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Chapter title: None
13 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7711135 ShortTitle: OPENSE13 Audio:
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Deva means divine, amarga means pathlessness -- divine pathlessness. There is no path to God; all paths are false. In the very nature of things there can be no path to God because God is all and everywhere. A path leads somewhere. God is not somewhere: God is everywhere. A path is needed when you are going from here to there. But God is here, and there is no need for any path to be here. So all paths misguide, all paths mislead, all paths take you away from reality, not to reality.
The path exists because of the desiring mind. The desiring mind is always dreaming of somewhere else.
It is never in the moment so it creates the path. All paths are mind creations, and to come back to reality one has to renounce all paths. All paths are fabrications, lies, so are all philosophies, all religions.
Jesus has not given a path, neither has Buddha; the path is invented by the priest. Jesus simply says 'I am the way'. He simply indicates your innermost core; he says that the kingdom of God is within you. How can there be a path to the kingdom of God when it is within you, when it is already the case, when it has always been the case, when it has never been otherwise?
Buddha or Zarathustra or Lao Tzu simply remind you of your reality; they don't give you any path. All philosophies are tricks of the mind so that you can escape
from reality -- not to reality, but from reality. All religions are lies, lies to cover up your misery, lies so that you can go on pretending, lies so that you can go on hoping that though it has not happened today it is going to happen tomorrow or in the next life or after the day of judgement.
[It is] one of the most significant names possible. It can become an absolute turn, a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree turn, if you understand it... and it is only a question of understanding, a matter of understanding. God is herenow -- in you, in me, in the people, in the trees and in the rocks. There is no need to go anywhere. One has to relax in the here, in the now. And you can relax. I see the potential there; that's why the name.
You need not become a pilgrim. You can simply declare that you have arrived, because there has never been any departure in the first place ! Great courage is needed to declare that one has arrived but with that courage things change, transformations happen. So don't seek any path.
I am not giving you any path -- I give you the reality itself. I don't give you any means by which to attain it; I simply indicate that it is already the case. You are in it, you are it. So never listen to the mind.
The mind is always hankering for paths, methods, techniques to get there. The mind goes on inventing that against this. The mind goes on inventing a separate reality against this reality. If that exists it exists only in this. That does not exist opposite to this, against this. That exists in the very innermost core of this. Perhaps this is the body of that and that is the soul of this, but that is not somewhere else. Not a single inch exists between you and that. To realise this is to come home.
One can go on searching and seeking.… One never finds by searching and seeking because the very search and the very seeking go on creating hindrances. The seeker cannot find it. Seek and you will go on missing it. Don't seek, just be, and suddenly it is there. Suddenly it impinges on you, pounces upon you from everywhere. Don't seek, and then there is no need for any path and no need for any method. Then one starts enjoying, one starts rejoicing in small things of life.
It will be difficult to be that but that difficulty also exists because we have never looked at reality in that way, because the mind has always been desiring and through desire goes on missing that which is. But that is the whole purpose of
sannyas: to teach you a new language, to teach you a new style, to teach you a new way of being.
Deva means God, lokita means observed by -- observed by God. The English word 'look' comes from the same word, lokita. And this has to become your meditation -- that God is observing you. It is one of the 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
most ancient methods. It changes life altogether. Once this idea gets very deep- rooted -- that God is watching you -- subtle changes start happening. Suddenly there are a few things you cannot do. They look so absurd if God is watching, they look so foolish if God is watching. And a few things you have never done become easier because God is watching.
It is just a technique to create a new situation in your being. After just seven days you will start realising that subtle changes have started happening: you are walking differently, there is more elegance, more grace in it because God is watching. You are not alone; the presence of God is always following you. Just think: you are in your bathroom and you suddenly become aware that your child is looking through the keyhole.
You immediately change: you are no more the same person. You are on the street and there is nobody else; it is early morning and you are alone. You are walking a certain way; then suddenly a person appears at the corner and there is an immediate change.
When somebody is observing, you become more alert, more aware. When somebody is watching you cannot remain lethargic, unconscious. And if this feeling that God is watching becomes part of your being you will find a great awareness arising in you. So you have to be alert about it. Just sitting silently, close your eyes and feel God is watching from everywhere. Just see a new kind of awareness arising in you and becoming a pillar of light.
Eating, talking, remember and you will see that you are not talking nonsense. You will see that your talk has become more meaningful, more significant, more
poetic, that there is a kind of music in it which has never been there. You are loving a friend and you will find your love has the quality of prayer in it because God is watching. Then everything has to become an offering; it was to be worthy of God.
[She answers: I feel so much.]
I know! You will be feeling more and more every day. This feeling is going to drown you completely.
So don't be a miser, mm? feel as much as it comes. Don't hold it, don't close your doors on it, because sometimes fear arises. When the feeling comes too much one starts feeling 'I will not be able to control it so I'd better close the doors.' Then one shuts oneself off. That is very dangerous. That's how people have become almost dead, afraid of anything that can possess them... and feelings do possess.
