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13 August 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[Deva Marifa – the divine way of knowing. It’s a sufi term. Osho explains that God can be known in two ways, either through intelligence or through feeling... the way through intelligence is marifa... ]
You have to become more and more alert, more and more mindful: watch life, watch yourself. Try to come out of the sleep everybody is in; that slumber has to be broken. Once small windows start opening in the dark night of the soul one starts having contact with the divine. Your way will go through intellect – but by intellect I don’t mean become an intellectual. Become intelligent but not an intellectual... and these are two totally different things.
Become a knower but not a knowledgeable person. Don’t accumulate knowledge – rather, on the contrary, clean your eyes so you can know better. A clarity is needed, not an accumulation. By accumulating knowledge a person becomes knowledgeable, he has much information, but the more information he has, the more dust gathers in his eyes and he has less and less transparency; he can see less and less. this is the dilemma: the knowledgeable person becomes blind; he can’t see anything other than his knowledge. His knowledge is so close to him that the whole reality disappears; only his knowledge remains. That is not the meaning of ‘marifa’.
The meaning is: drop all knowledge, drop all information, so your eyes become absolutely clear and transparent, so you can see through and through. And then god is everywhere. Once the curtain is removed, nothing else is there except god.
That’s what the sufis means when they say ‘There is no god but god!’
[Osho gives a special meditation for a young boy who has just taken sannyas.]
And remember it: you have to become a song, and not an ordinary song but a divine song.
An ordinary song is that which we manage to sing – by effort. A divine song is that which we only allow to happen, it does not happen through any effort. You are simply sitting silently and you allow god to speak through you. And you will be surprised that sometimes sounds just come which you are not producing, and sometimes a song, sometimes a dance starts.
... You can practise it: whenever you are sitting silently, at least every day for one hour, allow god to say something through you. Sometimes it will be just gibberish – something will start coming, anything; it may not have any meaning. Sometimes it may have great significance, it may have great meaning. Do it for at least three weeks and then you tell me how you are feeling.
You will feel so joyous, so jubilant, almost weightless, once it starts happening. Great energy is released and great freedom...
[A sannyasin says that she is feeling very restless and wonders which meditations are best for her.… She likes the humming most. Osho checks her energy.]
Continue humming, but do it with great gusto, with great enthusiasm, almost passionately, then it will bring results for you. Be very passionate, as if you are making love; then it will bring very orgasmic joy.
Through humming you can attain very very deep orgasms and they will spread all over your body, but you have to go really passionately, so-so lukewarm, won’t do. You may feel good but that won’t do. Go intensely in it.
[A visitor asks about: ... my big ego, which I’m very attached to... which I even like!]
So nothing to be worried about: enjoy it! Enjoy it! If you like it, then there is no problem. The problem arises only when you don’t like it and it is there; if you like it, there is no problem. If you like it and you are enjoying it, then go headlong into it. Some day it may create trouble but only when it does will the problem be there; then we can settle the problem.
Right now you need not worry, mm? This is very good!
Enjoy your ego – it is a beautiful game, mm? And pump it! When it becomes too big, it bursts!
[A sannyasin says some strange things have been happening to him: he starts shaking and crying and seeing a face in his mind.]
Don’t stop it. If you feel it is awkward to allow it with people you can just do it alone. Just sit silently in the room, fall into that space and start looking for the face. Help the face to come, invite it... and when it comes and if you feel like screaming, scream.
That face is not something outside you; it is something projected by your unconscious mind. Something wants to get out of you, something wants to be released... and it is good. Once it is released you will feel very very light, weightless – a burden will be removed; that’s why you feel like screaming.
So don’t be worried about what it is, about whose face it is. That’s not the point right now, because if you start thinking too much about it you will start repressing it. And the unconscious can function only when the conscious is not interfering, so don’t make any rational analysis about it; don’t be analytical. Simply allow it, let it be there like a dream, like a vision, and whatsoever. happens, you have to go into that energy. If the body shakes and you tremble.…
It happens many times when you are with a woman and energies are really meeting and mingling into each other and there is a contact which is not only of the body but more of your vital being, more of your vitality, more of your energy field. When two energy fields, man and woman, are m deep tuning, the unconscious starts functioning in a very new way.
Ordinarily it functions only in the night when you are fast asleep, because the conscious mind goes to sleep, the unconscious can function. The repression is no more there, the guard is no more there. The same can happen sometimes while you are with a woman. The woman is the opposite polarity.
When two energy fields, male, female, meet, a circle is created and the energy starts moving in a circle: you are more whole. You disappear, the woman disappears: there is only one energy field functioning. It is as relaxing, sometimes even more than deep sleep. And once that deep-sleep relaxation happens, the unconscious starts releasing its burden. You are perfectly awake, and when the unconscious releases its burden you will be seeing dreams with fully alert eyes, open eyes and they will look almost as if they are objective, there.
