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Chapter title: None
7 January 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8101075 ShortTitle: POND07 Audio:
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No 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
Misery disconnects one from existence. It creates a wall around you. One starts living in a capsule, encapsulated, one shrinks within one's own self and creates a hard shell around, just to protect, just not to show one's wounds. It is humiliating to be exposed, to show that you are miserable, hence people hide their tears in smiles, they wear masks. That's what our personality is: an effort to hide the reality. It is not our individuality, it is just a facade painted beautifully. So at least we can deceive the world but we cannot deceive ourselves. We know those wounds -- they hurt. We know they are there continuously, but we keep ourselves occupied with a thousand end one things so that we can keep our misery hidden.
It is because of misery that for thousands of years man has been addicted to all
kinds of drugs, simply to forget, simply to become utterly oblivious. When it becomes too much then the only way is to fall into unconsciousness.
Alcohol has become the way for millions of people around the world. Bliss does exactly the opposite.
The same energy is used, the same bricks are used, but one does not make a wall around oneself. One makes a bridge. And the more bridges you create, the more alive you are. When you are totally bridged with existence life becomes a sheer ecstasy.
And that is another meaning of your name; it is the name of the Celtic goddess of wisdom and song.
When one is bridged with existence one knows for the first time what it is all about, the meaning, the significance. And once that meaning explodes in you, you are so full of songs, dances, creativity, that one cannot imagine it unless it happens. There is no way to dream about it.
It is not possible to communicate to somebody what it is, because it is an experience. The master helps the disciple to experience it, not to believe in it. That's my work here: to help you become bridged with all the planes of existence and all the dimensions of existence, to all its depth and height. My whole approach is life-affirmative, because that is the only way to become bridged. If you deny something you close yourself towards it; hence I don't deny anything at all. All is beautiful, all is divine and all is perfect as it is.
Rejoice in it!
A life without love is a life full of darkness no moon, not even a star, not even a candle. It is the dark night of the soul and we are born into this dark night of the soul. Unless we make some effort to come out of it, we are going to live in it and die in it without knowing the light, without ever encountering the day.
The word 'day' is very significant. It comes from the same sanskrit root as 'divine'. Both mean light. And the only light is love. The moment you are overflowing with love darkness disappears. Love becomes a flame. It consumes all that is ugly, all that is meaningless, all that is rubbish -- and it leaves only the pure gold.
When love comes to its climax it is a full moon. It is not accidental that the full moon has always represented -- in all the cultures, all the societies, in all the ages -- the night of love. In fact, we call the lover mad and we also call the madman lunatic, moon-struck. Lunatic cones from lunar. Both are mad! Both have been struck by the moon.
The latest research says that many more people fall in love when the moon is coming closer to its peak; and very few people have become enlightened on any other night, except the full-moon night.
Buddha was born on the full-moon light, became enlightened on the full-moon night, died on the full-moon night, the same full moon, the same month. He represents really all the Buddhas of all the ages, past, present and future too.
The full moon has always attracted the poets, the painters, the lovers. People who have some aesthetic sense, sensitivity, have always felt a magnetic pull towards the moon. It is not only the ocean that becomes affected on the full moon. Inside us also there is some ocean that becomes affected and great waves start rising. The full moon has become representative of the absolute expression of love and light.
This has to be your path. This small word 'love' contains all that is worth having. It contains all the scriptures -- it is a code-word, condensed. One has to decode it in one's life.
Love as much as you can and the more you love, the more you will be centred, rooted, grounded, crystallised, integrated. Love for no other reason, for no other motive, except for sharing your life and joy, 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
except for sharing your song and dance. There should be no desire for any reward, because only then the reward comes. If there is a desire the very desire prevents it. Love is immensely rewarded, it is inevitable.
Hence we need not think about it, we need not bother about it.
And once you start loving people, trees, rivers, stars, mountains, for no other reason, but just because you are here and the tree is here -- then why not commune, why miss this opportunity of relating, why remain dull and dead? Why not become alive and dance with the tree and sing with the tree and blossom with the tree?
Yes, you will look a little mad to people but it is worth it. Let the whole world think you mad. The world is living in such an insane way that to be called insane by the world is a certificate that you are sane.
It is really a great compliment! The world has called Buddha insane, Jesus insane, Lao Tzu insane, because the world consists of insane people.
One of my friends became mad and he was imprisoned in a madhouse. He was mad, so one day he drank something that was kept there to clean the bathrooms, not knowing what it was. It created such vomiting, diarrhoea, that for fifteen days he suffered from diarrhoea and vomiting and could not eat anything. That long fast and the diarrhoea and the vomiting cleansed his whole being. He cooled down, his madness disappeared.
And for the first time he became aware that he was in a madhouse, because there were at least nine hundred mad people all around and he had been with them for six months. Not even for a single moment had he thought that anything was wrong. Everything was perfectly good. Somebody was pulling his leg and somebody was cutting his hair and it was perfectly right, there was no harm. Somebody was massaging him, somebody was sitting on his shoulders... It was perfectly okay. He was himself mad. But now what to do?
