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Chapter title: None

11 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 7711115 ShortTitle: OPENSE11 Audio:

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Prem means love, abhinaya means fire -- love fire.

Life is fire, love is fire, light is fire. Fire is the very substratum of all, hence fire worship is the ancient-most religion in the world. The first god was conceived of as fire and modern science also conceives of fire -- or electricity -- as being the basic element.

So meditate over it. And start thinking of yourself as being made of fire -- not of bones, not of flesh, not of blood; they are secondary. It is not blood that keeps you alive; it is the fire in the blood. It is not the 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


breathing that keeps you alive; it is the fire in the breathing. It is not love that one longs for; it is fire in love.

It is not food that you are hungry for; it is fire in food.

The trees go on absorbing the sun fire, the vegetables go on absorbing the sun

fire. When you eat a fruit you are eating that absorbed fire, hence love has the connotation of warmth. Hatred is cold; it is fireless.

Love is warm. Become a fire worshipper... and you will be immensely benefitted!

Anand means bliss, bavara means mad -- blissfully mad. And there are two kinds of madness in the world: one that comes when you fall below the mind and one that comes when you go beyond the mind. The madness that is below the mind is unhealthy, pathological. You are split, torn apart, in fragments, falling; you have lost unity. It is an illness, it needs treatment.

And the madness that comes by going beyond the mind is abundance of health; it is not ill. It is more healthy than the average health; it is overflowing health. And beyond the mind is the real unity. With the mind the unity is just so-so... very tentative. A small thing can disturb it, anything can disturb it. Mm?

Everything is going well and within a second everything can go wrong. One is just sitting on top of a volcano. The ordinary sanity is very fragile; it is not much of a sanity. One is always on the verge: anything can push you into madness, below the mind. Your business fails, your wife dies, your husband drinks --

anything just a small breeze and your house can fall because the house is made of playing cards. It is not really a house, just a pretension.

Our whole game is very like the games of small children who say 'Let's pretend: I will be the king and you will be this and you will be that. I will be the policeman and you will be the thief. Let's pretend.'

Nobody is actually a thief nor is anybody a policeman.

Grown-ups also go on playing the games; so ordinary health is just a pretension, very fragile, skin-deep.

Scratch a little bit and you will find the madness boiling within.

The second madness, the madness that comes by going beyond the mind, is real health; it is overflowing health. One has really come to one's self and being. It is not a unity put together, no. A unity put together can always fall apart. It is natural unity, not put together. One has recognized and seen that one is one. Not

that one believes that one is one, not that one is pretending that one is one. One has looked into one's being and found it. Now it cannot be destroyed or anything. There is no way to go back. Nobody can fall from the second kind of madness. He cannot fall into the first kind of madness, impossible. He cannot even fall into so-called health.

That is blissful madness, so in the East we have called saints mad people... mad in God, mad with God, mad for God.

Anand means bliss, geetam means a song -- a small song of bliss, mm? And that you have to become. If you start from this moment, it is possible. One becomes more and more entangled in difficulties as one grows...

This is the right time to become a sannyasin because right now you don't have any poisons in your system. Right now is the appropriate moment for the song to be born. You are fresh, innocent, still uncontaminated by the society. Soon you will be corrupted by society, soon people will teach you their ways. School, college, university will come in and they will draw your energy towards the head. Right now it is in the heart. You are fortunate!

So here, dance, sing and enjoy as much as you can... to the full. For these two, three months, be completely in paradise. There is no worry for you. You can sing, you can dance, you can play around, you can meditate.…

[An ashram resident, recently returned from the West, says she is confused because she only feels to be friends with her former lover. Just be friends! says Osho. Friendship is perfectly good. If love becomes friendship it is a great achievement. Ordinarily it becomes hatred; ordinarily familiarity breeds contempt.

She says, I feel confused about living with him.

Osho tells her, You may have to for only two more months. In the new place I am going to give everybody separate rooms so there will be no problem!]

[A sannyasin says he has been postponing doing the Encounter group because he has a kidney stone which hurts when he does the Kundalini.

Osho says that the Kundalini meditation could either help the problem by encouraging the stone to be 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


expelled or could give more pain. don't cancel the group, he suggests. Do one thing: for a week be a German and drink as much beer as you can. If it is a small stone it may come out. If it has gone, do the encounter group, otherwise not; wait. Beer is the best thing.]

