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20 December 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Prem means love, ashu means quick – quick in love. And love is possible only if you are quick; life is possible only if you are quick. If you hesitate, you miss; if you brood, you miss, because time goes on flowing out of your hands – it does not wait.

If you are too much of a thinker you will go on missing all opportunities. Thinkers don’t live; they can’t live because they can’t be quick. They have to think, ponder over, contemplate, conclude; by the time they have concluded, the opportunity is no more there. Life belongs to the quick. Life belongs to the foolhardy, to people who are capable of taking risks. To be quick means to take the risk, to be quick means to move into life without a plan and without a map and without a conclusion.

That is the danger of life and that is the beauty too. It is a dangerous life but in that very danger is thrill, in that very danger is its adventure. So remember that, that the moment comes and goes. If you are not quick to jump into it, it is gone forever and there is no way to get it back; you cannot say, ‘I was thinking.’

Thinking is one of the barriers in life, hence the emphasis of a mind without thought. Consciousness should be there, but with no thought so that you can immediately – immediately – instantly move into action. Response has to be immediate, only then is it response. If you hesitate, think, decide, then respond – that is not response, it is a reaction... and it is already too late. You will always go on missing the train; you will reach the platform only when the train has left.

Be quick... and you can be! That’s why I am giving you the name – you just have to remember it.

[A visitor says: I find that a lot of love flows from me and I feel to have many relationships with different men. I don’t know where I am because each one wants me to stay with him. I’ve been

struggling for two years trying to find God. And I’ve been all over the place looking, and I haven t found.]

Mm mm. First: if you have too much love for too many people you will be in trouble because the world is not yet ready for that kind of person. Nothing is wrong with you, in fact this should be the case with everybody, but you have come before your time. Wait one hundred years more, then come back! (laughter) Otherwise you will be in trouble, because if you love three persons each will try to possess you and pull you and you will be torn apart. That will be very destructive to you. And nothing is wrong with your love, it is perfectly right, but the people with whom you will fall in love are not ready to be non-possessive.

If you really want to continue that way then my family is the only place. Then you can be here and you can love three or thirty and there will be no problem. But a totally different kind of community is needed to accept that. Either you will have to change or you will have to change the place where you live. You will have to find a commune, a free commune to live – anywhere where people have accepted love as a free gift, where non-possessiveness is a fundamental – or, choose one person.

And of course, when you choose one, you have to drop others. There will be a little misery and there will be a little pain, but these are the two alternatives. Either choose a commune... That’s why communes exist: for people like you, for people who are always in advance. The world cannot contain them and they cannot live with the world; they have to create their small world. That’s what we are doing here: creating an orange world. Sooner or later, we will create a small world of our own, where we can allow total freedom, where love is respected, where love is not a property to be possessed but a god to be worshipped.

And this has always been a problem: people who are artistic, creative – poets, painters, singers, musicians – have always been in trouble, because whenever a person is very sensitive, naturally he wants to have many relationships, because a variety of relationships gives richness to being.

You love one person for one reason, another person for another reason, and both reasons are valid; and no single person can fulfill it. You love somebody’s voice and you love somebody’s face, you love somebody’s ideas, and you love somebody’s way of making love to you. Now these are different people and you cannot find a single man who has all these qualities. So either you decide for a single man – then your love loses variety, it becomes monotonous; that’s why husbands and wives are so bored – or, you will be in trouble.

So you have to decide two things: either find a commune, a commune of the future, where the future has already arrived, where people are living in the twenty-first century, or choose one person and forget the other. Otherwise sooner or later you will be in pieces, and once you start falling into pieces it will be very difficult to put them together.

You have to settle this thing first, otherwise your search for God will not be possible, because a person who has not settled in his love will not be able to find God; you have not fulfilled the basic requirement of it. God is nothing but the highest peak of love. So you can go on meditating, doing this and that, but those are not going to help.

When new people come here they are puzzled because they cannot make any sense of what is going on here. People are meditating and people are falling in love, and people are doing groups,

and all kinds of things are happening, because I would like you to become deeply grounded. So love is necessary. And only a person who is deeply grounded in love is able to meditate... a person who is able to be with somebody, can be capable of being with himself or herself; otherwise, you will not be able to be alone. And meditation is a process of being alone. Love and meditation are two poles and one has to settle both, but love is far more natural. Meditation is a lesser development.

So first settle your love energy and for the time being forget about God. For the time being let love be your God. And be integrated through it, then your search will be on the right lines.

[Osho asks her about taking sannyas. She answers that her head is fighting her heart, and that she doesn’t want to wear orange.]

Should I listen to your heart or to your head? You should also listen to the heart. That will be the beginning of integration. That act will help you to...

Because we cannot find what the resistance is we have to say it is something or other. That is not the point at all.

No, resistance is not there; it is just that you cannot go with the heart. You can go with the heart only if the heart agrees with your head. You cannot go with the heart if it doesn’t agree with the head. And sannyas is not a head thing at all. It has no rationale in it; it is an irrational thing. It is a mad thing to do!



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