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Chapter title: None
10 November 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 7711105 ShortTitle: OPENSE10 Audio:
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[A sannyasin woman has her arm in a sling after being knocked down in the street by some hostile Indians. She says she is tired of violence around her and how to get rid of it. She doesn't want to die right now. Should she go back to the West. Should she do a group?
Osho suggests Tao and vipassana groups.]
And violence is there. It is not around you; it is around everybody. Man has lived very violently; he has not lost his inner animality. Man is still wild inside; only on the surface does he look civilized. So violence is everywhere, the whole of life is full of violence. And where you don't see violence that is just a facade. If you go deep into it you will find violence there too. Even behind the name of love there is violence, so what to say about other things? But this is how life is!
And you have to learn to live without violence in such a violent world. It is difficult to live sanely in an insane world but that is the only life there is and one has to find one's way to live through it. All that we can do is to never become violent against violence, because that is not going to help. Have deep compassion. If one has to suffer, one should suffer through compassion. And people who are violent are completely unaware; they don't know what they are doing. That's what Jesus has to say to the people; it is his last message to the world. He asks God to forgive these people because they don't know what they are doing.
So one can pray, one can love and one can have compassion, but the violence is there. And you cannot change it because the world is so big; how can you change it? One has to accept it. With tears, but one has to accept it. And one can go on doing whatsoever one can do on one's own -- a little bit, whatsoever one can spread. Spread your love. The world is like a desert but even if you can sow a single seed and only two flowers come to it, even that is something. In this vast desert land if two flowers or even a single flower comes up, that too is good.
So don't be too concerned about it. Just be concerned about one thing: how you can love people who are violent and how to live in a world which is not sane at all. Find ways. And this is the whole effort here --
through meditation, prayer, groups. These are ways to seek and search for some secrets so that you can go unscratched, uncontaminated by people's violence. But it is possible. The world will remain violent, you can become non-violent . . . and that is all that can be done. So don't be worried about it.
After Vipassana remind me again, mm? And be here a little more; it will be too early to go. I will tell you when to go. Good.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[The centering group is present. One member says he had planned to leave for Italy but is feeling less centred than before! Osho checks his energy.]
You can go -- no problem is there -- and then come back, mm? And the feeling that has come to you of being uncentred is just a new awareness that is arising in you. Everybody is uncentred but people don't know. And when you don't know you think you are centred. When you start knowing what centering is, when you start feeling what centering should be, then the problem arises. You look around and you see that you are completely uncentred. This is a good indication -- that some criterion is born in you, that you have started feeling vaguely what centering is; hence you can see your uncentred space. This is perfectly good.
It is almost as if a madman starts feeling that he is mad. If some madman comes and tells you that he is feeling mad, what will you say to him? You will say that this seems to be the beginning of sanity, because mad people never see that they are mad. They fight! If you call them mad they are ready to argue; they will prove that you are mad. No madman accepts that he is mad. The moment the madman accepts that he is mad, he is coming out of it already. Something in him has become sane, and that part is accepting the fact of madness. It is as if a dead man starts feeling that he is dead. That simply means that he is coming alive, he is resurrected, otherwise who will feel death? Only life can see, only life can feel.
So to me it is not something wrong. It is something very beautiful that is coming to you. You are becoming more aware of how uncentred you are, how dead you are, how mad you are. No need to get worried about it. Help this awareness and soon things will start settling on a new plane. You will never be the same again, that's true. You will have to settle on a different altitude. The old is gone, or if not gone it is going; that house is falling. Don't be concerned too much about that house. Start creating the new house, because you cannot move into the old again: it is finished.
You are still looking at the ruins. Change your focus. You can go on crying and weeping for the ruins but that is not going to help. Don't waste time and energy; start making a new house. Even if it is a small cottage it will do rather than the old rotten palace that has fallen. And it is dangerous to go into it because it can destroy you too.
So rather than thinking about the uncentred state that you feel around you, start being more and more concerned about this new ray of light that is making you feel uncentred, that is making you more aware of your situation. Pour energy into it! Just choose one meditation and continue. You can choose any, and then come back after a few months, mm? Good!
The Open Secret
Chapter #11
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