Thoughts you can control, feelings you cannot control. That's why man has chosen in favour of thoughts and has gone against feeling. Feelings come like a flood and simply take one away; one never knows to where, to what end. Thoughts are very tiny things: you can hold them in your hand, you can move them here and there, you can manage, manipulate, control them. They are dead things; they don't have energy. They don't have God's backing. They are very plastic and manageable. They are not wild: very civilized people, these thoughts.
So man has chosen to remain with thoughts and has become completely closed to feeling. But once you are closed to feelings you are closed to life and love and light and all that is significant. God comes through feeling not through thoughts -
- that is not his entrance. So this is God knocking! Allow these feelings and be utterly possessed. Even if they kill you it is worth it. Even if you die through your feelings you will be reborn into a new life. Dying through feeling is the art of resurrection. One can die many times and one will be born again and again.
So don't be afraid of those feelings, be possessed by them. And if after two weeks you feel like staying a little more, stay... but only if the feeling comes; otherwise you may feel as if you are hanging in the middle.
So don't force yourself to go; there is no hurry. The family can wait one, two weeks more... if you feel like it. If you feel that everything is okay, then you can go. Good!
[A sannyasin, who is leaving, says: I've always wanted to have children and been unable to. I realise that I've wanted them for the wrong reasons... ]
People always want things for wrong reasons! And that's why they go on multiplying their misery. In fact all wanting is for wrong reasons. Wanting is wrong. Whatsoever happens one should accept joyfully.
There should not be wanting. If God wills that you have children, enjoy it; if God wills that you don't have children, enjoy that. Both have their beauties. Don't make any imposition on existence. Don't demand anything from existence and then you will always be happy. Demand brings frustration. The demanding mind is a wrong mind. When you demand you are not at ease with the cosmos. There is some conflict, there is some complaint that things are not going according to you, the way you would like them to go.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
There is tension and anxiety and a feeling of being defeated by existence.
All wanting is wrong, so live without wanting and you will always be happy and the happiness will go on increasing. If one day it happens that a child comes to you, receive the child as a gift of God. If it doesn't happen, then receive this state of not being a mother, this childless state as a gift of God.
For whatsoever comes, remain grateful. Then there is peace, there is harmony, and in that harmony nothing ever goes wrong, cannot go wrong. And my feeling is that all is possible if one is in harmony with existence. Sometimes it happens that the very wanting may create the problem. When somebody is wanting too much, that very wanting creates a kind of tension in your being, in your body, in your mind, in your soul. That tension may be a barrier: it may not allow you to become a mother because you are not relaxed.
And even if you become a mother when you are not relaxed, you will receive a wrong kind of soul which will give you much trouble. Because in a tense womb
only a tense soul is possible. In a tense womb you cannot receive a Buddha or a Jesus; no, that is not possible. You will invite some Adolf Hitler and then you will suffer, the whole world will suffer.
Be relaxed... and if motherhood happens then, good. If it doesn't happen there is no need for it; nothing is missing. People want children just to be occupied. Because they are miserable they think, maybe, when children are there, there will be less misery.
That's not the right way to live. The right way to live is to live relaxedly in the hands of God. Let him take care! If he feels that you need to become a mother, it is going to happen, but let the whole decide; don't decide from the part. Anything decided from the part is going to be wrong. because the part cannot comprehend the whole. The whole can comprehend the part; the whole can look into the part, its necessities, its needs. But the part cannot look at the whole; the part can at the most look at itself while the whole must remain incomprehensible; so one can never know what one is asking.
In the end, when you think about your life you will be surprised that if all that you had wanted was fulfilled you would have been in hell. But it is only retrospectively that one becomes wise. All is not fulfilled because all is not good for you. Only that which is needed for your being, for your growth, for your evolution, is fulfilled... whether you ask for it or not. If it is not needed it is never fulfilled. And don't force your way. Always remember that his will has to remain ultimate; our wills have to be sacrificed.
Motherhood is possible... but relax. And I am not saying relax to become a mother -- that I am not saying, because then you cannot relax: the idea is there. Simply relax.
[A sannyasin, newly arrived, says someone told her her name was very spiritual. I'm not very spiritual, she says, and I was taken aback!]
You have a wrong notion about spirituality . . I have a totally new meaning of spirituality. It is not against matter, it is not against the body, it is not against life. It is the deepest way of living life, this life. To me spiritualism is a higher kind of hedonism, that's all. And you are perfectly that; there is no problem with it. You are my kind of spiritual person!
I am not anti-life; I am all for life. God has to be searched for in life... in the
mundane life, in the ordinary life. Chopping wood and drawing water from the well; God has to be searched for there. Cooking food and cleaning the floor -- there.
Down the ages people have created a rift between life and God. My whole effort here is to bridge that rift. Life is God. You can even drop the word God; nothing is lost. You can forget about spirit and spiritualism: nothing is lost. Just live totally and you will be spiritual.
