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Chapter title: None

14 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711145 ShortTitle: OPENSE14 Audio:

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Deva means God, agata means arrival -- arrival of God. And God is just knocking on your door. God is always close by. The idea that God is far away in the heavens is just stupidity. He is in your very breath... he is your breath! We just have to understand who we are, and in that very understanding we come to know what God is. And except for that there is no other way to know God.

Understanding oneself becomes the knowledge of God. So the only religious question is 'Who am l?'

Never ask what God is; just ask 'Who am I?' Search for the answer, and never believe in the answers that are given by others. No borrowed answer can be of any help; each person has to come to his own answer. Each person is carrying the answer within him; one just has to dig. And this sannyas will become your digging.…

[A visitor hesitates to take sannyas because his mind is in a turmoil.]

The mind is not going to leave so soon, so let the mind be there and become a sannyasin!... Now I will take care of the mind; it will go!

Ananda means blissful, prahas means loud laughter: blissful, loud laughter. and let laughter be your meditation. So whenever you have time and energy, laugh, for no reason at all. That destroys the mind very easily. There is nothing like

laughter;; it is poison for the mind. That's why only mad people can really laugh beautifully. Whenever somebody laughs, in that moment the mind disappears.

When the laughter is there the mind cannot be there; they cannot exist together. So let laughter grow.

The mind goes perfectly well with logic, and laughter is so illogical, so absurd, so mad, that the mind cannot cope with it.

In a few Zen monasteries the monk has to start his morning with loud laughter... for no reason at all, just like prayer. You also follow that, and soon you will start enjoying it. Then you will not seek any reason; there is no reason. Why try to find any reason? When one can laugh without reason, who cares?

[A sannyasin who is leaving says she is still in her head and her heart has only just begun to open... she thinks it will be a problem in the West.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Just go on acting as if the whole world is the ashram! says Osho. At the most people will think you are mad; that is their problem!]

[Osho had previously told a sannyasin woman to move into valley sex. Now the boyfriend is at darshan and says he finds it boring: like having a Rolls Royce and keeping it in the garage.]

But that's what people do with their Rolls Royces: they keep them in the garage!...

Leave things as they are for one month -- no change, mm? After one month both come together, so if something has to be changed then I will see. But for one month just continue. Things are really going well; your energy is settling.

You may be feeling that nothing sensational is happening because the mind seeks

sensation, but your energy is really harmonious and that is far more valuable than any sensation. Your energy is really in accord; it has a beautiful rhythm right now.

So for one month just keep it as it is and enjoy it as it is. Don't allow the mind to distract you, because the mind will go on saying 'What is there?' The mind always wants you to go into some feverish activity...

and that is tiring, it is disrupting. For one month enjoy this very silently, very coolly, and after one month come together. Things are good. Keep the Rolls Royce in the garage! Good!

[A sannyasin says he has a block in his energy which shows in his work in the ashram and in his relationship -- that he wants to do things that suit him and not what he is told to. Many beautiful things are happening but he is obsessed with this block. Osho checks his energy.]

Just do a single thing: surrender to Asheesh (his work coordinator), absolutely, with no conditions: whatsoever he says, do. Just drop the ego. Things are going well but the ego can disrupt everything. It is the only enemy that one has to be very very aware of. It comes in such subtle ways and with such logic that it is very difficult to resist. And it brings great rationalizations.

Just surrender to Asheesh and whatsoever he says, you do it -- even if he asks something absurd. He may ask something absurd because that's why I make these people leaders; they are absurd! Deeksha, Asheesh... they have something in them; that's why they are there! You may be doing something and just in the middle he may say 'Now do this!' You will feel 'This is not right'... and you are right; still you have to surrender.

Surrender is only when even if you are right, you can give in. When you are wrong then surrender has no meaning. Surrender has to be absolute And

Asheesh is a good master -- just surrender to him, mm? --

just listen and whatsoever he says treat it as if he is right, always right And that will change your energy.

