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22 August 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[A sannyasin says: I have had a dream for years... It is only a feeling – I have no pictures, nothing, but it’s a feeling. There’s a feeling of death.

Osho checks his energy.]

The dream is significant and has much to convey to you. It is not just a rubbish dream; it is a good indication of something that is going to happen. It is not death, it is meditation that is going to happen. But meditation also looks like death to the mind, so the mind interprets it as death. But your energy is perfectly good... so flowing, mm? Very few people’s energy flows; many people are just frozen. You are not frozen at all; things are perfectly good.

The dream is a good dream, an auspicious dream, a very sacred dream. So enjoy it: when it comes next time enjoy it and love it and wait for it. And the day you start enjoying it, it will disappear, because then it has delivered its message; there is no need for it to come again.

One thing that can be helpful to convince your unconscious mind that the message has been received, is to lie down on your bed every night before you go to sleep, put out the light and for three minutes just think you are dying. Just go into it knowingly, consciously; create it yourself rather than the dream creating it. Create the whole situation – that you are dying, dying, dying – and within three minutes you will feel that you are almost disappearing. Don’t be worried; in that very space fall into sleep. So these three minutes have to be practised only when you are almost on the verge of sleep, not before.

First lie down on the bed, then wait. When you feel that now sleep is just there and that any moment you will lose consciousness and you will fall asleep, just start feeling that you are dying, dying, dying. There is no need to be afraid, mm? just disappear into sleep.

Do it for at least four weeks. And these four weeks will convince the unconscious that the message has been delivered to the conscious mind. That’s what a dream is all about: an effort from your depth to inform the surface mind that something is going to happen.

Because you could not understand it, that’s why it has been repeated again and again. The moment you understand it will disappear. And it is a blessing; it is not something wrong or something evil – it is beautiful. From tonight start dying on your own!

I don’t ask whether you are worthy or not. I am in such a hurry to give. I have so much to share – I don’t care a bit whether you are worthy of receiving it or not. I am simply giving it to you because I have so much and I have to unburden myself.

The cloud is so full that it wants to rain. It does not matter whether it is desert or wasteland or fertile soil; it does not matter. The flower has bloomed and the fragrance is heavy on its heart; it has to be released. Whether somebody will appreciate it or not does not matter. I am giving to you without any condition. You are the most fortunate people ever.…

Deva means divine, paritosh means contentment... and let that be your constant remembrance: contentment, contentment, contentment. Let it become like a climate around you, contentment, and you will by and by start feeling a change. Sometimes it happens, and my feeling about you is this – that it can happen very easily.

There are people for whom even a single word can become transforming, and you are one of them. There are people who can simply repeat ‘peace, peace, peace...’ and they will become peaceful; ‘silence, silence, silence...’ and with the very sound of the word, the feel, the nuance and the music of the word, they will start feeling silent. These are the people on whom mantras work. They are not few, they are many. Almost one-third of the world belongs to these people but even they have forgotten it. This one-third is the most potential.

Once you become alert about your potentiality, you can work miracles – just by an idea. As a man thinketh, the bible says, so he becomes. This is not true for all; this is only true for one-third of humanity, and of that one-third of humanity, more than seventy-five percent are women.

That’s why women are more suggestible, receptive; they can be hypnotised very easily. But this capacity to be hypnotised can be harmful, can be helpful. It can be harmful because they will be hypnotised by adolf hitler, they will be hypnotised by the beatles too; they will be hypnotised by anybody. They will shriek and scream and can become hysterical about anything. But if rightly used this very capacity can become their door to the divine.

Being suggestible means that they are very very vulnerable and their soil is fertile: any seed that falls into that soil starts growing. One has to be very alert not to allow just any kind of seed to fall in, otherwise weeds will grow... and the soil is not responsible. Any seeds that fall into it will start growing. The weeds will grow if you don’t put rosebushes there.

A person who has this capacity to be easily hypnotised is, in a way, in danger, because anything can enter into his or her heart. On the other hand they are blessed. If rightly used this capacity is the only capacity that easily transforms one into a new being.

So I am giving you this word ‘paritosh’. Even the sound of it ‘paritosh, paritosh...’, is very cooling. Keep the idea of contentment... and not only the idea – support the idea by every possibility. Become contented with small things. You are thirsty and you drink a glass of water; it is so satisfying. Don’t miss that opportunity. The thirst is quenched; at the same time remember contentment. So with the water entering in you, the suggestion of contentment also flows in. With the quenching of the thirst, the idea of contentment also enters your being.

You are hungry and when you are eating and when you feel full and happy, remember contentment. You have slept a good night’s sleep and there is great peace, satisfaction with the night’s sleep. One feels rejuvenated; remember contentment. The whole day has passed and there have been many things and you have lived one day more. In the night feel contented, and fall alseep in contentment.

So, wherever you find an opportunity to be contented... a friend comes, somebody says ‘hello’ on the road, a child smiles – just use all kinds of possibilities. Then with each opportunity, the idea goes on hammering inside: contentment, contentment. And you will be able, within three months, to feel immensely contented.



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