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Chapter title: None
23 January 1981 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8101235 ShortTitle: POND23 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
Your name, Daeniela literally means god is my judge. It is a declaration of trust in the ultimate, it is a declaration that 'I am not going to compromise for anything less than the ultimate -- not with the society, not with the church, not with the state, not with the mob psychology; even though it means death, then too, only the ultimate is going to be my context, my source, my guide. It is a declaration of individuality.
The society tries to destroy individuality. Instead it jives you a phony thing, personality. Personality is political. It is a strategy created by the establishment to manipulate the individual, to keep him within bounds, to keep him as a slave. Ordinary slavery has disappeared from the world but in its place a very subtle slavery has come into existence, psychological slavery. To be a Christian means to be psychologically a slave. It means the pope is the judge, the pope is the mediator between you and the ultimate. You don't have a direct connection with the ultimate; the pope has to interpret, it is in his hands what he makes things out to be. You have to follow him; and he is as blind as you are, and the blind is leading the blind.
To be a Mohammedan means to accept the Koran as the sacred scripture, to follow it without any thinking, without any contemplation. You will be simply
obedient to it -- that's the kind of subtle slavery.
And who is going to interpret the Koran? You are not allowed to interpret it. The scholars will do it, the priests will do it, and the priests are prepared and ordained by other priests, hence it is the past that dictates the present. This is slavery.
To be a Hindu is to be a slave, and the same is true about other religious ideologies and also about political ideologies. To be a communist is the same, just a little bit of a change; instead of the Koran, the Bible, the Gita -- Das Kapital; instead of Mohammed, Moses, Mahavira, Marx; and then a long line of interpreters and you are just to be obedient...
This is the ugly situation in which humanity is living. Man has to come out of this slavery too. He has to declare that 'Any relationship with the ultimate is direct, immediate. I don't need any mediator, I don't need any go-between, I don't need any pope, any ayatollah, any imam, any shankaracharya. I belong to the universe as much as anybody else, so why should I not approach the universe myself? Why should I be dominated, manipulated? Why should I allow this? This is humiliating, this is disrespectful towards one's own being.
That's the meaning of Daeniela, god is my judge -- nobody else, nothing less than that, and god simply 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
means the ultimate, the absolute, the whole. And the moment this commitment is made, there is great rejoicing in the heart because freedom is achieved, and freedom is the deepest desire of the human heart.
Slavery is ugly, freedom is beautiful. Slavery is misery, freedom is bliss.
My sannyasins are not my followers. I am not a mediator between you, and the ultimate. My function is to help you to be directly connected to the universe -- just to give you a deep understanding of your own being and how to relax with the whole.
Sannyas is relaxation into the whole, disappearing into the whole, surrendering towards the whole. The true master never stands between anybody and the ultimate. It is only the pseudo teacher who tries to pretend to be the vehicle of god, to be the messenger of god, to be the prophet of god, to be the son of goo, this and that, and tries to dominate people psychologically, spiritually. It is exploitation.
My sannyasins are not part of any religion. I impart to you a kind of religiousness, but not any ideology.
I don't give you any knowledge, any doctrine, any philosophy. I simply help you to become silent, so silent that you can hear the still, small voice within -- and that is the voice of god. And once you have started hearing your own inner voice, you are on the right track. Then my function is fulfilled. Then I can say goodbye to you.
The greatest pleasure of the real master is to make the disciple a master of his own being.
Friedrich Nietzsche has said something immensely beautiful. He was a madman, but sometimes mad people have insights into reality far deeper than the so-called sane. The so-called sane live very superficially. They live a life of respectability. They become Rotarians, Lions, mayors, presidents, prime ministers, they do all kinds of stupid things; just to remain respectable, they are ready to compromise for anything if it gives respect. They follow the dictates of stupid priests, because that is the only way to pretend to be moral, holy: they go to church every Sunday and really religiously, without any fall. However, their church- going has nothing to do with religion. Again that too is a kind of club -- a religious club --
another kind of Rotary club, no difference in it, a formality, but it gives respectability.
The so-called sane are after money, power, prestige.
People like Nietzsche are mad, but because they are mad, because they have not compromised, they can have a few glimpses of the ultimate -- only glimpses, because they are not Buddhas.
Buddha is also mad, but with a method. Nietzsche is simply mad without any
method -- that's the difference. If he had known about meditation then he would have been a Buddha, an awakened one.
Madness plus meditation is equal to buddhahood. But if meditation is missing, even then one has the capacity to see a little bit, from here and there, about truth.
Nietzsche says 'The darkest day in humanity's life will be the day when people will stop surpassing themselves.' -- and this he wrote when he was mad, imprisoned in a madhouse, just one year before he died.
Let me repeat -- his statement is significant The gloomiest, the darkest day in humanity's life will be when man will stop surpassing himself.
Man is the only animal who can surpass himself. No other animal can do it, no tree can do it. Nobody except man is capable of it. A rose is going to remain a rose -- it cannot surpass itself. A lion is going to remain a lion -- there is no way to surpass. But man has the capacity to go beyond himself. That's his special privilege, that's his dignity, his grandeur. And by surpassing himself man becomes divine.
Man is a transitory stage. Below man is the world of animals, above man is the world of gods. And by gods I don't mean any metaphysical gods; I mean people who have become awakened, the Buddhas. They are the only gods, those who have attained to that ultimate transcendence beyond which there is nothing else, who have come to the very end of the journey. Below man are animals, absolutely unconscious above man are Buddhas, absolutely conscious; and man is just in between, a ladder, a bridge.
Again, Friedrich Nietzsche says that 'Man is a bridge between two eternities.' Unconsciousness is eternal, vast, immense, consciousness is also eternal -- and man is a bridge. And one should not make A house on the bridge. It is not a place to make a house; it is only a place to be surpassed. One has to go beyond it. Hence only those few people who are constantly making efforts to transcend themselves are truly alive. The others are dead.
A sannyasins has to learn the art of surpassing, transcending, going beyond. I call that art, meditation. It helps you to go beyond your body, beyond your mind, beyond your heart, and beyond these three is the world of the gods, the world of the awakened ones, the enlightened ones, where dewdrops disappear into the vast ocean of reality, when all small egos disappear and one is part of the whole.
And to be part of the whole is the only way to be holy. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The Old Pond ... Plop
Chapter #24
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