[A sannyasin says he has some hormonal problem with his genitals and physically he is not interested in sex but in his head he is. Osho checks his energy.]

The situation is there, you are not creating it, but you are using it very negatively. It can be used very positively: this deep physical phenomenon can become a base to go easily beyond sex. Even in your head, sex is not very vital; it is just lukewarm. It can become a great opportunity to go beyond sex. And my approach is that rather than struggling with situations, use them. Now this can become a blessing.

To attain to this state a man will have to fight with sex for at least thirty years; then only can he come to this point. Now you can take it as a blessing: those thirty years are not needed for you. You are saved much trouble. Sex certainly brings a few ecstasies... but much more agony. And when you take the whole into account, those ecstasies are not worthwhile because the agonies are too much. But one has to pass through it.

My observation about your energy is that in your past life you must have been doing much Hatha Yoga.

That has created the change in this life, the physical change. It happens in Hatha Yoga that the very sexuality is burned up, the seed is burned up. Once the seed in the body is burned it is very easy to go beyond sex. Many Hatha Yoga exercises and postures are meant only for this purpose.

[The sannyasin answers: I was doing Hatha Yoga last year.]

That's very good. But you must have done it in your past lives too. So that very

process has given you this opportunity in this life -- that your body is not producing a sexual chemistry. It can become a good jump; you can go beyond it. Now you are creating the problem. You are thinking that something is wrong because you are not interested in sex and you should be. There is no should!

This is as foolish as a monk whose body is creating sex chemistry and he says, 'I should not be interested in sex.' This is just the same foolishness in the reverse order. Your body is not creating sexuality.

Your body is the body of a monk, as the monk's body should be -- or as he hopes it to be. You are a born monk! Now you are trying to create a problem for yourself -- that you should be interested in sex. You can't be. Your interest will remain very very superficial, and because it will be superficial it can create all the agonies and it will never give you any ecstasy.

Rather than going into sex, use this natural gift: your body is not creating sexual hormones. Much turmoil is avoided. You can go into meditation very very calmly and easily because there will be no distraction. The only distraction is sex; when one wants to go into meditation, sex distracts. It will not be a distraction for you.

What Hatha Yogis do in many years is given to you. You must have done Hatha Yoga in a past life and that's why you may have become interested in it again in this life.

Ordinarily people don't become interested in Hatha Yoga -- it is out of date -- but it does have great powers to do things. It can change the body; it is body technique, it is body work. It has no spirituality in it.

It starts from the gross. Rather than changing the mind or the soul, it changes the body. And you have succeeded in doing that.

So my feeling is: accept it in great gratitude, in joy. Forget about sex, be loving. That is a non-sexual phenomenon. And if sex sometimes happens on its own, it's okay; I'm not saying be against it. I am saying be natural: if it sometimes happens, good; if it doesn't happen for you, no need to think about it. But be loving, be friendly.

When sex hormones are not created in the body you can go into love and friendship because love has nothing to do with sex hormones. Sex is created in

the body; it is physical. Love is created in the mind; it is psychological. And prayer is created in the soul; it is spiritual. Start with love. You have only one step to go into prayer; others have two steps to go into prayer. Think of it as a blessing. It is just a different vision and different attitude. Within a few days you will start feeling very very happy. Don't think that something is missing; nothing is missing.

It is just like a rose bush without thorns. The rose bush can become very very sad because something is missing: 'Other rose bushes have thorns and I don't have thorns, so something is missing.' Nothing is 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


missing. You don't have thorns. Flowers are there, but if you think too much about the thorns you will go on missing out on your flowers. For one month try my approach, for one month be loving, be friendly and for one month drop this whole idea and let us see what happens.

[The sannyasin says: I was wondering if I should do Tantra (group)].

Tantra I will give you later. First settle with this approach, mm? -- otherwise in Tantra your mind will think of sex. After one month I will give it to you. When you have forgotten about sex Tantra will become an experience of love and in love. Right now do these groups: First do Zazen, Kyo and then Hypnotherapy.

After these three remind me again. If I feel that now you are ready for Tantra I will send you to it. For you a totally different group is needed. We don't have it yet but if many more people like you come, Hatha Yogis, then I will have to make one, mm? because Tantra is meant for monks -- to destroy their monkhood. But your monkhood is very natural. It cannot be destroyed and it should not be destroyed. First these three and then I will see. Good!

The Open Secret

Chapter #12



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