Nothing is wrong. It is just that the ego is trying to take hold of you, trying to raise its head. The ego is feeling that things are going too far: if you go a little more then it will be too late. That's why you must be feeling other negativities

too. But first settle with Asheesh, and then you will see that ninety-nine percent of negativity has disappeared. After one month see me again, and then tell me if something is left.

Nothing to be worried about; things are really going well. When things are going well, then only does trouble arise. Then the ego becomes afraid; it starts giving trouble. So immediately after darshan, find Asheesh, touch his feet and say, 'Master, I am surrendered!'

[A sannyasin says: In my sexual life things are sometimes happening, sometimes not, but now I feel orgasm without any sort of relation.]

That's beautiful! Nothing to be worried about. Don't make a problem out of sex, never make a problem out of sex. If you make a problem out of sex you start doing something to it. That's what it means to make a problem: you start doing something. Once you start doing something you destroy the beauty, the spontaneity, the naturalness of it. When it is there, it is there; when it is not there it is not there. Accept it; its presence, its absence, both have to be accepted.

And this happens. When you really become orgasmic, this happens: even without any genital sexuality you may feel orgasm happening. That's what happens to small children. They are orgasmic, their whole body is orgasmic. Their sexuality is not centred at the genitals; their whole body functions in a sexual way.

Freud has a particular name for it: 'polymorphous perversity'. He has a condemnation for it without even knowing what it is. The child functions as a whole. He has no genital sex yet; that sexuality is not 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


developed. But his whole being is sexual. Sucking his thumb he attains to orgasm.

And that happens when you start becoming again orgasmic. Just swaying in the wind you can have orgasm, just dancing and you can have orgasm, just listening

to music and you can go into orgasm. But that is beautiful! You are freed from genital sexuality. When it comes, good; when it doesn't come, no need to worry.

And don't be afraid of this orgasmicness. That's what ecstasy is: to be orgasmic without any sex. By and by orgasm will become non-sexual. Then anything gives you an orgasm and you can have as much orgasm as possible. The ultimate state of orgasm is to live in it continuously; then each moment is orgasmic. Eating, there is orgasm, taking a shower, there is orgasm. Moving, looking at the trees, you are orgasmic. That is the goal of Tantra: to make you so orgasmic that each act becomes ecstatic and becomes free of sex.

Something immensely valuable is by the corner. Receive it!

[A visitor reminds Osho of a letter he wrote in which he described an episode of what seemed to be madness last year in Holland. Since then he has had trouble in concentrating and in relating with others. On the whole he is feeling peaceful now.]

That's very good! Mm mm... it can happen, sometimes it can happen: a madness can become a breakthrough, a breakdown can become a breakthrough. And it seems that that breakdown became a breakthrough. It has not been a loss: you are benefitted by it. You look very very at peace deep inside. So that madness was not really madness. To call it madness is to misname it.

It was something like a mini-satori. But in the West there is no understanding of mini-satoris or satoris.

So anything that goes beyond the normal is abnormal; it is thought that something is wrong. The normal has become the norm in the West, and the normal is a very ordinary phenomenon. The normal man is not healthy, is not whole, is not even sane. But he is the norm, so if you are different in any way something is wrong with you. But Buddha was also different and Christ was also different and so was Saint Francis. In this age they would have been thought to be neurotic had they been in the West. In fact that is what psychoanalysts go on writing -- that Francis was neurotic, that Jesus was neurotic.

Something beautiful has happened, and after such great happenings the mind takes a long time to settle back because it will be settling on a higher plane. So that is possible: your memory may suffer a little loss but it will disappear. Nothing to be worried about.

[The visitor says: I wrote to you about people being cured when I touched them... things like that I don't know how to.]

Yes, it is possible; you can have that quality and you should use it.…

No, there is no how to it. Just be silent and touch the person. If a headache is there touch the head; if a stomach ache then touch the stomach. If it is something which cannot be localized, then just tell the person to lie down and put your hands on his heart. Become completely quiet and just feel you are a vehicle, a passage, and God's energy is passing through you.

You can become a good healer. That madness was really good. And think of sannyas because that will be a higher madness!

The Open Secret

Chapter #15



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