He told the doctor, 'Now it is impossible for me to be here. I am absolutely sane and that is becoming difficult. Either make me insane again so I can be with these people, because I have to be here for three months more' -- he had been sentenced for nine months' imprisonment in a madhouse. But the doctor laughed, the gaoler laughed, and they said, 'Every madman says this -- that he is not mad.' He tried hard but he had to live there those three months. He told me, 'Six months were really beautiful because I was in tune with the whole madness that was all around. Once I became sane then things were very difficult; for those three months it was such a nightmare. Those three months felt as if I had been living there for thousands of years. Neither sleep nor anything else was possible.'
His becoming sane created the whole trouble. Jesus is crucified because he becomes sane. That is his fault, the only crime.
If you start loving you will be thought mad, but don't be worried about that. To be my sannyasin is to risk prestige, respectability, sanity -- the so-called sanity -- is to risk all that is important in the eyes of people. But life begins only then.
So let the world think you mad, but start in every possible way connecting in every direction, in every dimension, with love. And you will start feeling the magic of it. Soon you will be overwhelmed by it.
To be totally love is to know what god is, because there is no other god except love. To be just love is to be enlightened. There is no other enlightenment, because to be pure love is to become afire. The intensity of life is such then that even a single moment of that love is more significant than living thousands of years of drudgery and drag.
Make it a point that except love there is no religion. Love is my poetry, love is my philosophy, love is my religion, love is my message.
Meditation is the only way to find the beloved. Everybody is searching and seeking for the beloved, but the search if unconscious and the unconscious search cannot lead you anywhere. One can go on stumbling, groping in the dark, but it cannot take you anywhere.
The search has to become conscious. That's what meditation is: awareness, alertness, becoming aware of your body -- its actions, your mind -- its thoughts; your heart -- its feelings. These three you have to do, and the fourth comes as a gift from the ultimate. And the fourth can only be called the fourth.
In the East we have called it 'turiya'. It means simply, the fourth, just a number. We have not given it a name for a specific reason, because any name will give it a limitation -- and it is unlimited. So we have called it the fourth. It is like calling it xyz, not giving it any word because every word brings its limitation.
The fourth means awareness of awareness itself. You start from the grossest -- the body and its actions
-- and then you start moving to the subtler planes. The mind is the second station, deeper than the body, then feeling -- it is deeper than thinking, than
mind. And after these three you cannot do anything. After the third 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
all effort ceases, because effort can either be of the body or of the mind or of the heart. Now all three have been transcended so no effort is possible. In fact even the ego is no more there. There is nobody to make the effort. Neither doing nor the doer is possible. Both have disappeared. Now there is absolute silence, a state of utter stillness. But that is the right space, the space in which the beyond descends and awareness becomes aware of itself. And to become aware of awareness itself is the ultimate experience. There is nothing beyond it. It brings freedom, it brings compassion, it brings prayer, it brings love, it brings truth. All these have been expressed in a single word, and that word is 'god'.
God is only a combination of all the great values. God is not a person, but a word to indicate all the ultimate values. Becoming aware of awareness itself, life is fulfilled, one has arrived. That's the home for which we all are seeking, searching, but our search is unconscious. Hence we search but we fall. Make the search conscious and success is sure.
The Vedas represent the ancientmost scriptures of the world. In fact the Bible is also a Veda and the Koran is also a Veda, because the word 'veda' means that which contains knowledge. So the Vedas have been growing, there are not only four. There are three hundred religions on the earth and every religion has its own Vedas. But knowledge is not wisdom, and to know the scriptures can make one a scholar, but not enlightened.
One can accumulate as much information as possible -- and we have a memory system which can accumulate incalculable knowledge.
The scientists say that a single memory system, a single human mind, can contain all the libraries of the world. That much capacity is there. But even if one contains all the libraries of the world one will not be a Buddha. One will still remain the same fool! -- the same donkey loaded with all the scriptures. It won't transform his being. If one wants to transform the being one has to go beyond the word, one has to go beyond all theories, ideologies, doctrines, scriptures.
That is the meaning of Vedant: the end of the Veda.
Be finished with information, put a full stop to information, because that only makes a man a parrot. We call those parrots pundits. But it does not make one contented, blissful, loving, knowing. Put an end to all information. That means put an end to the mind. And putting an end to the mind is the beginning of meditation. The cessation of the mind is the birth of meditation. And once meditation iq born then miracles start happening, then life starts taking such quantum leaps, unbelievable. One starts becoming aware of so many mysteries which are all around, which are so abundantly here. But we are closed because of our knowledge. Our eyes are closed. We are blind because of knowledge. Knowledge is making us blind.
One has to become innocent like a child, and the moment one is innocent -- clean, completely clean like a mirror -- then one reflects the truth. And to know the truth is to become it.
The Old Pond ... Plop
Chapter #8
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