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7 December 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Prem means love, samveta means a chorus – a chorus of love. And love has to be a chorus; only then does it reach to its ultimate. It has to be a chorus of body, mind, soul. When all the three are involved, utterly involved, then only does one know what love is. Before that knowing, all is dreaming. People only dream about love. They have heard poets sing about it, they have read about it in books, they have heard people talking about it, they have come to know the word and the fantasies about it, but it is all dreaming.

Love is known only when your body,, our mind and soul, all three, disappear into one unity. That’s what total orgasm is: when there is no division left, when you don’t know that you are separate from the body or the body is separate from you – that you are there and the mind goes on thinking. All has become a chorus, a unity has arisen... not union, but unity, because in a union they remain separate, in a unity they disappear.

I am giving you one of the most beautiful names. Become worthy of it! It is possible. It is possible for every human being, because every human being is born with all the qualities that are needed for it. But they have not been rightly used, they have not been put together. Or sometimes it happens that they are being in conflict rather than being together; they are fighting with each other.

And the so-called religions have created great conflict and friction. They have taught people to be against the body. The chorus has become impossible. Or they have taught that the mind is the enemy; you have to go beyond the mind, you have to search for the soul which is something abstract, neither body nor mind.…

The Christian concept of the Trinity is what I mean by chorus: God is one yet three, three yet one. The Hindu concept of trimurti, three faces of God, is even more relevant than the Christian concept of the trinity. Because how can the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost be really one? The Son

is the son, the Father is the fatherThe Hindu idea is that God has three faces – one body and

three facesnot three persons but just three faces, three aspects, three dimensions.

And so is the case with human beings. You have all the three dimensions that God has. You are not less than God, nobody is less than God, but one has to find the way so that the destruction that has been done and the harm that has been done down the ages can be got rid of. One has to find a way to bring the soul and the body and the mind together again into a kind of dance, so they can sing in chorus and their song becomes one.

Love is that song which is sung neither by the soul alone, nor by the mind alone, nor by the body alone. If only the body loves it is a kind of prostitution, it is ugly. In fact for a sensitive person it will be nauseating. If only the mind loves, it is nothing but a kind of pornography; it is a head trip, fantasy. If only the soul loves it has no blood in it; it is abstract.just an idea, a philosophy, but not rooted in

the earth. The soul has wings but no roots; the body has roots but no wings, and the mind connects the two: it is a bridge.

One has to accept oneself as a unity, with no choice: you are not to choose from these three. You have to dissolve all the three into some moments where you are neither body nor soul nor mind; you are all or neither. And the easiest and the most natural way is love. If one misses in love then meditation is needed; meditation is the second best.

In a better world where people will be freely allowed to love, meditation will not be such a need. It is a poor substitute for love. But love is missing, hence meditation has become important. It helps you again to find a sort of unity. But you can find it through love and very easily. You have a loving heart; it can start melting, it can explode.

[A sannyasin says: I just don’t let anyone get close to me. I just keep people away.]

What are you protecting in yourself? Life is very fragile. One should not be a misery. Life is like a flower: in the morning it is there, by the evening it is gone. It is better to share the fragrance. It is better to share your love, your friendship, your joy. Sharing is good. A non-sharing mind is simply a waste. A non-sharing mind finally becomes a wasteland. It is not like money, life is not like money that you can hoard. Life is a flower: you cannot hoard it. While it is there, dance with it; while it is there, delight in it. And if you really delight in it while it is there, then even when it starts fading there will be delight. Even in death, a man who has really lived, dies joyously. There are two kinds of people in the world: one who dies in great bliss and one who lives in great misery. There are people who even die celebrating, and there are people who live in hell.

You are unnecessarily becoming a candidate for hell. But it happens to many people: they think that if they go on hoarding something they will have more of it. You will not have more of it. If you don’t give love this moment, then this love that you ate having will disappear the next moment. And on the contrary you will become fixed in the habit of not giving love; you will hoard only that.

You will have to change your perspective of life and you will have to struggle to come out of your imprisonment. You will have to make an effort, otherwise it is like a habit that is clinging around you. Take initiative; rather than waiting for somebody to come to you, then you reject them, it is better to go to somebody and be rejected. It is better than rejecting anybody.

You don’t go to anybody because you have only one experience, of rejecting people, so you know you will be rejected. When somebody comes you are afraid. You are afraid of love, you are afraid of life, you are afraid of joy, because you will not be in control then. You want to be in control so you push people away. Deep down you hanker for them to come to you and when they come you push them away; this is how man goes on. It is a split thing. You desire that people should come to you, somebody to love and be loved by, and when somebody comes, it is never up to the mark, it is not your Prince Charming. If you love a frog he becomes a prince, and if you reject a prince he becomes a frog. That’s how it is.

Start coming out of it! And the whole life is ahead of you. Don’t learn a wrong attitude, don’t imbibe a foolish habit unless you have the goal of remaining a spinster or something. You want to become that, a nun or something?

Mm? Then drop it! Simply drop it! Don’t make much fuss about it – about how to drop it and this and that; simply drop it. Just drop it this moment. And when you are going out of darshan, start hugging people and holding their hands.

[A sannyasin says: I’ve been in the Gestalt and Tao groups and I felt in them as if split in two parts. One part of me wanted to react and the other part said ‘no, stay quiet’, and that’s a conflict inside me.]

And can you feel which side was saying no – left or right? Just close your eyes and feel which side was saying no. Was it on your left-hand side or right-hand side?

[She answers: The right side. Osho checks her energy.]

Good! Mm mm. It is there, mm? That split has even affected your eyes. And your brain is not symmetrical, it is very asymmetrical: one part has one vibe, the other part has a different vibe. Do a few things.…

One is: for one month only follow the yes, the part that says yes; for one month don’t follow the part that says no. Give more cooperation to the yes; that is from where you will become united. No never helps to attain unity. It is always yes that helps, because yes is acceptance, yes is trust, yes is prayer! To be able to say yes is to be religious. So follow the yes.

The no has not to be repressed, the second thing. If you repress it, it will take revenge. If you repress it, it will become more and more powerful and one day will explode and destroy your yes. So never repress the no. Just ignore it... and there is a great difference between repressing and ignoring. It is there, you know that, you recognise it; you say ‘Yes, I know you are there, but I am going to follow yes.’ You don’t repress it, you don’t fight with it; you don’t say ‘Get out! Get lost! I don’t want to do anything with you!’ You don’t say anything in anger at it. You don’t want to push it away, you don’t want to throw it into the basement of your unconsciousness, in the dark mind. No, you don’t do anything to it. You simply recognise that it is there but you are following the yes. With no grudge, with no complaint, with no anger, simply follow yes, not taking any attitude about no. Ignoring it is the greatest art to kill no.

If you fight with it, you have become already a victim, a very subtle victim. The no has already won over you. When you fight with no, you have said no to no. That’s how it has taken possession of you from the back door. Don’t say no even to no; just ignore it. For one month follow yes and don’t fight with no. You will be surprised that by and by it becomes lean and thin because it is becoming starved. And one day suddenly you see it is no more there, and when it is no more there all the energy involved in it is released, and that released energy will make your yes a great stream.

Follow this for one month and then tell me how you are feeling.



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