The Mustard Seed: My Most Loved Gospel on Jesus
Commentaries on the Fifth Gospel of Saint Thomas
Talks given from 21/08/74 am to 10/09/74 am English Discourse series
1 The Mustard Seed2 Jesus is very paradoxical3 The Marvel of Marvels4 Take no Thought5 The Strangest of Saying6 Absurd! Illogical!7 The Treasure which Endures8 Make the Two One9 What's wrong with my Wife?10 Just Enjoy Yourself11 Choose the Eternal12 Come out and I'll Show You13 Fe is an Open Secret14 Hurry Slowly15 Poet of the Ultimate16 The Taste of the Pudding17 Movement and Rest18 Sailing in Rough Waters19 God is not a Utility20 Mind is Drunk21 Become a Gardener