That’s what has happened. And be mindful now: whenever you are lying with a woman, relax and wait; many more things will be surfacing from the unconscious. In fact, a love relationship between a man and a woman can be of tremendous transforming... It can become almost an alchemy, it can change your whole being.
This has been very good, so allow it. Just sit silently every day for half an hour at least and wait for it... and it will come. It is within you, it is not coming from anywhere else! It is not somebody else trying to frighten you or anything, mm? – it is your own projection. And once you have screamed to full, cried, or done whatsoever the unconscious wants you to do, it will be gone, and then you will feel that something like a rock from your stomach has suddenly disappeared. You will have a better flow of energy, and next time, something else will come.
So whenever you are with a woman, make those moments of great possibilities – they are! You have suddenly stumbled upon a tantra method. Go into it, mm? Good!
[A sannyasin woman says:... I want to make love with you. Osho says: Mm! you are making! All my sannyasins are making love with me!]
[A sannyasin who is a yoga teacher says: I’ve read and heard a lot about tantra and it seems really opposite to yoga. I wonder if it’s possible to make a combination of the two.]
Yes, a combination is possible. They are opposites like man and woman, but as man and woman can meet, tantra and yoga can also meet.
And out of the meeting of man and woman, life is created. Always when two opposites meet, a greater life is created. There is no problem in it: they are opposite, but opposites can meet. In fact
only opposites can meet because opposites have an attraction towards each other. When tantra and yoga meet it will not be a homosexual love affair; it will be heterosexual!
Perfectly right... try it! I would like all kinds of syntheses to happen around here. And whenever two very very opposite methods are brought together, something new arises out of the crossbreeding, something very valuable. Sometimes the child is more valuable than both the parents together.
So try! Nothing to be worried about. Go on understanding tantra and go on practising yoga, mm? And next time when you come, try a few things here.
And introduce my methods there – meditations and tantra; you introduce everything, mm?
[A visitor who was involved in the Gurdjieff work for the past eight years says she is confused because she cannot give it up.]
There is no need to give up anything... there is no need! Whatsoever you are doing in Gurdjieff work you have to continue. You need not drop it because it is perfectly good work. I will help you to go into it deeper. There is no need to drop; that is just a wrong idea in your mind.
My work is not at all different from Gurdjieff’s work, so you can have both together. There is no need to choose; it is not either/or. There is no problem; you are unnecessarily creating a problem in your mind. If something is wrong, then I say drop it; if something is perfectly right, why? why should one drop it?
Use it: you have worked for seven, eight years in it. All that energy has not to be wasted; it can be used! You can go further ahead. No problem in it.
[The visitor says she is training to be a child psychotherapist... but doesn’t like the intellectualisation in it.
Osho says that the head is useful in its own place; one need not be against it. The heart can remain the master and the head is a perfect servant; you cannot find a better servant. There is no need to be antagonistic; just remain aloof and alert that you are not the head, that’s all.]
And next time when you come stay a little longer so you can learn many ways of how to use the mind; nothing is a problem. And continue your work – the Gurdjieff work you continue with all my blessings. Good, mm?
[Osho spoke about this visitor in a morning discourse:]
And another person has written to me that she has been following George Gurdjieff for a few years. Now, guru Maharajji is a false master – utterly stupid to follow him – but Gurdjieff was a real master, a sat guru, a sufi. If you are following Gurdjieff, perfectly good, but Gurdjieff is no more. Even if Gurdjieff is no more, a real master dead is more potent than an unreal master alive, but remember that if you can find a real master alive you will not be going against Gurdjieff. No two real masters are enemies – cannot be. If you have really followed Gurdjieff for eight years, as the seeker has written to me, if you have really followed him, then he has brought you here. Now, in the name of
Gurdjieff if you want to create a barrier between me and you, it is for you to choose but it will be your responsibility. Don’t blame Gurdjieff; he has brought you here. He has already done too much for you...
If you have been following a real master and the master is no more, then it is the responsibility of the master to send you to another real master so that your growth can continue. Now don’t be obsessed by the past. Gurdjieff is no more – I am. Soon I will also not be here. And remember... my disciples especially I would like to remind: when I am gone, if you really love me I will direct you to people who will still be alive, so don’t be afraid of that.
If I send you to Tibet or if I send you to china or send you to Japan or to Iran, go. Don’t say that because you belong to me you cannot belong to another real master. Just look into the eyes and you will find my eyes again. The body will not be the same but the eyes will be the same. If your journey is not complete with me while I am still here, something is still to be done, to be completed, don’t be afraid. By dropping me you will not be betraying me; in fact by not dropping me and not following the real alive master you will be betraying me. Keep it in mind.…
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