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25 December 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Love knows how to forgive. Not only does one have to forgive others, one has to forgive oneself too, and that is the harder thing because we have been taught to feel guilty; we are burdened by guilt. A burdened man cannot grow and one who feels guilty feels always sick; he does not allow his wounds to heal.
So I teach you to forgive others, but even more to forgive yourself. Out of that forgiveness, a great love for yourself will arise. The condemnation will disappear; you will not look at yourself as if you are something horrible. And with that forgiveness of yourself all the so-called saints and churches will disappear from your consciousness. They exist through your wounds. If you are ill and sick they are relevant; if you are healthy, whole, they have no relevance. Hence they have great investment in keeping you feeling guilty. Remember thisGood!
[The enlightenment intensive group is present. One member says: I spoke with God yesterday. I asked him, ‘Who is Osho?’... And he said, ‘.he’s a channel between your mind and your heart.’]
Very good! Mm! that has been great... that’s very good. So continue your dialogue with God. Whenever you feel, just continue the dialogue; it will grow more and more clear. Let this be your prayer: at least every night when you go to sleep, for a few minutes have a little chit-chat with God. And don’t feel shy and embarrassed. The modern man feels very very shy, mm? – even the idea of talking to God looks so absurd. But just be like a child... and many more things will happen. That has been good! Go on talking to God, mm? Good...
[The group-leader says I was much more affected by the negative energy in the group. I felt it more than I have ever before.]
Mm mm.must have been your mood.
Because sometimes you are vulnerable, sometimes you are not. When you are vulnerable you will feel more; when you are not vulnerable you will feel less. It is like infection: if you are feeling weak, any infection will affect you; if you are strong, an infection will not affect you. Much depends on you. And it is good not to feel too affected, because that creates a kind of centre of gravity outside you. The centre of gravity should always be inside you. You should live your moods from inside.
I am not saying sadness is bad. I am not saying that anything has to be chosen. Sometimes sadness is perfectly good; for a change, perfectly good. But it should come from the inside not from the outside. The centre of gravity should be inside. It should be your sadness; you should remain the master of it.
If others affect you too much – somebody is sad, somebody is negative, somebody is miserable and you become affected – that is bad, because you will be losing your own centre, your own grounding. So when it starts happening, next time if it happens in some group that you feel affected, just take the locket in your hand, sit in the middle of the group and feel surrounded by an aura of light, three inches around the body and nothing is entering it. Sit silently in the middle of the group, mm? just for fifteen minutes, and you will be surprised: nothing affects you. The group becomes more and more distant and disappears.
One has to be alert about that. But it must have been something inside you ready to be affected; the outside functioned like an excuse. But nothing to be worried about. Next time, remember!
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