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23 August 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[A sannyasin, who is a journalist, says he would like to change his job towards more growth oriented work, but is afraid of the insecurity. Osho assures him that any security he fancies he has now is illusory, and that real life is in insecurity – so that shouldn’t be a factor. Uncertainty is a blessing, because it opens new doors]
So that’s perfectly good: be a journalist for the growth movement. And it needs many people so that many people can come to know what exactly is happening in human consciousness.
A new kind of journalism is needed. The journalism that is routine is already out of date. It is not really concerned with humanity and it goes on fulfilling juvenile needs. Murders, divorces, accidents, wars – all that is rotten and negative gets the greatest coverage. Ninety percent coverage is about the ugly, nauseous, horribleand it is exaggerated because that is what the neurotic mind needs.
That is the neurotic mind’s food, nourishment; it cannot remain without it. It needs murder stories, it needs wars, it needs suicides; this is the news for the neurotic mind.
On the TV this mind wants to see horror films. This neurotic mind will go to the movie to see murder, lust, passion – something ugly and horrible that he always wanted to do but could not gather courage to do. So he lives through others vicariously. Somebody is murdering – he lives through the murderer. But both are the same; he becomes part of it. It is his violence that is projected there.
So the old journalism is out of date; it has no future. In the future, when the right journalism has appeared, people will simply be unable to believe why for many years these stories were written and elaborated and repeated again and again, and why people were reading all this nonsense. For what
? The whole of humanity must have been mad; that will be the conclusion of future generations.
It is perfectly good to bring to people news of the soul, of the new frontiers of consciousness, of new possibilities, of new horizons. Of course it will not be very paying and it will be insecure but it is worth it. You may not be very rich but you will be enriched through it.
[A visitor says that he doesn’t know where he isHe feels many contradictions between what you
say and the life of the ashram, the organisation of the ashram.He feels people around you are
very defensive, and that makes him upset.]
So for the first: you are nowhere. And you have to start from abc. Even the first step has not been taken yet: you have to be born. And the other two are irrelevant.because these things need not
be your concern. If there are contradictions between me and the ashram, that is my problem.and
I am perfectly happy! That is my problem; you are not to be concerned with that.
And the third: if people are defensive that is their problem! If you are going to solve the problems of everyone then you will not be able to solve your problems. You will become insane if you start thinking about everybody’s problem – what is what and who is who and.Don’t get into that! If you
want to grow, just look at me. Forget about the ashram and about everything. And drop your knowledge. You seem to be knowledgeable; that won’t help.…
Mm mm, do a few groups, and don’t get puzzled by these things. That is none of your business. Just listen to me and try to find a way for yourself. If you can solve your problem that is more than enough; nobody expects you to solve anybody else’s problem. And sometimes it happens that what you see as the other’s problem may just be your projection: you may be defensive and may project onto people.
My feeling is that you are afraid of sannyas. That is making you defensive and you project your defensiveness onto people.
And there is always bound to be a contradiction between the master and the organisation that exists around him, because all the people who are here are not enlightened. They exist on their plane, I exist on my plane. There is bound to be a distance, a great distance, but that is natural! The only thing that has to be seen is that they are trying their hardest to grow. It is a long, groping effort. Many will start, few will reach. When they have reached there will be no contradiction between me and them, but on the way it is natural.
My suggestion is that you be completely unconcerned about these things. Just do a few groups, mm? and think more about your problems and bring your problems. When the river is flowing by, don’t be worried that others are thirsty. If you are thirsty, drink! Mm? Good!
[A sannyasin, who is leaving, says that she feels there is something inside her that has decided never to surrender]
Who is it who decides never to surrender?... It is not you, that’s certain; it is your ego. It is everybody’s problem. The ego will resist, give you a great fight not to surrender, because your surrender means the ego’s death. It is surrender for you, it is death for the ego, so how can the ego allow it easily ? It will give all the resistance that it can give, it is natural, but if you listen to the ego you are lost.
The ego is against your surrender because the ego wants you to surrender to it; that’s why it is against it. Now, a love is growing towards me; the ego is afraid and the ego is jealous. Now there is a competition, a competitor has arisen. Sooner or later you will have to decide – either the ego or Osho. The ego is naturally trembling and afraid that now there are less and less chances for it to survive. So the less chances there are, the more trouble it will give to you. But if you are alert it is going to go.
It is happening to everybody: it goes slowly, slowly. A moment comes when the ego comes to understand that now there is no way. It is better to commit suicide; it will be more restful to commit suicide than to go on fighting.
So there is nothing to be worried about and nothing unnatural is happening to you.
I will look after it. This is between me and your ego – you need not bemm? You can simply stand
by the side! I will take care.
Keep this (a box) with you and come back. And whenever you need me or whenever the ego is troubling you too much, just put it on your heart and remember me, mm? Good!
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