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5 June 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[Osho gives a meditation to a sannyasin.]
You start one meditation, and that is just sitting silently and allowing your fingers to have their own movement. Feel the movement from the inside. Don’t try to see it from the outside. So keep your eyes closed and just feel the movements from inside. let the energy flow more and more into the hands.
The hands are deeply connected with the brain – the right hand with the left side brain, the left hand with the right side brain. And if fingers can be allowed total freedom of expression, then many many tensions accumulated in the brain are released. That is the easiest way to release the brain mechanism, its repressions, its unused energy. Your hands are perfectly capable of doing it.
Out of such experiences a separate science was evolved in the East – the science of mudras. Slowly slowly, people became aware that whenever a certain thing happens in the mind, the hand takes a certain gesture, a certain posture. When you are angry, it may become a fist. It has to become a fist, because anger means that you don’t want to release the tension. You want to accumulate it in the head; only then will it become violence. So in anger the hand closes and becomes a fist. Then there is no energy released by the hand; it accumulates. In anger you want to beat somebody, to hit somebody, because the whole hand gathers too much energy and it needs an abrupt release. That’s what hitting is. And that’s why, when you are angry it is very helpful to hit a pillow, to beat a pillow – it does the same. It doesn’t matter whom you are beating. There is no point in beating your wife or your child or your friend; that can be done to the pillow. Because the real thing is not beating – the real thing is that the accumulated energy is much too heavy. It has to be released, you have to be unburdened.
When the mind becomes silent, the hand has different gestures. When the mind becomes utterly silent, you can see from the gestures of the hand. They have a grace, and elegance that is almost
not of this world – the gestures of a Buddha are gestures of enlightenment. The way you are sitting meditators have been sitting down the ages for centuries, for a particular reason. One hand upon another creates a circle of energy; nothing is released. From the left hand it moves to the right and goes on circling inside you; it is a short circuit. It is immensely powerful. It gathers power, and gathers it in a different way – not like a fist, because that is a broken line and the power becomes too much and has to be released. But when the power is moving in a circle there is no question of release. That’s why meditators have been sitting that way.
Remember and watchsometimes you will find the left hand up, sometimes the right hand up. Don’t force any pattern – whatsoever the need of the energy is, it will take that form. When the left side of the brain wants to release energy it will take one form, when the right side of the brain is too burdened with energy, then there will be a different gesture.
You can become a great meditator through hand gestures; you have that potential. So just sitting silently, play, allow the hand... and you will be surprised. It is magical. You need not j’ump and jog and do much chaotic meditation – just your hands will do. You have the hands of a great artist.…
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