The New Alchemy: To Turn You On
Talks On Meditation, Chapter 1 is called the “Preface” in the book, chapters 2 - 17 correspond to Chapters 1 - 16 in the book. Chapters 18 - 34 correspond to the Appendix of the book, 1 - 17. 1 - 17 were recorded in the Bikaner Palace Hotel, Mt Abu, 18 - 34 are recorded at Anand Shila Meditation Camp in Bombay.
Talks given from 09/02/73 pm to 14/04/73 pm English Discourse series
1 Surrendering to What Is2 The Sense of Separateness3 The Desire for Sensation4 Desiring the Unattainable5 The Power That Shall Make You Nothing6 Seeking the Way7 Fragments with No Coherence8 The Silence That Follows the Storm9 Thou Has Reaped10 Obeying the Warrior Within11 The Song of Life12 The Lesson of Harmony13 Penetrating the Hearts of Men14 To Loosen the Bonds of Personality15 The Path is Found16 The Final Secret17 The Voice That Is Soundless