truth is.

[A sannyasin, who is leaving, says: I feel as if I have everything to say to you but there's nothing as well I can't put it in words.

Osho checks his energy and tells him that it really beautiful. He advises him not to do anything that can disturb it ]

It is difficult to attain to a beautiful energy; it is very easy to lose it. It is always so with higher things: very difficult to reach them but very easy to fall. Things are really good. You should be happy: now you have something that can be lost. Very few people are that fortunate; they don't have anything to lose. So now you have to be more careful, more watchful. Each step has to be taken very carefully, whatsoever you do has to be done in very very great awareness. And these three months will prove of great importance if you remain watchful. Then coming back to me there will be a great upsurge. In these three months the energy will become ready, will become accumulated, and then there can be a higher explosion.

So in these three months that you will be away remain more alert. While you are here you can afford a little bit of unawareness, mm? -- because the whole atmosphere is charged with awareness. So many people meditating, so many people loving... It is a tide, noontide; you can ride on it easily. There (in the West) you will be alone; you will miss this noontide. You will have to create the whole thing on your own. There will be no support; in fact, there will be every negative opportunity to destroy it.

So be alert; that will be helpful. If you can be alert you will learn much and you

will learn how to be on your own; that has to be learned. One cannot depend on the commune for long. One has to create one's own energy. And that is there, you just have to keep helping it. Don't do anything that will destroy your peacefulness, don't do anything that will become a distraction. Even if you have started something which you suddenly feel is becoming a distraction, stop! -- because this is the most precious thing; nothing else is more precious. This is more precious than life itself.

This is the thing for which life exists in the first place: to create this energy. Life is an opportunity. Life in itself is not the goal but just a situation in which this energy has to be created. If one creates this energy then life has meaning; if one does not create this energy then life remains meaningless. Then it has no logos.

Whenever you feel you need me, just remember me. Put the box on your third eye and remember me...

and come back! 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


[The leader of the Hypnotherapy group wrote to Osho about the recent group, as he'd felt uneasy about the energy of one of the participants. Tonight Osho checks the participant's energy.]

(To the therapist) No, there is nothing negative, there is nothing evil. It is just that he has too much concentrated energy and he himself does not know what to do with it. So he must be throwing too much energy. But it is too concentrated; it can hit one and it can be felt as something negative or evil, something dangerous. It is as if you concentrate sunrays: they can become very fiery. If they are not concentrated they are simply light, warm; you can enjoy a sun bath. But if they are concentrated they can burn you. And that's how he is: his energy is very concentrated.

In his past life he must have done some concentration method. In hypnosis this

can be dangerous because hypnosis is a totally different methodology. It is not really concentration, it is relaxation. He has a different kind of energy to what hypnosis needs, so you must have felt... But there's nothing evil; he is a perfectly good man, a saint! Nothing to be worried about.

But if sometimes you feel like that again with somebody... It can happen again because many people will be coming here who have worked in their past lives on certain methods. When a fresh man comes he will not create any problem, but when somebody comes who has a past of spiritual growth then he may not fit with some methods. He has a certain methodology of his own; if he goes into that kind of thing, he will fit. But if he goes into some other method then he will not fit there.

So if you feel next time that something like this is happening you should do a small experiment. Rather than taking him out you should put him on the floor and tell him to be as energyful as possible. The whole group should surround him and touch his body from everywhere. Tell the whole group to take as much energy as possible from him; he has much! He will be relieved and everybody will be benefitted. He will be benefitted because he will feel very relaxed once the energy has been taken. In fact he wanted to give energy and nobody was ready to take it, so it was hitting people and naturally it was hitting you more because you will be more aware of what is happening.

So it can happen again. First: never think of evil and negativity. That is so rare that I don't think you will come across it. It is only one person in a million who has really negative energy, because to take the negative form a long history of murder, suicide, robbery, that kind of thing, is needed. And if that kind of thing has happened in a person's life he is not going to come here, no. Adolf Hitler won't come here. If he does he will have evil energy, but a person who comes to me... The very fact that he comes to me, that he has become interested in me, that he has become a sannyasin, is enough proof that he has no negative energy.

So you will not come across a negative person here; that is not possible. And if a negative person comes, before I send him to you I will put him right. Only then will I send him; otherwise he can be very destructive to people, particularly in a hypnosis group. If I sent a murderer like Genghis Khan or Tamerlane or Adolf Hitler to the Hypnotherapy group where everybody is relaxed and moving into silence and harmony, he could take possession of all He could give everybody ideas of murdering, committing suicide.

He would throw your influence away; you would not be able to do anything because he would have more power, the power of many lives. He could create murderers there immediately. In fact that's how Hitler was able to do what he did.

Some day or other people will study Hitler through hypnosis, just as in the modern times people have started thinking through psychoanalysis. Gandhi has been psychoanalysed by Erikson, Luther has been psychoanalysed by Erikson. Freud worked on Moses, Leonardo da Vinci. In that way some day hypnosis has to be brought in to study people. If you bring in hypnosis to study people you can go far deeper than with psychoanalysis.

If Hitler were studied through hypnosis, then only would you be able to find out what his power was. He had immensely hypnotic eyes. Just to look at him for a few moments was enough to hypnotize people. He had all the right arrangements and knowingly, unknowingly, he functioned as a hypnotist. He would stand on a high dais with the whole hall completely in dark and searchlights focused on him. Nobody would be able to see anybody else; everybody would be seeing him. He had a very very monotonous voice, sleepy, one which would help people to go into sleep. And his eyes were really hypnotic, very magnetic. He would speak for hours, sometimes four hours. He would go on hammering the same thing again and again, in the same monotonous voice. After a few hours, people would start falling into hypnosis... and that's how he converted the whole country into murderers. Just his presence was enough to convert another person into a murderer. In the Nuremberg trials all the people who worked with him confessed that they didn't know how 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


they could do it. They were under the influence of an immense power; that man had a grip over them.

So if a murderer or an evil person comes to a hypnosis group and if you start hypnotizing people and he is sitting there, just his sitting there is enough. He is constantly broadcasting evil thoughts; they will fall upon everybody. That will be the best moment for those arrows to penetrate the heart because everybody

will be vulnerable.

So remember, I will never send a person who is evil not at least to the Hypnotherapy group. I can send him to the Encounter (chuckling) but not to the Hypnotherapy group. If something like this happens always keep in mind that it is some concentrated energy. Concentrated energy will go against hypnosis. He has beautiful energy but too much of it and it is focused. It needs to be defocused, it needs to be unconcentrated.

[The therapist says: He's going to be doing be Deep Hypnotherapy group too.]

Yes, let him do it. And this time if you again feel the same phenomenon, just use him as a reservoir. He has beautiful energy. Tell everybody to drink as much energy out of him as possible, mm? So from everywhere, drink out of him.

[The participant asks for direction, and says he has booked for several groups and Osho suggests more.]

And then I will see what else. And after Leela remind me about your meditation. By that time things will be flowing perfectly. You have really great energy. Once it is released you will simply move into another world. So be happy!

The Open Secret

Chapter #16



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