And that is the meaning of Shivanetra. It means the third eye. These two eyes represent duality. The third eye represents a unity where these two eyes disappear into one. When all dualism disappears, the third eye arises; it is one, unitary vision. Matter and spirit are one, body and soul are one, the ordinary and the extraordinary are one, this world and that world are one. Then you have attained to the third eye. It knows no division: all opposites meet and mingle and disappear into each other. It is indivisible unity. That's my meaning.
And that third eye has to be opened. Don't be worried about what people say, mm? Listen to me what I say. Good.
[The Leela group are present. One member says: I felt a lot of sadness in the group and since the group I've been feeling very cut off from people, a lot of sadness and feeling very alone. And then sometimes I feel like I'm falling apart]
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Yes, it is happening... so fall apart! You are trying to hold those parts together; that is creating the trouble. Then you start working against yourself.
All these groups are to shatter you. They shatter you but you go on holding. So now two opposing forces start working in you. The group gives you an insight to help you fall apart. That which is going to fall apart is not really you; it is just the structure around you. It is your mind, your ego, your personality. The group hammers on the personality so that you can be released from it; the personality is
the prison. The group tries to hammer from everywhere, to find loop-holes through which it can enter you and destroy the personality.
But you go on holding it.
One piece starts falling; you hold it, you clutch it, you cling to it; then you are in a difficulty. That's why you are feeling sad, that's why you are feeling frightened and that's why you are feeling cut off. Because your whole energy is involved in holding those parts, how can you relate to people? You don't have any more energy to relate with. You can relate only when you are at ease inside yourself. When somebody's house is on fire, how can he relate?
Stop holding it. Let it fall! Once it falls it will be a great liberation. Once you can see it down on the floor, once it is detached from you and you can see yourself aloof, distant from it, that will be a great liberation. And this is very close by. Those parts are ready to fall but you are using your energy as a glue to keep them together, and they are not worth anything!
... [The groups] have done their work; you cannot hold it long. It is better to stop holding it; let it disappear. You will not be a loser, you will gain, because once this so-called personality is gone you will have a fresh being. You will be reborn, you will be new. And out of that newness one really lives.
With this old rotten personality -- and everybody is keeping this rotten personality: dusty, dull, dead, stale -- one cannot live. It is hampering one from everywhere. The old cannot allow you to be alive. The old has to go for life to happen, the old has to cease for the new to happen.
Be courageous! These are the moments when courage is needed! ... I think you should do one or two groups, and in these groups really let go. Forget that the personality is falling. Let it fall, help it to fall and immediately you will be out of it. You will be surprised how beautiful it is to get rid of the personality.
Do Primal... and after Primal I will give you silent, meditative techniques. But in the Primal, please, let this structure go! I can give you Vipassana right now but this will not be right. Just a little bit more of these groups and then you can do Vipassana and Zazen. They will give you immense joy, but first drop this personality.
You are coming close... just a little while more!
[Another group member said he came in contact with a witness, and at the same time he feels as if he's falling apart.]
That's natural; it has to come at the same time. Both are parts of one phenomenon: if the witness arises then the ego falls. The ego cannot allow the witness and the witness cannot exist with the ego. Either the ego or the witness can remain, so when the witness comes the ego has to go. It will create a little trouble. It will fight, it will not surrender easily; and then you've to be alert, watchful. And give your whole cooperation to the witness. Always give your cooperation to the new, to the unknown, to the strange. Never give your cooperation to the old. You have lived it, you have known it; there is no need.
The ordinary attitude is that people give support to the old because they are familiar with it, acquainted with it. t may not give great blessings to them, it may even give miseries but at least it is acquainted, known, familiar. They don't give their support to the unknown, to the unfamiliar, to the strange... and that's how God comes, life comes, love comes.
So let it become an absolute understanding that one has always to support the new. It is better to go wrong with the new than to go right with the old because it is better to commit errors and be alive than not to commit any errors and be dead. Always choose the unknown and go with it. That's what I mean when I say to live dangerously, live in adventure. To be in adventure is to be in meditation, continuous meditation.
Just support the new!
[Another group member said he felt like all his tensions and blocks disappeared. Now he wants to find a new way, a new language to communicate with.]
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
It will happen; you cannot create it. If you create it it will be old because you will create with the help of the old, you will create out of the memory. It will not
be new; it will be modified but old. Wait, it will come.
When new insights come, new languages follow. If your body is relaxed and the blocks have disappeared and you are feeling non-tense, you will find a new language of relating arising on its own accord.
All that you can do will be old. So you need not do anything; just wait. Wait with great hope, walt expectant, like an expectant mother. It will come... and it will come when it comes. It is not predictable either. If it can be predicted then it will be old. It is not going to come through you. It will come like a light ray striking you from the unknown.
It will enlighten you but you will not be the source.
The Open Secret
Chapter #14
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